
Defines functions drawTree trim_tree get_tree_siblings get_path_ids_to_root map2color

Documented in drawTree

#' Function to draw TreeWAS results
#' requires packages:
#'    plotly
#'    Rgraphviz
#'    graph
#' @param tree Disease ontology
#' @param pp Posterior probabilities table
#' @param tree_title Title for plot
#' @param trim_tree_pp PP threshold to trim the tree
#' @return Returns a plotly plot with TreeWAS results

drawTree <- function(
    tree            = NULL,
    pp              = NULL,
    tree_title      = "Tree",
    trim_tree_pp    = NULL
) {

    if ( ! is.null( trim_tree_pp ) ) {
        tmp <- trim_tree( tree = tree, pp = pp, pp.thr = trim_tree_pp )
        tree <- tmp$tree
        pp <- tmp$pp
    matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = nrow(tree), nrow = nrow(tree))
    for( i in 1:( nrow( tree ) - 1 ) ) {
        p <- tree[i,"Par"]
        c <- tree[i,"ID"]
        matrix[p,c] <- 1

    rownames(matrix) <- tree$ID
    colnames(matrix) <- tree$ID
    labels = tree$ID
    graph <- new("graphAM", adjMat = matrix, edgemode = 'directed')
    lGraph <- layoutGraph(graph)
    ninfo <- nodeRenderInfo(lGraph)
    node_state <- apply(pp,1,function(x) return( which.max(x) )) - 2
    tmp.pps <-c()
    for( i in 1:nrow(pp) ) tmp.pps[i] <- pp[i, node_state[i]+2]
    node_labels <- paste(
        "State: ", node_state,
        "PP, = ", round(tmp.pps,2),
        sep = ""

    nodeRI = data.frame(
        NODE    = names(ninfo$nodeX),
        PP1     = pp[,1],
        PP2     = pp[,2],
        PP3     = pp[,3],
        NODEX   = ninfo$nodeX,
        NODEY   = ninfo$nodeY,
        MEANING = tree$meaning,
        LABEL   = node_labels

    col_pal_risk <- colorRampPalette( c( "white", rgb(112, 28, 28, max=255) ) )( 100 )
    col_pal_prot <- colorRampPalette( c( "white", rgb(8, 37, 103, max=255) ) )(100)

    cols1 <- map2color(pp[,3], col_pal_risk, limits = c(0,1))
    cols2 <- map2color(pp[,1], col_pal_prot, limits = c(0,1))
    cols <- rep("white",nrow(tree))
    idx <- which(node_state == 1)
    cols[idx] <- cols1[idx]
    idx <- which(node_state == -1)
    cols[idx] <- cols2[idx]
    nodeRI$COL <- cols
    attrs <- list(node = list(fillcolor = 'white'), edge = list(arrowsize=0.5))
    names(cols) <- labels

    nattrs <- list(fillcolor=cols)
    nodes <- buildNodeList(graph, nodeAttrs=nattrs, defAttrs=attrs$node)
    edges <- buildEdgeList(graph)
    vv <- agopen(name="foo", nodes=nodes, edges=edges, attrs=attrs,

    x <- vv
    y <- x@layoutType
    x <- graphLayout(x, y)
    ur <- upRight(boundBox(x))
    bl <- botLeft(boundBox(x))
    ##out <- list()
    ##out$nodeRI <- nodeRI
    ## Initalize plotly
    p <- plotly::plot_ly()
    xlim1 <- getX(ur)*1.02
    xlim0 <- -xlim1*0.02
    xlim <- c(xlim0, xlim1)
    ## Add an axis.
    p = plotly::layout(
        title      = tree_title,
        xaxis      = list(
            title          = "",
            showgrid       = FALSE,
            showticklabels = FALSE,
            showline       = FALSE,
            zeroline       = FALSE,
            range          = xlim
        yaxis      = list(
            title          = "",
            showgrid       = FALSE,
            showticklabels = FALSE,
            showline       = FALSE,
            zeroline       = FALSE,
            range          = c(getY(bl), getY(ur))
        showlegend = FALSE

    ## Add the edges
    edges <- AgEdge(x)
    edges.p <- list()
    for( i in 1:length(edges) ) {
        edge <- edges[[i]]
        node.to <- edge@head
        node.from <- edge@tail
        for ( j in 1:length(splines(edge)) ) {
            z <- splines(edge)[[j]]
            points <- matrix(unlist(pointList(z)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
            p <- add_trace(
                x          = points[,1],
                y          = points[,2],
                type       = "scatter",
                mode       = "lines",
                hoverinfo  = "none",
                line       = list(color = "gray"),
                showlegend = FALSE

        edges.p[[i]] <- points
        heads     = bezierPoints(z)
        head_from = heads[nrow(heads)-1, ]
        head_to   = heads[nrow(heads),]

    ## Add the nodes
    order <- order(pp[,2],decreasing=TRUE)
    p = plotly::add_trace(
        x          = nodeRI$NODEX[order],
        y          = nodeRI$NODEY[order],
        type       = "scatter",
        mode       = "markers",
        text       = nodeRI$LABEL[order],
        hoverinfo  = "text",
        marker     = list(
            size   = 20,
            symbol = "circle",
            color = cols[order],
            line  = list( color = "black", width = 1)
        showlegend = FALSE

trim_tree <- function( tree = tree, pp = pp, pp.thr = 0.75 )
  idx <- which(pp[,2] < 1 - pp.thr)

  t2 <- tree[idx,]
  siblings <- unique(unlist(lapply(t2$ID,get_tree_siblings,tree)))
  paths_to_root <- unique(unlist(lapply(t2$ID,get_path_ids_to_root,tree)))

  nodes_to_keep <- sort(unique(c(t2$ID,siblings,paths_to_root)),decreasing=F)

  t2 <- tree[tree$ID %in% nodes_to_keep, ]
  pp2 <- pp[tree$ID %in% nodes_to_keep,]

  new_id <- 1:nrow(t2)
  new_par <- new_id[match(t2$Par,t2$ID)]

  t2$ID <- new_id
  t2$Par <- new_par

  t2[nrow(t2),'Par'] <- 0
  o <- list(tree=t2,pp=pp2)


get_tree_siblings <- function(id,tree)
  par_id <- tree[ tree$ID %in% id, "Par"]
  sibling_ids <- tree[ tree$Par %in% par_id, "ID"]


get_path_ids_to_root <- function( id, tree )
  out     <- id
  root_id <- tree[ nrow(tree), "ID"]

  while( ! root_id %in% out )
    out <- unique( c ( out, tree[ tree$ID %in% out, "Par" ] ) )


map2color <- function( x, pal, limits = range(x) )
  return( pal[ findInterval(
  ) ] )
mcveanlab/TreeWASDir documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:01 a.m.