
.tsview.shiny.table.decimals = 3

getDataPath = function(file.name) paste0(system.file("shiny-app", package = "tsview"), "/data/", file.name)

.wrapped_server = function(x)
  shiny::addResourcePath("shiny-app", system.file("shiny-app", package = "tsview"))

  .server = function(input, output, session) {
		#     session$onSessionEnded(function() {
		# stopApp()
		#     })

	query = shiny::parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
	if (!is.null(query$file))
		file.path = getDataPath(query$file)
		if (file.exists(file.path))	x = dget(file.path)

	start.empty = is.null(x)

	# FIX: this is ugly
	if (!is.list(x))
		x = list("Current" = x)

	if (start.empty)
		x.names = NULL
		x.lst = x
		# If list elts have no name, give them names
		if (is.null(names(x)))
			names(x) = letters[1:length(x)]
		index.no.name = which(is.na(names(x)) | "" == names(x))
		if (0 < length(index.no.name))
			names(x)[index.no.name] = letters[index.no.name]

		x.lst = x
		x = .tsview.lst.as.ts(lst = x) # from now on x is matrix

		#x.versions	= unique( .tsview.get.index.from.name(x.names) )
	    #if (is.null(x.names)) x.names = paste("Series", 1:ncol(x))

		x.names		= unique( .tsview.get.ts.names(x) )
		timeRange	= timeRange.select = range(time(x))
		if (!is.null(query$x))
			timeRange.select.test = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(query$x,",")))
			if (2 == length(timeRange.select.test) && all(is.finite(timeRange.select.test))) timeRange.select = timeRange.select.test
	    shiny::updateSliderInput(session, "timeRange", min = timeRange[1], max = timeRange[2], value = timeRange.select)

	add.prefix.to.version = function(x.lst)
		paste0("(", 1:length(x.lst), ") ", names(x.lst))

    NewPlot = function(A) renderPlot({
      plot.type = if (input$switch.plot.type) "single" else "multiple"

	  if (1 < length(x.lst))
		  # we deal with versions
		  show.versions = which(add.prefix.to.version(x.lst) %in% input$versions)
	  else show.versions = NULL

      if (0 < length(A))
  		  tsview_plot(x.lst, plot.type = plot.type, lwd = 8, show.names = A, time.range = input$timeRange, show.versions = show.versions, text.size = 2)

    tsview.shiny.x.zoom = function()
		time.range = .adjust.time.range(x, input$timeRange)
		suppressWarnings(window(x, start = time.range[1], end = time.range[2]))

    NewTableDataFrame = function(A, format)
		if (is.null(A)) return( data.frame() )

		# Filter right names
		index.col = which(.tsview.get.ts.names(x) %in% A)

		# Filter right versions
		if (1 < length(x.lst))
			show.versions = which(add.prefix.to.version(x.lst) %in% input$versions)
			i.version	= .tsview.get.version.from.index(x, index.col) # these versions we have
			index.col	= index.col[which(i.version %in% show.versions)]

			if (0 == length(index.col)) return( data.frame() )

		ts.table = tsview.shiny.x.zoom()[, index.col, drop = F]

		# round:
		time.label				= time(ts.table)
		ts.table				= format(round(ts.table, .tsview.shiny.table.decimals), .tsview.shiny.table.decimals)
		ts.table				= as.data.frame(ts.table)
		if (1 == length(x.lst)) colnames(ts.table)    = A
		rownames(ts.table) 	= prettyTime(time.label, format = format)


    NewTable = function(A)
      tdf	  = NewTableDataFrame(A, format = T)

      tdf.  = DT::datatable(tdf, escape = -1, extensions = 'FixedColumns',
                       options = list(
                         searching = T,
                         ordering = F,
                         scrollX = T,
                         scrollY = '50vh',
                         scrollCollapse = T,
                         paging = F,
                         dom = 't',
                         fixedColumns = TRUE
                       class = 'cell-border stripe'


	select.init = function()
		if (is.null(query$sel))
			this.selected = x.names[1:min(10, length(x.names))]
			index = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(query$sel,",")))
			this.selected = x.names[index]


    output$ui.A = renderUI({
		selectInput("A", label = "2. Select to plot", choices = x.names, selected = select.init(), multiple = T, selectize = F, size = 31)

    observeEvent(input$A, {
      output$plot = NewPlot(input$A)

      # Add helpTextPlot after first call to plot
      output$helpTextPlot <- renderUI({
        HTML("<BR/>Please note that your data points (x,y) are currently visualized \"as is\". Hence, the plot is correct only if x refers to a <B>time point</B>.")

      output$table = NewTable(input$A)
    }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)

    observeEvent(input$filter.query, {
      ts.name.1 = x.names[grepl(input$filter.query, x.names)]
	  updateSelectInput(session, "A", choices = ts.name.1, selected = if (is.null(input$A)) select.init() else input$A)

    observeEvent(input$timeRange, {
      output$plot = NewPlot(input$A)
      output$table = NewTable(input$A)

    if (1 < length(x.lst))
		if (is.null(query$v))
			index = 1:length(x.lst)
			index = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(query$v,",")))
	    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "versions", choices = add.prefix.to.version(x.lst), selected = add.prefix.to.version(x.lst)[index], inline = T)

    observeEvent(input$versions, {
        output$plot = NewPlot(input$A)
        output$table = NewTable(input$A)
    }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)

    observeEvent(input$switch.plot.type, {
      output$plot = NewPlot(input$A)

	NewInfoTable = function()
		x.name	= NULL
		x.lab	= NULL

		if (!start.empty && "regts" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
			for (i in 1:length(x.lst))
				this.labels = regts::ts_labels(x.lst[[i]])
				if (!is.null(this.labels))
					x.name = c(x.name, colnames(x.lst[[i]]))
					x.lab = c(x.lab, this.labels)

		tdf = suppressWarnings(unique(data.frame(cbind("Time series" = x.name, "Description" = x.lab))))
		rownames(tdf) = NULL

		DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(tdf, options = list(autoWidth = F), rownames= FALSE))

	output$info = NewInfoTable()

    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
      filename	= "ts.csv",
      content		= function(file) {
        write.csv(NewTableDataFrame(input$A, format = F), file)

	output$queryText <- shiny::renderText({
		query = shiny::parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    # Return a string with key-value pairs
		protocol = session$clientData$url_protocol
		hostname = session$clientData$url_hostname
		port     = session$clientData$url_port
		pathname = session$clientData$url_pathname

		# create base url
		share.url = paste0(protocol, "//", hostname, ":", port, pathname)

		url.keys = list()

		# add file
		if (!is.null(query$file)) url.keys[[1]] = paste0("file=", query$file)

		# add selected
		url.selected = which(x.names %in% input$A)
		if (0 < length(url.selected)) url.keys[[2]] = paste0("selected=", paste(url.selected, collapse=","))

		# add x
		url.keys[[3]] = paste0("x=", paste(input$timeRange, collapse=","))

		# add version
		if (1 < length(x.lst))
		  # we deal with versions
		  show.versions = which(add.prefix.to.version(x.lst) %in% input$versions)
		else show.versions = NULL
    if (!is.null(show.versions)) url.keys[[4]] = paste0("versions=", paste(show.versions, collapse=","))

		url.sep = "?"
		for (i in 1:length(url.keys))
		  if (!is.null(url.keys[[i]]))
		    share.url = paste0(share.url, url.sep, url.keys[[i]])
		    url.sep = "&"


    # output$helpTextTable <- renderUI({
    #   HTML("<BR/>Please note that values are rounded to", .tsview.shiny.table.format, "significant digits. Download the table as a CSV file to see all digits.")
    # })


mdijkstracpb/tsview documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:26 p.m.