
.baseprj <- function(clon) {
    "+proj=stere +lon_0=%f +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-70 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378273 +b=6356889.449 +units=m +no_defs",
.mkregion <-
  function(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax, proj) {
      xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax,
      lonmin = lonmin, lonmax = lonmax, latmin = latmin, latmax = latmax,
      proj = proj
#.regionnames <- c("casey", "davis", "durville", "mawson", "shackleton", "terranova",
#                  "westice", "ragnhild", "enderby", "capeadare", "sabrina")
.regionindex <- function(name) {
    "casey" = "21", "davis" = "22", "durville" = "23", "mawson" = "24", "shackleton" = "25", "terranova" = "26",
    "westice" = "27", "ragnhild" = "28", "enderby" = "41", "capeadare" = "42", "sabrina" = "46"
.token <- function(idx) {
  sprintf("IDTE9%s", .regionindex(idx))
.regions <- function(name) {

# MOSAIC at http://avhrr.acecrc.org.au/mosaics/
## projection  "+proj=stere +lon_0=105 +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-70 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378273 +b=6356889.449 +units=m +no_defs"
## projected c(xmin = -2502020, xmax = 2492591, ymin = 318842, ymax = 4067990)
## pixel c(365, 1060, 34, 578)
## lonlat c(40, 140, -80, -60)

  x <- switch(
    casey  =  .mkregion(178, 401, 181, 408,
                           105, 110,-66,-64,
                           proj = .baseprj(110)), 
    davis = .mkregion(
     # xmin = 135, xmax = 562, ymin = 187, ymax = 394,
      xmin = 160, xmax = 575, ymin = 179, ymax = 402,
      lonmin = 70, lonmax = 80, latmin = -68, latmax = -66,
      proj = .baseprj(76)
    durville  =  .mkregion(279, 704, 101, 775,
                           140, 150,-68,-62,
                           proj = .baseprj(148)), 
    mawson  =  .mkregion(238, 447, 77, 517,
                           60, 65, -68,-64,
                           proj = .baseprj(64)), 
    shackleton  =  .mkregion(118, 783, 65, 491,
                         90, 105, -68,-64,
                         proj = .baseprj(97)) , 
    terranova  =  .mkregion(181, 546, 27, 462,
                             160, 175, -78,-74,
                             proj = .baseprj(170)), 
    westice  =  .mkregion(77, 496, 114, 571,
                            80, 90, -68,-64,
                            proj = .baseprj(88)), 
    ragnhild  =  .mkregion(175, 908, 81, 755,
                          10, 30, -72,-66,
                          proj = .baseprj(23)), 
    enderby  =  .mkregion(270, 887, 101, 763,
                           40, 55, -70,-64,
                           proj = .baseprj(49)), 
    capeadare  =  .mkregion(167, 473, 70, 513,
                          160, 170, -74,-70,
                          proj = .baseprj(168))
    sabrina  =  .mkregion(118, 782, 66, 490,
                            115, 130, -68,-64,
                            proj = .baseprj(122))
  x$token <- .token(name)

#' Title
#' @param date
#' @param region
#' @param band
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dates <- Sys.Date() - c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
#' for (i in seq_along(dates)) {
#' r <- asosi(dates[i])
#' writeRaster(r, sprintf("infrared%s.tif", format(dates[i])))
#' r2 <- asosi(dates[i], band = "visible")
#' writeRaster(r2, sprintf("visible%s.tif", format(dates[i])))
#' }

#' ## prepare an object to build graticule lines
#' temp <- as(extent(r), "SpatialPolygons")
#' #' projection(temp) <- projection(r)
#' plot(r);llgridlines(temp)
#' }
asosi <-
  function(date, region = c(
    "casey", "davis", "durville", "mawson", "shackleton", "terranova",
    "westice", "ragnhild", "enderby", "capeadare", "sabrina"
  band = c("infrared", "visible")) {
    ## accept 1 (IR) or 2 (VIS)
    if (missing(date)) date <- Sys.Date() - 1
    band <- band[1L]
    if (is.numeric(band))
      band <- c("infrared", "visible")[band]
    pp <- seq(9, 1, by = -2) - c(infrared = 0, visible = 1)[band]
    app <- c(infrared = 2, visible = 1)[band]
    region <- match.arg(region)
    regionObj <- .regions(region)
   ## Durville
    ##llpts <- cbind(c(140, 150), c(-68, -62))
    ##centre <- "148"
    token <- sprintf("%s%s", regionObj$token, as.character(app))
    for (ipop in seq_along(pp)) {
      fname <-
          "http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/%s/%s.%s.%sD.gif", token, token, format(date, "%m%d"), as.character(pp[ipop])
      tfile <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(fname))
      if (!file.exists(tfile)) {
        d <- try(download.file(fname, tfile, mode = "wb"))
      r <- try(raster(tfile))
      if (!inherits(r, "try-error")) {
    prj <- regionObj$proj
    rawxy <-
      matrix(unlist(regionObj[c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")]), ncol = 2)
    llpts <-
      matrix(unlist(regionObj[c("lonmin", "lonmax", "latmin", "latmax")]), ncol = 2)
    pts <- project(llpts, prj)
    ## do the math
    ## scale = size of pixels in X/Y
    ## offset = bottom left corner of bottom left pixel)
    scalex <- diff(pts[, 1]) / diff(rawxy[, 1])
    scaley <- diff(pts[, 2]) / diff(rawxy[, 2])
    offsetx <- pts[1,1] - rawxy[1,1] * scalex
    offsety <- pts[1,2] - rawxy[1,2] * scaley
    ## x0, (x0 + ncol * pixelX), y0, (y0 + nrow  * pixelY)
    pex <-
      extent(offsetx, offsetx + scalex * (ncol(r) + 1), offsety, offsety + scaley * (nrow(r) + 1))
    ## override raw index-transform applied to input image
    pd <- setExtent(r, pex)
    projection(pd) <- prj
    ## prepare an object to build graticule lines
    temp <- as(extent(pd), "SpatialPolygons")
    projection(temp) <- prj
    stop("cannot find file at", fname, "or", gsub("3D", pp, fname))
mdsumner/asosi documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:43 p.m.