
#' User-friendly wrapper of the function \code{\link[GPareto]{GParetoptim}}.
#' Generates initial DOEs and kriging models (objects of class \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}}), 
#' and executes \code{nsteps} iterations of multiobjective EGO methods.
#' @title EGO algorithm for multiobjective optimization
#' @details Does not require specific knowledge on kriging models (objects of class \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}}).\cr
#' The problem considered is of the form: \eqn{min f(x) = f_1(x), ..., f_p(x)}. 
#' The \code{control} argument is a list that can supply any of the following optional components: \cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{method}: choice of multiobjective improvement function: "\code{SMS}", "\code{EHI}", "\code{EMI}" or "\code{SUR}" 
#' (see \code{\link[GPareto]{crit_SMS}}, \code{\link[GPareto]{crit_EHI}}, \code{\link[GPareto]{crit_EMI}}, \code{\link[GPareto]{crit_SUR}}),
#' \item \code{trace}: if positive, tracing information on the progress of the optimization is produced (\code{1} (default) for general progress,
#'  \code{>1} for more details, e.g., warnings from \code{\link[rgenoud]{genoud}}),
#' \item \code{inneroptim}: choice of the inner optimization algorithm: "\code{genoud}", "\code{pso}" or "\code{random}"
#'  (see \code{\link[rgenoud]{genoud}} and \code{\link[pso]{psoptim}}),
#' \item \code{maxit}: maximum number of iterations of the inner loop,
#' \item \code{seed}: to fix the random variable generator,
#' \item \code{refPoint}: reference point for hypervolume computations (for "\code{SMS}" and "\code{EHI}" methods),
#' \item \code{extendper}: if no reference point \code{refPoint} is provided,
#'  for each objective it is fixed to the maximum over the Pareto front plus extendper times the range. 
#'  Default value to \code{0.2}, corresponding to \code{1.1} for a scaled objective with a Pareto front in \code{[0,1]^n.obj}.
#' }
#' If \code{noise.var="given_by_fn"}, \code{fn} must return a list of two vectors, the first being the objective functions and the second 
#' the corresponding noise variances. See examples in \code{\link[GPareto]{GParetoptim}}.
#' For additional details or other possible arguments, see \code{\link[GPareto]{GParetoptim}}.\cr
#' Display of results and various post-processings are available with \code{\link[GPareto]{plotGPareto}}.  
#' @param fn the multi-objective function to be minimized (vectorial output), found by a call to \code{\link[base]{match.fun}}, see details,
#' @param cheapfn optional additional fast-to-evaluate objective function (handled next with class \code{\link[GPareto]{fastfun}}), 
#' which does not need a kriging model, handled by a call to \code{\link[base]{match.fun}},
#' @param budget total number of calls to the objective function,
#' @param lower vector of lower bounds for the variables to be optimized over,
#' @param upper vector of upper bounds for the variables to be optimized over,
#' @param noise.var optional noise variance, for noisy objectives \code{fn}. If not NULL, either a scalar (constant noise, identical for all objectives), 
#' a vector (constant noise, different for each objective) or a function (type closure) with vectorial output (variable noise, different for each objective). 
#' Alternatively, set \code{noise.var="given_by_fn"}, see details. 
#' @param par initial design of experiments. If not provided, \code{par} is taken as a maximin LHD with budget/3 points,
#' @param value initial set of objective observations \eqn{fn(par)}. Computed if not provided.
#' Not that \code{value} may NOT contain any \code{cheapfn} value,
#' @param control an optional list of control parameters. See "Details",
#' @param ncores number of CPU available (> 1 makes mean parallel \code{TRUE}). Only used with \code{discrete} optimization for now.
#' @param ... additional parameters to be given to the objective \code{fn}.
#' @export
#' @return
#' A list with components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{par}: all the non-dominated points found,
#' \item \code{value}: the matrix of objective values at the points given in \code{par},
#' \item \code{history}: a list containing all the points visited by the algorithm (\code{X}) and their corresponding objectives (\code{y}),
#' \item \code{model}: a list of objects of class \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}}, corresponding to the last kriging models fitted.
#' }
#' Note that in the case of noisy problems, \code{value} and \code{history$y.denoised} are denoised values. The original observations are available in the slot
#' \code{history$y}.
#' @author
#' Victor Picheny (INRA, Castanet-Tolosan, France)
#' Mickael Binois (Mines Saint-Etienne/Renault, France)
#' @references 
#' M. T. Emmerich, A. H. Deutz, J. W. Klinkenberg (2011), Hypervolume-based expected improvement: Monotonicity properties and exact computation,
#' \emph{Evolutionary Computation (CEC)}, 2147-2154. \cr \cr
#' V. Picheny (2015), Multiobjective optimization using Gaussian process emulators via stepwise uncertainty reduction, 
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 25(6), 1265-1280. \cr \cr
#' T. Wagner, M. Emmerich, A. Deutz, W. Ponweiser (2010), On expected-improvement criteria for model-based multi-objective optimization.   
#' \emph{Parallel Problem Solving from Nature}, 718-727, Springer, Berlin. \cr \cr
#' J. D. Svenson (2011), \emph{Computer Experiments: Multiobjective Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis}, Ohio State university, PhD thesis. \cr \cr
#' M. Binois, V. Picheny (2019), GPareto: An R Package for Gaussian-Process-Based Multi-Objective Optimization and Analysis,
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 89(8), 1-30, \doi{10.18637/jss.v089.i08}.
#' @importFrom DiceDesign maximinESE_LHS lhsDesign
#' @examples
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 2D objective function, 4 cases
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(25468)
#' n_var <- 2 
#' fname <- ZDT3
#' lower <- rep(0, n_var)
#' upper <- rep(1, n_var)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 1- Expected Hypervolume Improvement optimization, using pso
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=15, 
#'                    control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotGPareto(res)
#' title("Pareto Front")
#' plot(res$history$X, main="Pareto set", col = "red", pch = 20)
#' points(res$par, col="blue", pch = 17)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 2- SMS Improvement optimization using random search, with initial DOE given
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' library(DiceDesign)
#' design.init   <- maximinESE_LHS(lhsDesign(10, n_var, seed = 42)$design)$design
#' response.init <- t(apply(design.init, 1, fname))
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, par=design.init, value=response.init, lower=lower, upper=upper, 
#'                        budget=15, control=list(method="SMS", inneroptim="random", maxit=100))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotGPareto(res)
#' title("Pareto Front")
#' plot(res$history$X, main="Pareto set", col = "red", pch = 20)
#' points(res$par, col="blue", pch = 17)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 3- Stepwise Uncertainty Reduction optimization, with one fast objective function
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' fname <- camelback
#' cheapfn <- function(x) {
#' if (is.null(dim(x))) return(-sum(x))
#' else return(-rowSums(x))
#' }
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=fname, cheapfn=cheapfn, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=15, 
#'                    control=list(method="SUR", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotGPareto(res)
#' title("Pareto Front")
#' plot(res$history$X, main="Pareto set", col = "red", pch = 20)
#' points(res$par, col="blue", pch = 17)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 4- Expected Hypervolume Improvement optimization, using pso, noisy fn
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' noise.var <- c(0.1, 0.2)
#' funnoise <- function(x) {ZDT3(x) + sqrt(noise.var)*rnorm(n=2)}
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=funnoise, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=30, noise.var=noise.var,
#'                        control=list(method="EHI", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotGPareto(res)
#' title("Pareto Front")
#' plot(res$history$X, main="Pareto set", col = "red", pch = 20)
#' points(res$par, col="blue", pch = 17)
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 5- Stepwise Uncertainty Reduction optimization, functional noise
#' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' funnoise <- function(x) {ZDT3(x) + sqrt(abs(0.1*x))*rnorm(n=2)}
#' noise.var <- function(x) return(abs(0.1*x))
#' res <- easyGParetoptim(fn=funnoise, lower=lower, upper=upper, budget=30, noise.var=noise.var,
#'                      control=list(method="SUR", inneroptim="pso", maxit=20))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotGPareto(res)
#' title("Pareto Front")
#' plot(res$history$X, main="Pareto set", col = "red", pch = 20)
#' points(res$par, col="blue", pch = 17)
#' }

easyGParetoptim <- function (fn, ..., cheapfn = NULL, budget, lower, upper, par=NULL, value=NULL, noise.var=NULL,
                             control=list(method="SMS", trace=1, inneroptim="pso", maxit=100, seed=42), ncores = 1) {
  if (is.null(control$method)) control$method <- "SMS"
  if (is.null(control$trace)) control$trace   <- 1
  if (is.null(control$inneroptim))  control$inneroptim <- "pso"
  if (is.null(control$maxit)) control$maxit   <- 100
  if (is.null(control$seed)) control$seed   <- 42
  if (is.null(control$refPoint)) control$refPoint   <- NULL
  if (is.null(control$distance)) control$distance <- "euclidean"
  if (is.null(control$threshold)) control$threshold <- 1e-5
  fn <- match.fun(fn)
  d <- length(lower)
  if (length(lower) != length(upper)) {
    cat("Bound values lower and upper are not consistent. Both should be vectors of size d.")
  if (!is.null(par)) {
    design.init <- data.frame(x=par) #, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE)
    temp <- dim(design.init)
    if (temp[2] != d) {
      cat("Bound values (lower and upper) and initial DOE (par) are not consistent. \n 
          lower and upper should be vectors of size d and \n 
          par either a matrix with d columns or a data frame of d variables.")
    n.init <- temp[1]
  } else {
    n.init <- max(4*d, round(budget/3))
    design.init <- data.frame(x = matrix(lower, nrow = n.init, ncol = d, byrow = TRUE) + maximinESE_LHS(lhsDesign(n.init, d, seed=control$seed)$design)$design %*% diag((upper-lower)))
  #TODO: fix this for the given_by_fn case
  if (!is.null(par) && !is.null(value)) {
    obs.init <- as.matrix(value)
    if (nrow(obs.init) != n.init) {
      cat("Initial DOE (par) and objective (value) are not consistent.")
  } else {
    obs.init <- apply(design.init, 1, fn, ...)
  if (is.null(noise.var)) {
    obs.init <- as.matrix(obs.init)
    design.noise.var <- NULL
  } else if (typeof(noise.var) == "double") {
    obs.init <- as.matrix(obs.init)
    design.noise.var <- matrix(rep(noise.var, n.init), byrow=TRUE, nrow=n.init)
  } else if (typeof(noise.var) == "closure") {
    obs.init <- as.matrix(obs.init)
    design.noise.var <- t(apply(design.init, 1, noise.var, ...))
  } else if (noise.var =="given_by_fn") {
    obs.init2 <- design.noise.var <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(obs.init)) {
      obs.init2 <- rbind(obs.init2, obs.init[[i]][[1]])
      design.noise.var <- rbind(design.noise.var, obs.init[[i]][[2]])
    obs.init <- obs.init2
  } else {
    cat("noise.var is misspecified")
  if (nrow(obs.init)==1) obs.init <- t(obs.init)
  if (nrow(obs.init)!=n.init) obs.init <- t(obs.init)
  if (!is.null(design.noise.var)) if (nrow(design.noise.var)!=n.init) design.noise.var <- t(design.noise.var)
  n.obj <- ncol(obs.init)
  if (!is.null(par) && !is.null(value)) {
    n.ite <- budget
  } else {
    n.ite <- budget - n.init
  model <- vector("list", n.obj)
  for (j in 1:(n.obj)) {
    model[[j]] <- km(~., design = design.init, response = obs.init[,j], control=list(trace=FALSE), 
                     lower=rep(.1,d), upper=rep(1,d), noise.var=design.noise.var[,j])
  critcontrol <- NULL
  if (control$inneroptim=="genoud") optimcontrol <- list(method="genoud", max.generations=control$maxit, notrace = !control$trace>0)
  if (control$inneroptim=="pso")    optimcontrol <- list(method="pso", maxit=control$maxit, notrace = !control$trace>0)
  if (control$inneroptim=="random") {
    candidate.points <- matrix(rep(lower,control$maxit)+rep(upper-lower,control$maxit)*runif(control$maxit*d),byrow=T,ncol=d)
    optimcontrol = list(method="discrete", candidate.points=candidate.points, notrace = !control$trace>0)
  if (control$inneroptim=="discrete") optimcontrol <- list(method = "discrete", candidate.points = control$candidate.points)
  if (control$method=="SUR") {
    critcontrol$distrib <- "SUR"
    critcontrol$n.points <- 50*d
  } else if (control$method %in% c("SMS", "EHI")) {
    critcontrol$refPoint <- control$refPoint
  if(!is.null(control$distance)) critcontrol$distance <- control$distance
  if(!is.null(control$threshold)) critcontrol$threshold <- control$threshold
  if (is.null(noise.var)) {
    omEGO <- GParetoptim(model = model, fn = fn, cheapfn = cheapfn,
                         crit = control$method, nsteps=n.ite, lower=lower, upper=upper, cov.reestim=TRUE, 
                         optimcontrol=optimcontrol, critcontrol = critcontrol, ncores = ncores, ...)
  } else {
    omEGO <- GParetoptim(model = model, fn = fn, cheapfn = cheapfn, noise.var=noise.var, reinterpolation = TRUE, 
                         crit = control$method, nsteps=n.ite, lower=lower, upper=upper, cov.reestim=TRUE, 
                         optimcontrol=optimcontrol, critcontrol = critcontrol, ncores = ncores, ...)
  allX <- omEGO$lastmodel[[1]]@X
  ally <- c()
  ## the last row is given by omEGOvalues, since some models may not have been updated  
  for (i in 1:length(omEGO$lastmodel)) ally <- cbind(ally,
  ally <- rbind(ally, omEGO$values[nrow(omEGO$values),])
  if (is.null(noise.var)) {
    # Compute current best
    value <- t(nondominated_points(t(ally)))
    par   <- allX[!is_dominated(t(ally)),, drop = FALSE]
    return(list(par=par, value = value, history=list(X=allX, y=ally), model=omEGO$lastmodel))
  } else {
    # Compute current denoised best
    observations.denoised <- omEGO$observations.denoised
    value <- t(nondominated_points(t(observations.denoised)))
    par   <- allX[!is_dominated(t(observations.denoised)),, drop = FALSE]
    return(list(par=par, value = value, history=list(X=allX, y=ally, y.denoised=observations.denoised), model=omEGO$lastmodel))
mbinois/GPareto documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 4:35 a.m.