
Defines functions Cluster_choice

Documented in Cluster_choice

#' Cluster Choice
#' Cluster_choice() calcolate the BIC and AIC values with respect of different number of cluster (k) and dimension
#' of the cluster mean space (h).
#' The Bayes information criterion (BIC) is a method useful to choose the number of clusters
#' in a certain data sets. Then to rightly estimate the value of the cluster we compare them,
#' choosing the cluster with the minimum BIC value, (same for AIC).
#' Since it requires fitting the model for each potential number of clusters and dimensions of the mean space,
#' each output from the Functional Clustering Method (FCM) is saved in the list FCM_all, per each k and h.
#' Furthermore, insering the PCA percentages calculated with the function PCAbarplot, the dimension h is choosen
#' automatically, so that the sum of the first h percentages is greater than 95 percent.
#' @param database  List containing the number of observations per each curve (called LenCurv),
#'                and a data frame constituted from the curves' ID, observed values and the respective times,
#'                that might be truncated at a specific time or not.
#'                It is generated automatically from the function DataImport() or DataTruncation() if we want consider
#'                a truncation time.
#' @param K Number of clusters, it could be a vector.
#' @param h Dimension of the cluster mean space.
#'          As default is NULL, so that using the percentages from the PCA it is possible to estimate a value
#'          for it such that the sum of the first h percentages is greater than 95 percent.
#' @param PCAperc The PCA percentages calculated with the function PCAbarplot, if it is NULL (default) then it must insert in input a value for h.
#' @return List containing the matrices in which are stored the AIC and Bic values for different h and k, a list with the FCM's outputs and the plot generated from the Elbow Method.
#' @examples
#' @import funcy ggplot2
#' @export


    if(is.null(PCAperc)) print("Choose a value for h or insert the PCA percentages")
      else{ h<-min(which(cumsum(PCAperc)>=95)) }


  row_names <-c(paste("k=",K))
  matrix_AIC<-matrix(0,nrow = length(K),ncol = length(H),dimnames=list(row_names,col_names))
  matrix_BIC<-matrix(0,nrow = length(K),ncol = length(H),dimnames=list(row_names,col_names))

  data.funcit <-matrix(c(database$ID,database$Vol,database$Time),ncol=3,byrow=F)

  Tot.within<-matrix(0,nrow = length(K),ncol = length(H),dimnames=list(row_names,col_names))

  # return a list of K lists, in which is is stored the output for all h
  # We also create two matrixes with the BIC and AIC values
  for(k in K)
    for(h in H)
      mycontfclust = new("funcyCtrl",baseType="splines",dimBase=5,init="kmeans",nrep=10,redDim=h)
      out.funcit<- funcit(data.funcit,seed=2404,k,methods="fitfclust",funcyCtrl=mycontfclust,save.data=TRUE)
      output_h[[paste("h=",h)]] <- out.funcit



  ElbowMethod<-ggplot(data=Tot.within,aes(x=K))+ geom_point(aes(y=dist,col=H))+
                                    labs(title="Elbow method",x="Cluster",y="total within-cluster")+
                                    theme(text = element_text(size=20))

mbeccuti/Prova documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:26 p.m.