
Defines functions publicHeaderDescription readLAS

publicHeaderDescription <- function() {
    hd <- structure(list(Item = c("File Signature (¡°LASF¡±)",
"(1.1) File Source ID", "(1.1) Global Encoding",
"(1.1) Project ID - GUID data 1", "(1.1) Project ID - GUID data 2",
"(1.1) Project ID - GUID data 3", "(1.1) Project ID - GUID data 4",
"Version Major", "Version Minor", "(1.1) System Identifier",
"Generating Software", "(1.1) File Creation Day of Year",
"(1.1) File Creation Year", "Header Size", "Offset to point data",
"Number of variable length records",
"Point Data Format ID (0-99 for spec)", "Point Data Record Length",
"Number of point records", "Number of points by return",
"X scale factor", "Y scale factor", "Z scale factor", "X offset",
"Y offset", "Z offset", "Max X", "Min X", "Max Y", "Min Y", "Max Z",
"Min Z"), Format = c("char[4]", "unsigned short", "unsigned short",
"unsigned long", "unsigned short", "unsigned short",
"unsigned char[8]", "unsigned char", "unsigned char", "char[32]",
"char[32]", "unsigned short", "unsigned short", "unsigned short",
"unsigned long", "unsigned long", "unsigned char", "unsigned short",
"unsigned long", "unsigned long[5]", "double", "double", "double",
"double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "double",
"double", "double"), Size = c("4 bytes", "2 bytes", "2 bytes",
"4 bytes", "2 byte", "2 byte", "8 bytes", "1 byte", "1 byte",
"32 bytes", "32 bytes", "2 bytes", "2 bytes", "2 bytes", "4 bytes",
"4 bytes", "1 byte", "2 bytes", "4 bytes", "20 bytes", "8 bytes",
"8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes",
"8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes", "8 bytes"), Required =
c("*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
"*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*",
"*", "*", "*", "*", "*")), .Names = c("Item", "Format", "Size",
"Required"), row.names = 2:33, class = "data.frame")
    hd$what <- ""
    hd$what[grep("unsigned", hd$Format)] <- "integer"
    hd$what[grep("char", hd$Format)] <- "raw"
    hd$what[grep("short", hd$Format)] <- "integer"
    hd$what[grep("long", hd$Format)] <- "integer"
    hd$what[grep("double", hd$Format)] <- "numeric"
    hd$signed <- TRUE
    hd$signed[grep("unsigned", hd$Format)] <- FALSE
    ## number of values in record
    hd$n <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:alpha:][:punct:]]", "", hd$Format))
    hd$n[hd$what == "character"] <- 1
    hd$n[is.na(hd$n)] <- 1
    ## size of record
    hd$Hsize <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "", hd$Size))
    ## size of each value in record
    hd$Rsize <- hd$Hsize / hd$n
    hd$Rsize[hd$what == "raw"] <- 1
    hd$n[hd$what == "raw"] <- hd$Hsize[hd$what == "raw"]
readLAS <- function(lasfile, returnSP = FALSE, nrecords = NULL, skip = NULL, returnHeaderOnly = FALSE) {
    ## TODO:
    ## 1.2 only, at least for now
    ## provide chunked read
    ## figure out what this gpstime is to convert to POSIXct .. .
    ## how do we get coordinate system?
    ## bits after Intensity

    ## DONE
    ## ensure the entire header is read, from Header Size
    ## parse header
    hd <- publicHeaderDescription()
    pheader <- vector("list", nrow(hd))
    names(pheader) <- hd$Item
    con <- file(lasfile, open = "rb")
    isLASFbytes <- readBin(con, "raw", size = 1, n = 4, endian = "little")
    pheader[[hd$Item[1]]] <- readBin(isLASFbytes, "character", size = 4, endian = "little")
    if (! pheader[[hd$Item[1]]] == "LASF") {
        stop("Not a valid LAS file")
    for (i in 2:nrow(hd)) {
        pheader[[hd$Item[i]]] <- readBin(con, what = hd$what[i], signed = hd$signed[i], size = hd$Rsize[i], endian = "little", n = hd$n[i])
    ## read the data
    numberPointRecords <- pheader[["Number of point records"]]
    offsetToPointData <- pheader[["Offset to point data"]]
    pointDataRecordLength <-pheader[["Point Data Record Length"]]
    xyzScaleOffset <- cbind(unlist(pheader[c("X scale factor", "Y scale factor", "Z scale factor")]),
                            unlist(pheader[c("X offset", "Y offset", "Z offset")]))

if (returnHeaderOnly) return(pheader)

    ## totaln <- pheader$`Number of point records`
    ## mm <- matrix(raw(), nrow = totaln, ncol = pointDataRecordLength)

    con <- file(lasfile, open = "rb")
    junk <- readBin(con, "raw", size = 1, n = offsetToPointData)

    allbytes <- matrix(readBin(con, "raw", n = pointDataRecordLength * numberPointRecords, size = 1, endian = "little"),
                           ncol= pointDataRecordLength, nrow = numberPointRecords, byrow = TRUE)
    mm <- matrix(readBin(t(allbytes[,1:(3*4)]), "integer", size = 4, n = 3 * numberPointRecords, endian = "little"), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
    gpstime <- readBin(t(allbytes[ , 21:28]), "numeric", size = 8, n = numberPointRecords, endian = "little")
    intensity <- readBin(t(allbytes[, 13:14]), "integer", size = 2, n = numberPointRecords, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    mm[,1] <- mm[ ,1] * xyzScaleOffset[1,1] + xyzScaleOffset[1, 2]
    mm[,2] <- mm[ ,2] * xyzScaleOffset[2,1] + xyzScaleOffset[2, 2]
    mm[,3] <- mm[ ,3] * xyzScaleOffset[3,1] + xyzScaleOffset[3, 2]
    if (returnSP) {
        SpatialPoints(cbind(mm, gpstime, intensity))
    } else {
        cbind(mm, gpstime, intensity)

f <- "E:/DATA/LiDARdata/pt000309.las"
d <- readLAS(f, returnSP = FALSE)
mdsumner/mdsutils documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:45 p.m.