predictAttractor <- function(tpost, perturbations, wildtype = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
fg <- perturbations$perturbed.genes
fs <- perturbations$forced.states + 2 <- dim(tableObjs(tpost))[3]
n.gene <- dim(perturbationObj(tpost))[1]
n.sample <- dim(perturbationObj(tpost))[2]
attractor.list <- matrix(nrow =, ncol = n.gene)
for (i in seq_len( {
tn.model <- list(table = tableObjs(tpost)[, , i], graph = graphObjs(tpost)[, , i], degree = degreeObjs(tpost)[i, ])
vec0 <- rep(2, length(tn.model$degree))
vec0[fg] <- fs
junk <- attractor.distance.summary(vec0, tn.model, wildtype, fg, fs)
nc <- dim(junk$attractor)[2]
attractor.list[i, ] <- summarize.attractor.2(junk$attractor[, 2:nc])
if (verbose) if (i %% 1000 == 0) cat(paste(i, "/",, "\n"))
tmp <- condense.attractor(attractor.list)
return(list(post.prob = tmp$p.attr, attractor.summary = tmp$uni.attr))
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