
Defines functions getCiLegendColors namedColor2Hex alpha2Hex formatNumericDate findTicks findGapSize addYHighlights addYGrids sanitizeTsr getGlobalXInfo get_date_vector compute_decimal_time

Documented in compute_decimal_time getCiLegendColors get_date_vector

#' Compute Decimal Time from a ts Period Vector
#' Standard ts object use a vector of length two to store a period. E.g. 2010,1 means first quarter of 2010,
#' if the series was quarterly and first month if the series was monthly etc.
#' @param v integer vector denoting a point in time
#' @param f frequency
#' @export
compute_decimal_time <- function(v, f) {
  multi <- 1 / f
  (v[2] - 1) * multi + v[1]

#' Compute the Period Vector representation of a Decimal Time value
#' The period value will be rounded down to the nearest integer.
#' This function is not vectorized so only a single value can be
#' converted at a time.
#' @param dtime numeric decimal time value denoting a point in time
#' @param frq integer frequency
get_date_vector <- function(dtime, frq) {
  y <- floor(dtime)
  p <- dtime - y
  c(y, floor(frq * p + 1 + 1 / (4 * frq)))

# function is called by tsplot, do not need to export
# it but let's write a minimal comment on what it does.
getGlobalXInfo <- function(tsl, tsr, fill_up, fill_up_start, dt, manual_ticks) {
  global_x <- list()

  if (!is.null(tsr)) {
    all_ts <- c(tsl, tsr)
  } else {
    all_ts <- tsl

  if (is.null(manual_ticks)) {
    if (fill_up) {
      all_ts <- lapply(all_ts, fill_year_with_nas, fill_up_start = fill_up_start)

    global_x$x_range <- range(unlist(lapply(all_ts, time)))

    # Set the lower bound to correspond with a quarterly tick, for pretties
    global_x$x_range[1] <- trunc(global_x$x_range[1] * 4) / 4
    global_x$x_range[2] <- trunc(global_x$x_range[2] * 4 + 0.76) / 4

    # Yearly tick positions
    global_x$yearly_tick_pos <- seq(floor(global_x$x_range[1]), global_x$x_range[2] + dt, dt)

    # labels
    global_x$year_labels_start <- seq(global_x$x_range[1], global_x$x_range[2] + dt, dt)
  } else {
    global_x$x_range <- range(manual_ticks)
    global_x$yearly_tick_pos <- manual_ticks
    global_x$year_labels_start <- manual_ticks

  global_x$min_year <- trunc(global_x$x_range[1])
  global_x$max_year <- trunc(global_x$x_range[2]) + 1

  if (dt == 1) {
    global_x$quarterly_tick_pos <- seq(
      from = global_x$min_year,
      to = global_x$max_year,
      by = .25
    # global_x$monthly_tick_pos <- seq(from = global_x$min_year,
    #                                  to = global_x$max_year,
    #                                  by = 1/12)
    global_x$year_labels_middle_q <- ifelse(global_x$quarterly_tick_pos -
      floor(global_x$quarterly_tick_pos) == 0.5,
    # global_x$year_labels_middle_m <- ifelse(global_x$monthly_tick_pos -
    #                                       floor(global_x$monthly_tick_pos) == 0.5,
    #                                     as.character(floor(global_x$monthly_tick_pos)),
    #                                      NA)
  } else {
    global_x$quarterly_tick_pos <- NA
    global_x$year_labels_middle_q <- NA


# Make sure right axis object is of appropriate class.
sanitizeTsr <- function(tsr) {
  if (is.null(tsr)) {
  } else if (inherits(tsr, "mts")) {
  } else if (inherits(tsr, "ts")) {
  } else if (inherits(tsr, "list")) {
  } else {
    stop("Time series object to be plotted on the right axis,
         has to be either of class ts, mts or list.")

#' @importFrom graphics lines
addYGrids <- function(tick_positions, xlim, theme) {
  for (hl in tick_positions[2:length(tick_positions)]) {
      x = xlim,
      y = c(hl, hl),
      col = theme$y_grid_color,
      lwd = theme$lwd_y_ticks,
      xpd = TRUE

#' @importFrom graphics lines
addYHighlights <- function(xlim, theme) {
  for (hl in theme$highlight_y_values) {
      x = xlim,
      y = c(hl, hl),
      col = theme$highlight_y_color,
      lwd = theme$highlight_y_lwd,
      xpd = TRUE

findGapSize <- function(r, tick_count) {
  d <- diff(r)
  raw_tick_size <- d / (tick_count - 1)
  m <- ceiling(log(raw_tick_size, 10) - 1)
  pow10m <- 10^m
  ceil_tick_size <- ceiling(raw_tick_size / pow10m) * pow10m

findTicks <- function(r, tick_count, preferred_gap_sizes, round_ticks = FALSE, preserve_sign = FALSE) {
  # potential tick count needs to sorted otherwise,
  # automatic selection of
  gap_count <- tick_count - 1
  gaps <- findGapSize(r = r, sort(tick_count))
  lb <- (r[1] %/% gaps) * gaps

  ub <- lb + (gap_count * gaps)

  # nudge the generated range around a bit to ensure the series are more or less "centered"
  # i.e. there are no empty ticks
  lb_too_low <- r[1] > lb + gaps & (!preserve_sign | (sign(ub) == sign(ub + gaps / 2) & sign(lb) == sign(lb + gaps / 2)))
  lb[lb_too_low] <- lb[lb_too_low] + gaps[lb_too_low] / 2
  ub[lb_too_low] <- ub[lb_too_low] + gaps[lb_too_low] / 2

  ub_too_high <- r[2] < ub - gaps & (!preserve_sign | (sign(ub) == sign(ub - gaps / 2) & sign(lb) == sign(lb - gaps / 2)))
  lb[ub_too_high] <- lb[ub_too_high] - gaps[ub_too_high] / 2
  ub[ub_too_high] <- ub[ub_too_high] - gaps[ub_too_high] / 2

  seqs <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(gaps)) {
    seqs[[i]] <- seq(lb[i], ub[i], gaps[i])

  # First take any best fitting range
  w <- which.max((lb - r[1]) + (r[2] - ub))
  out <- seqs[[w]]

  # Try to select a reasonably pretty gap size
  preferred_gap_sizes <- sort(preferred_gap_sizes, decreasing = TRUE)
  for (gs in preferred_gap_sizes) {
    by_gs <- which(gaps %% gs == 0)

    # If one or more ranges with the desired gap size exist
    # return the one with the least number of ticks
    if (any(by_gs)) {
      out <- seqs[[min(by_gs)]]

  if (round_ticks) {
    out <- floor(out)


formatNumericDate <- function(date, freq, date_format = NULL) {
  year <- floor(date + 1 / 24)
  if (freq[1] == 4) {
    if (is.null(date_format)) {
      quarter <- 4 * (date - year) + 1
      return(sprintf("%d Q%d", year, quarter))
    } else {
      month <- floor(12 * (date - year)) + 1
  } else {
    month <- floor(12 * (date - year + 1 / 24)) + 1 # Why "+ 1/24"? Because floating point arithmetic. 12*0.0833333 may not be 12.
    if (is.null(date_format)) {
      return(sprintf("%d-%02d", year, month))

  format(as.Date(sprintf("%d-%d-01", year, month)), date_format)

alpha2Hex <- function(alpha) {
  if (is.character(alpha)) {

  if (floor(alpha) == alpha) {
    alpha <- as.hexmode(alpha)
  } else {
    alpha <- as.hexmode(floor(256 * alpha))

#' @importFrom grDevices colors col2rgb rgb
namedColor2Hex <- function(color, alpha = NULL) {
  if (is.numeric(alpha)) {
    alpha <- alpha2Hex(alpha)

  known_colors <- color %in% colors()

  color[known_colors] <- rgb(t(col2rgb(color[known_colors])), maxColorValue = 255)

  no_alpha <- nchar(color) < 9

  color[no_alpha] <- paste0(color[no_alpha], alpha)


#' Helper to calculate ci colors for legends
#' @param color The color of the ci band
#' @param n The number if ci bands
#' @param alpha The alpha/transparency of the ci band
#' @details
#' Color may be specified as either a named color or a hex value
#' Transparency may be specified as a hex value, number 0-255 or number 0-1
#' @return A vector of non-transparent colors that result from
#' oberlaying color over pure white 1:n times
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
getCiLegendColors <- function(color, n = 1, alpha = NULL) {
  colorRGBA <- col2rgb(color, alpha = TRUE)
  colorRGB <- colorRGBA[1:3, 1]

  alpha <- ifelse(is.null(alpha), colorRGBA["alpha", 1], as.numeric(paste0("0x", alpha2Hex(alpha)))) / 256

  out <- c()

  ca <- colorRGB
  cb <- col2rgb("white")

  for (i in seq(n)) {
    cb <- alpha * ca + (1 - alpha) * cb
    out[i] <- rgb(t(round(cb)), maxColorValue = 255) # paste(as.hexmode(floor(cb)), collapse = "")

mbannert/tstools documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 3:34 p.m.