
## n: #{persons}
## n_i: #{observations person} (BEFORE censoring)
## beta: beta vector for the longitudinal predictor
## betals: beta vector for the shared predictor
## betatimeind: is there a time dependent effect in betals? Which one?
## alpha: association parameter
## lambda: constant baseline hazard
## noninf: number of non informative covariates for the longitudinal sub-predictor
## noninfls: number of non informative covariates for the shared sub-predictor

simJM <- function(n = 100, n_i = 5, alpha = 0.5,
                  beta, betals = 0, betatimeind = 0, lambda, noninf = 0, noninfls = 0) {

  ### generating id
  id <- rep(1:n, each = n_i)
  ### simulating time points
  ## mimicking yearly observations
  day_in_year <- sample(1:365, n*n_i, replace = TRUE)
  ## build time variable
  time <- rep(seq(0,(n_i-1)*365, 365), n)
  time <- time + day_in_year
  ## norming between 0 and 1
  time <- time/(n_i*365)
  ### generating eta and eta_ls
  ## eta_ls: random intercept + random Slope
  rint <- rnorm(n = n, mean =  0, sd = .01)
  rslope <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = .01)
  R_mean <- cbind(rep(rint, each = n_i), rep(rslope, each = n_i))
  eta_ls_mean <- rowSums(cbind(1,time)*R_mean)

  if(all(betals == 0) == FALSE){
    if(betatimeind != 0){
      betatime <- betals[betatimeind]
      betals <- betals[-betatimeind]
    }else{betatime <- 0}
    Xls <- matrix(nrow = n*n_i, ncol = length(betals))
    for(j in 1:ncol(Xls)){
      sa <- runif(n)
      Xls[,j] <- rep(sa, each = n_i)
      Xls[,j] <- (Xls[,j]-mean(Xls[,j]))/sd(Xls[,j])
    ### is there a time dependent variable?
    eta_ls_mean = eta_ls_mean + Xls%*%betals + betatime*time
  }else{Xls = NULL
  betatime = 0}
  ## eta_l: simple linear model
  X <- matrix(nrow = n*n_i, ncol = length(beta))
  X[,1] <- 1
    for(j in 2:ncol(X)){
      sa <- sample(seq(0,3), 1)
      X[,j] <- runif(n*n_i, 0, 1)
      X[,j] <- (X[,j] - mean(X[,j]))/sd(X[,j])
  eta_l_mean <- X%*%beta
  ## longitudinal measurements
  y <- rnorm(n*n_i, eta_ls_mean + eta_l_mean, sqrt(.1))

  ### Event times
  ## Probabilities from event times
  pred_surv <- alpha*(eta_ls_mean)
  if(all(betals==0)){F_death <- 1-exp(-lambda*(exp(pred_surv)-exp(alpha*(R_mean[,1])))/(alpha*(R_mean[,2] + betatime)))}else{
    F_death <- 1-exp(-lambda*(exp(pred_surv) - exp(alpha*(R_mean[,1] + Xls%*%betals)))/(alpha*(R_mean[,2] + betatime)))}

  prob_death2 <-  matrix(nrow = n_i, ncol = n, data = F_death)
  prob_death_ext <- rbind(0, prob_death2)
  prob_death_ext <- prob_death_ext[-nrow(prob_death_ext),]

  prob_death <- (prob_death2 - prob_death_ext)/(1 - prob_death_ext)
  u <- matrix(nrow = nrow(prob_death), ncol = ncol(prob_death), runif(n*n_i))
  death <- matrix(nrow = n_i, ncol = n,
                  data = u < prob_death)
  time_mat <- matrix(nrow = n_i, data = time)
  helpmat <- (rbind(0,time_mat[-n_i,]) - u*(rbind(0,time_mat[-n_i,]) - time_mat)/prob_death)*death
  time_mat[helpmat != 0] <- helpmat[helpmat != 0]
  helpmat2 <- as.vector(helpmat)
  time[helpmat2 != 0] <- helpmat2[helpmat2 != 0]
  helpmat[helpmat == 0] <- 1000
  minna <- function(x){min(x, na.rm = TRUE)}
  death_time <- cbind(unique(id), apply(helpmat, 2, minna))
  c_i <- colSums(death) == 0
  delta <- c_i == 0
  time_mat_help <- time_mat*as.numeric(t(t(time_mat) <= (death_time[,2])))
  time_zero <- as.vector(time_mat_help)

  if (length(which(time_zero == 0)) > 0) {
    id <- id[-which(time_zero == 0)]
    y <- y[-which(time_zero == 0)]
    X <- X[-which(time_zero == 0), ]
    Xls <- Xls[-which(time_zero == 0), ]
    time <- time[-which(time_zero == 0)]
    R_mean <- R_mean[-which(time_zero == 0), ]
    prob_death <- prob_death[-which(time_zero == 0)]
    pred_surv <- pred_surv[-which(time_zero == 0)]
  last <- rep(FALSE, length(time))
  id_un <- unique(id)
  for (i in 1:length(id_un)) {
    last[max(which(id == id_un[i]))] <- TRUE
 if (betatimeind != 0) {
    if(betatimeind == ncol(Xls)+1){
      Xls <- cbind(Xls, time)}else{
        Xls <- cbind(Xls[,c(1:(betatimeind-1))], time, Xls[,c(betatimeind:ncol(Xls))])
         if(betatimeind == 1){Xls <- cbind(time, Xls)}else{
           Xls <- cbind(Xls, time)}
  if(noninf > 0 | noninfls>0){
    for(i in 1:max(c(noninf, noninfls))){
      if(i <=noninf){
        X <- cbind(X,rnorm(nrow(X)))}
        Xls <- cbind(Xls, rnorm(length(unique(id)))[id])}
  idun <- which(table(id)==1)
    delta <- delta[-idun]
    Xls <- Xls[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1)),]
    X <- X[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1)),]
    y <- y[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1))]
    time <- time[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1))]
    last <- last[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1))]
    id <- id[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1))]
    R_mean <- R_mean[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1)), ]
    prob_death <- prob_death[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1))]
    pred_surv <- pred_surv[-which(id%in%which(table(id)==1))]
    lidun <- length(idun)
    for(i in 1:lidun){
      id[id>(idun[i]-(i-1))] <- id[id>(idun[i]-(i-1))]-1

  X <- X[,-1]

    #### longitudinal outcome
    "y" = y,
    #### longitudinal predictor fixed effect covariates
    "X" = X,
    #### shared predictor fixed effect covariates
    ### Values for the random effects
    "R_mean"= R_mean,
    #### id indicator
    #### Time vector
    #### Censoring indicator
    "delta" = delta,
    #### Event time (set to 1000, if the invidual is censored)
    ####Indicator per observation, if it is the last observation for the individual
    "last" = last
mayrandy/JMboost documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:23 p.m.