

juvsat <- read.csv("E:\\DATA\\people\\Elaine Leung\\juvsat2007.csv")

## rename columns
names(juvsat) <- c("id", "X.time", "X.class", "lon", "lat")

## convert to date-times (if not GMT we will need to offset, or check timezone)
juvsat$gmt <- as.POSIXct(juvsat$X.time, tz = "GMT")

## convert the class to an ordered factor (just because we can)
juvsat$X.class <- ordered(juvsat$X.class,
                          levels = c("Z", "B", "A", "0", "1", "2", "3"))

## now we use sp tools
coordinates(juvsat) <- c("lon", "lat")

## order by id, time
juvsat <- juvsat[order(juvsat$id, juvsat$gmt), ]

## fix duplicates (should investigate, or complain@argos.net :)
juvsat$gmt <- adjust.duplicateTimes(juvsat$gmt, juvsat$id)

## now it will work! (we have basic data validation)

tr <- trip(juvsat[juvsat$id == "m2", ], c("gmt", "id"))

x <- tr;max.speed = 5;test = FALSE

LogicalVector runfast(NumericVector rms, IntegerVector segment) {
    int n = rms.size();
    LogicalVector res(n);
    double lastMax = -10;
    int seg = segment[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      // we have changed
      if (segment[i] > seg) {
        lastMax = -10;
        seg = segment[i];
        res[i-1] = true;
      if (rms[i] > lastMax) {
        lastMax = i;

   return res;

function (x, max.speed = NULL, test = FALSE)
    if (!is(x, "trip"))
        stop("only trip objects supported")
    projected <- is.projected(x)
    if (is.na(projected)) {
        projected <- FALSE
        warning("coordinate system is NA, assuming longlat . . .")
    if (is.null(max.speed)) {
        print("no max.speed given, nothing to do here")
    longlat <- !projected
    coords <- coordinates(x)
    time = x[[x@TOR.columns[1]]]
    id = factor(x[[x@TOR.columns[2]]])
    x <- coords[, 1]
    y <- coords[, 2]
    pprm <- 3
    grps <- levels(id)
    if (length(x) != length(y))
        stop("x and y vectors must be of same\nlength")
    if (length(x) != length(time))
        stop("Length of times not equal to number of points")
    okFULL <- rep(TRUE, nrow(coords))
    if (test)
        res <- list(speed = numeric(0), rms = numeric(0))
    for (sub in grps) {
        ind <- id == sub
        xy <- matrix(c(x[ind], y[ind]), ncol = 2)
        tms <- time[ind]
        npts <- nrow(xy)
        if (pprm%%2 == 0 || pprm < 3)
            stop("Points per running mean should be odd and greater than 3, pprm = 3")
        RMS <- rep(max.speed + 1, npts)
        offset <- pprm - 1
        ok <- rep(TRUE, npts)
        if (npts < (pprm + 1)) {
            warning("Not enough points to filter ID: \"", sub,
                "\"\n continuing . . . \n")
            okFULL[ind] <- ok
        index <- 1:npts
        iter <- 1
        while (any(RMS > max.speed, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            n <- length(which(ok))
            x1 <- xy[ok, ]
            speed1 <- trackDistance(x1[-nrow(x1), 1], x1[-nrow(x1),
                2], x1[-1, 1], x1[-1, 2], longlat = !projected)/(diff(unclass(tms[ok]))/3600)
            speed2 <- trackDistance(x1[-((nrow(x1) - 1):nrow(x1)),
                1], x1[-((nrow(x1) - 1):nrow(x1)), 2], x1[-(1:2),
                1], x1[-(1:2), 2], longlat = !projected)/((unclass(tms[ok][-c(1,
                2)]) - unclass(tms[ok][-c(n - 1, n)]))/3600)
            thisIndex <- index[ok]
            npts <- length(speed1)
            if (npts < pprm) {
            sub1 <- rep(1:2, npts - offset) + rep(1:(npts - offset),
                each = 2)
            sub2 <- rep(c(0, 2), npts - offset) + rep(1:(npts -
                offset), each = 2)
            rmsRows <- cbind(matrix(speed1[sub1], ncol = offset,
                byrow = TRUE), matrix(speed2[sub2], ncol = offset,
                byrow = TRUE))
            RMS <- c(rep(0, offset), sqrt(rowSums(rmsRows^2)/ncol(rmsRows)))
            if (test & iter == 1) {
                res$speed <- c(res$speed, 0, speed1)
                res$rms <- c(res$rms, 0, RMS)
            RMS[length(RMS)] <- 0
            bad <- RMS > max.speed
            segs <- cumsum(c(0, abs(diff(bad))))
            funky <- function(x) ifelse((1:length(x)) == which.max(x), TRUE, FALSE)

            rmsFlag <- unlist(lapply(split(RMS, segs), funky), use.names = FALSE)
            rmsFlag[!bad] <- FALSE
            RMS[rmsFlag] <- -10
            ok[thisIndex][rmsFlag > 0] <- FALSE
        okFULL[ind] <- ok
    if (test)
mdsumner/mdsutils documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:45 p.m.