
Defines functions error_only rf_votes test_confusion

Documented in error_only rf_votes test_confusion

# Exported functions ----

#' Extract error dataframe from randomForest model
#' @export
error_only <- function(cf) {
  if(cf$type == "regression") {
    warning("This is a regression forest, not a classification forest. error_only will return NULL")

  cf %>%
    long_confusion() %>%
    select(class.error, actual) %>%

#' Extract votes dataframe from randomForest model
#' @export
rf_votes <- function(rf) {
  tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(rf$votes), var = "painting_code")

#' Build a confusion data frame for the test component of a random forest
#' @param rf A randomForest object with a \code{test} component
#' @param rownames The name of the column rownames will be written to
#' @export
test_confusion <- function(rf, rownames = "actual") {
  rf$test$confusion %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    rownames_to_column(var = rownames) %>%
    gather_(key_col = "predicted", value_col = "ratio", gather_cols = setdiff(names(.), rownames))

#' Get test error
#' @export
test_error <- function(rf) {
  test_confusion(rf) %>%
    filter(predicted == "class.error" & !is.nan(ratio)) %>%
    select(actual, ratio)

# %>%
#   ungroup() %>%
#   mutate(actual = as.character(ytest), correct = predicted == actual)

#' Create a PCA of local importance measures from a random forest
#' @export
pca_rf <- function(rf, .filter = function(x) return(x)) {
  rf_local_importance(rf) %>%
    .filter %>%

#' Local Importance as a data frame
#' @export
rf_local_importance <- function(rf) {
  data.frame(t(rf$localImp)) %>%

#' Calculate local variable loadings
#' @export
pca_loadings_df <- function(rf_pca, m = 200) {
  data.frame(rf_pca$rotation)[,1:2] %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
    mutate(power = sqrt(PC1^2 + PC2^2)) %>%
    filter(min_rank(desc(power)) <= m)

#' Return observation locations in PCA space
#' @export
pca_obs_df <- function(rf_pca, rownames = "rownames") {
  data.frame(rf_pca$x)[,1:2] %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = rownames)

#' The top n most important terms for a class
#' @param rf RandomForest object
#' @param class Name of the category
#' @param n Integer. Number of topmost terms to return
#' @return A data frame with term names and importance values
#' @export
top_n_importance <- function(rf, class, n) {
  as.data.frame(rf[["importance"]]) %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "term") %>%
    gather(category, importance, -term) %>%
    filter(category == class) %>%
    select(-category) %>%
    arrange(desc(importance)) %>%

#' @describeIn top_n_importance Return the names as a vector only
#' @export
top_n_importance_names <- function(rf, class, n = 9) {
  top_n_importance(rf, class, n)[["term"]]

#' Plot effects of certain variables on the predicitons of a given random forest model
#' @param rf A RandomForest object
#' @param class Character. The predicted class name
#' @param terms Character. Quoted term names. Defaults to the top 9 most important terms for the given variable as calculated by \link{top_n_importance_names}.
#' @export
rf_effects <- function(rf, class, terms = top_n_importance_names(rf = rf, class = class)) {

  print(c("class: ", class))
  print(c("terms: ", terms))

  orig_data <- tibble::rownames_to_column(rf_x(rf), var = rf_rownames(rf)) %>%
    mutate(actual = as.character(rf_y(rf)))

  print(c("orig_data: ", names(orig_data)))

  srf <- rf_votes(rf) %>%
    gather_(key_col = "predicted", value_col = "votes", gather_cols = setdiff(names(.), rf_rownames(rf))) %>%
    inner_join(orig_data, by = rf_rownames(rf)) %>%
    filter(predicted == class) %>%
    select(one_of(c("votes", "actual", terms)))

  print(c("pre gather: ", names(srf)))

  srf <- srf %>%
    gather_(key_col = "term", value_col = "metric_value", gather_cols = setdiff(names(.), c("votes", "actual"))) %>%
      term = factor(term, levels = terms),
      is_true_positive = actual == class)

  print(c("final: ", names(srf)))


#' Identify the most contested observations in random forest model
#' In which observations do the trees in a mdoel most disagree about how to classfy?
#' @param rf randomForest object
#' @return A dataframe with observation ID and vote diversity, ranked in descending order of diversity (e.g. with most contested observations at top)
#' @export
rf_contested_obs <- function(rf) {
  rf_votes(rf) %>%
    gather_(key_col = "class", value_col = "votes", gather_cols = setdiff(names(.), rf_rownames(rf))) %>%
    group_by_(rf_rownames(rf)) %>%
    mutate(vote_div = vegan::diversity(votes, index = "shannon")) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    spread_(key_col = "class", value_col = "votes") %>%
    arrange(desc(vote_div)) %>%
    mutate(contest_rank = row_number())

# Internal functions ----

confusion <- function(f) {

long_confusion <- function(rf) {
  rf %>%
    confusion() %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column("actual") %>%
    tidyr::gather(projected, count, -actual, -class.error)
mdlincoln/dutchtabletops documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:08 p.m.