
Defines functions d_identified

Documented in d_identified

#' Conditional density of true or observed scores for identified students
#' \code{d_identified} is the conditional probability density function (pdf) for
#' identified students.
#' See also \code{\link{p_identified}} for the cumulative density, \code{\link{q_identified}}
#' for the quantile function, and \code{\link{r_identified}} for random generation.
#' @param x The student's score on a standardized (z-score) metric. Interpreted
#'  as a true score if a value is specified for \code{relyt}, otherwise intepreted
#'  as an observed score.
#' @param relyt Confirmatory test reliability coefficient. Range (0, 1].
#'  Must not be exactly 0. Defaults to 1; in this case, x is assumed
#'  to be an observed score. If an alternative value is supplied for
#'  \code{relyt}, x is assumed to be a true score.
#' @param test.cutoff Confirmatory test cutoff percentile. Range (0, 1).
#'  Must not be exactly 0 or 1.
#' @param mu Population mean true score on a standardized (z-score) metric.
#'  Defaults to zero.
#' @param valid Nomination validity coefficient. Controls the relatedness of the nomination
#'  scores and the confirmatory test scores. Range (0, 1). Must not be exactly 0 or 1, and
#'  must be less than the square root of the test reliability. Defaults to 1e-7 for a single-
#'  stage identification system.
#' @param nom.cutoff Nomination cutoff percentile. Range (0, 1).
#'  Must not be exactly 0 or 1. Defaults to 1e-7 for a single-
#'  stage identification system.
#' @param normalize Logical. Should the density be normalized to have a total area of one?
#'  Defaults to TRUE.
#' @examples
#' # un-normalized density for true score=1.5
#' d_identified(
#'   relyt = .9, x = 1.5, test.cutoff = .9,
#'   nom.cutoff = .9, valid = .5, mu = 0, normalize = FALSE
#' )
#' # normalized density for observed score=1.5
#' d_identified(
#'   x = 1.5, test.cutoff = .9,
#'   nom.cutoff = .9, valid = .5, mu = 0, normalize = TRUE
#' )
#' # compare the density of identified students for universal
#' # screening vs. a poor-performing nomination stage
#' #
#' # area of each curve is proportion to the identification rate
#' # under each system
#' # create vector of true scores
#' Tscores <- seq(0, 4, length.out = 200)
#' # # plot the un-normed density for universal screening
#' p.universal <- sapply(Tscores, d_identified,
#'   relyt = .9,
#'   test.cutoff = .9, normalize = FALSE
#' )
#' plot(
#'   x = Tscores, y = p.universal, type = "l", xlab = "true score",
#'   col = "blue"
#' )
#' # add the un-normed density for the bad system
#' p.bad <- sapply(Tscores, d_identified,
#'   relyt = .9,
#'   test.cutoff = .9, nom.cutoff = .9, valid = .5, normalize = FALSE
#' )
#' points(x = Tscores, y = p.bad, type = "l", col = "red")
#' @export

d_identified <- function(x, relyt = 1, test.cutoff,
                         mu = 0, valid = 1e-7, nom.cutoff = 1e-7, normalize = TRUE) {
  errortrapping(mu = mu)

  # if (!is.logical(normalize)) {
  #   stop("\nargument normalize must be TRUE or FALSE")}

  d_identified_unnormed <- function(x = x, relyt = relyt,
                                    test.cutoff = test.cutoff, valid = valid,
                                    nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff, mu = mu) {
    p.id <- conditional_p_id(
      x = x, relyt = relyt,
      test.cutoff = test.cutoff, valid = valid,
      nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff

    return(p.id * dnorm(x, mean = mu))

  if (normalize == F) {
      x = x, relyt = relyt,
      test.cutoff = test.cutoff, valid = valid,
      nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff, mu = mu
  } else {
      x = x, relyt = relyt,
      test.cutoff = test.cutoff, valid = valid,
      nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff, mu = mu
    ) /
        relyt = relyt,
        test.cutoff = test.cutoff, valid = valid,
        nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff, mu = mu, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf
mcbeem/giftedCalcs documentation built on May 3, 2022, 3:34 a.m.