# a pattern for building sf objects from
# - a gibble, the map of the paths
# - the coordinates
# the map is an encoding of the structural properties of the geometry
# currently only XY is supported
build_sf <- function(x, ...) {
build_sf.PATH <- function(x, ...) {
out <- x$object
agr <- factor(setNames(rep(NA_integer_, ncol(out)), names(out)))
xsfc <- build_sfc(x)
class(xsfc) <- c(class(xsfc), "list")
out[["geometry"]] <- xsfc
attr(out, "sf_column") <- "geometry"
attr(out, "agr") <- agr
class(out) <- c("sf", class(out))
build_sfc <- function(x, ...) {
build_sfc.PATH <- function(x, ...) {
raw_build_sfc(x$path, x$path_link_vertex %>% dplyr::inner_join(x$vertex, "vertex_"),
crs = x$meta$proj[1])
raw_build_sfc <- function(gm, coords_in, crs = NULL, force_close = FALSE) {
if (!"object_" %in% names(gm)) gm$object_ <- gm$object
if (!"subobject" %in% names(gm)) gm$subobject <- 1
if (!"nrow" %in% names(gm)) gm$nrow = gm$ncoords_
glist <- vector("list", length(unique(gm$object_)))
coords_in <- gm %>% dplyr::select("object_", "subobject") %>%
#dplyr::select(-type, -ncol, -nrow) %>%
dplyr::slice(rep(seq_len(nrow(gm)), gm$nrow)) %>%
ufeature <- unique(gm$object_)
#st <- system.time({
gmlist <- split(gm, gm$object_)[ufeature]
coordlist <- split(coords_in, coords_in$object_)[unique(coords_in$object_)]
split_to_matrix0 <- if (force_close) split_to_close_matrix else split_to_matrix
for (ifeature in seq_along(ufeature)) {
# gm0 <- gm %>% dplyr::filter(object == ufeature[ifeature])
gm0 <- gmlist[[ifeature]]
type <- gm0$type[1]
coord0 <- coordlist[[ifeature]]
coord0$path_ <- rep(seq_len(nrow(gm0)), gm0$nrow)
## todo need to set XY, XYZ, XYZM, XYM
cnames <- c("x_", "y_")
pathnames <- c(cnames, "path_")
feature <- switch(type,
POINT = structure(unlist(coord0[cnames]), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")),
MULTIPOINT = structure(as.matrix(coord0[cnames]), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOINT", "sfg")),
LINESTRING = structure(as.matrix(coord0[cnames]), class = c("XY", "LINESTRING", "sfg")),
MULTILINESTRING = structure(lapply(split(coord0[cnames], coord0[["path_"]]), as.matrix), class = c("XY", "MULTILINESTRING", "sfg")),
POLYGON = structure(split_to_matrix0(coord0[cnames], coord0[["path_"]]), class = c("XY", "POLYGON", "sfg")),
MULTIPOLYGON = structure(lapply(split(coord0[pathnames], coord0[["subobject"]]),
function(path) split_to_matrix0(path[cnames], path[["path_"]])),
class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg"))
glist[[ifeature]] <- feature
if (is.null(crs)) {
crs <- structure(list(epsg = NA_integer_, proj4string = NA_character_), class = "crs")
} else {
crs <- switch(mode(crs),
character = structure(list(epsg = NA_integer_, proj4string = crs), class = "crs"),
numeric = structure(list(epsg = crs, proj4string = NA_character_), class = "crs"))
bb <- c(range(coords_in[["x_"]]), range(coords_in[["y_"]]))[c(1, 3, 2, 4)]
names(bb) <- structure(c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"), class = "bbox")
glist <- structure(glist, precision = 0, bbox = bb, crs = crs, n_empty = 0, crs = crs,
class = c(sprintf("sfc_%s", type), "sfc" ))
close_mat = function(m) {
if (any(m[1, ] != m[nrow(m), ]))
rbind(m, m[1, ])
else m
## a fast split
split_to_close_matrix <- function(x, fac) {
lapply(split(as.vector(t(as.matrix(x))), rep(fac, each = ncol(x))),
function(mx) close_mat(matrix(mx, byrow = TRUE, ncol = ncol(x))))
split_to_matrix <- function(x, fac) {
lapply(split(as.vector(t(as.matrix(x))), rep(fac, each = ncol(x))),
matrix, byrow = TRUE, ncol = ncol(x))
# build_sp <- function(gm, coords_in, crs = NULL) {
# glist <- vector("list", length(unique(gm$object)))
# coords_in <- gm %>% dplyr::select(-type, -ncol, -nrow) %>%
# dplyr::slice(rep(seq_len(nrow(gm)), gm$nrow)) %>% dplyr::bind_cols(coords_in)
# ufeature <- unique(gm$object)
# #st <- system.time({
# gmlist <- split(gm, gm$object)[ufeature]
# coordlist <- split(coords_in, coords_in$object)[unique(coords_in$object)]
# #})
# for (ifeature in seq_along(ufeature)) {
# gm0 <- gmlist[[ifeature]]
# type <- gm0$type[1]
# coord0 <- coordlist[[ifeature]]
# coord0$path_ <- rep(seq_len(nrow(gm0)), gm0$nrow)
# ## todo need to set XY, XYZ, XYZM, XYM
# cnames <- c("x_", "y_")
# pathnames <- c(cnames, "path_")
# feature <- switch(type,
# SpatialPoints = structure(unlist(coord0[cnames]), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")),
# SpatialMultiPoints = structure(as.matrix(coord0[cnames]), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOINT", "sfg")),
# SpatialLines = structure(lapply(split(coord0[cnames], coord0[["path_"]]), as.matrix), class = c("XY", "MULTILINESTRING", "sfg")),
# SpatialPolygons = structure(split_to_matrix(coord0[cnames], coord0[["path_"]]), class = c("XY", "POLYGON", "sfg")))
# glist[[ifeature]] <- feature
# }
# glist
# }
## methods for reconstruction from SC
## https://github.com/hypertidy/silicate/issues/81#issuecomment-435833446
# to_dodgr <- function(x, ...) {
# UseMethod("to_dodgr")
# }
# to_dodgr.SC <- function(x, ...) {
# edge <- x$object_link_edge %>% dplyr::inner_join(x$edge, "edge_")
# edge1 <- edge %>% dplyr::filter(native_)
# edge2 <- edge %>% dplyr::filter(!native_)
# tmp <- edge2$.vx0
# edge2$.vx0 <- edge2$.vx1
# edge2$.vx1 <- tmp
# edge <- dplyr::bind_rows(edge1, edge2) %>% dplyr::transmute(from_id = .vx0, to_id = .vx1, edge_)
# edge %>% dplyr::mutate(edge_id = row_number(), d = 1)
# # edge <- x$edge %>% dplyr::transmute(from_id = .vx0, to_id = .vx1, edge_)
# # edge2 <- tibble::tibble(from_id = edge$to_id, to_id = edge$from_id, edge_ = edge$edge_)
# # dplyr::bind_rows(edge, edge2) %>% dplyr::mutate(edge_id = row_number(), d = 1)
# }
# expand_verts <- function(a) {
# a %>% inner_join(sc$vertex, c("from_id" = "vertex_")) %>% dplyr::rename(x0 = x_, y0 = y_) %>%
# inner_join(sc$vertex, c("to_id" = "vertex_"))
# }
# to_arcs.SC <- function(x, ...) {
# instances <- to_dodgr(x)
# ## this can't work this way, because single edges and paired edges are left out
# # https://github.com/ATFutures/dodgr/issues/78#
# cg <- dodgr::dodgr_contract_graph(instances)
# als <- cg$edge_map %>% split(.$edge_new) %>% purrr::map(~
# dplyr::inner_join(.x, instances %>% mutate(edge_id = as.character(edge_id)), c("edge_old" = "edge_id")) )
# als
# }
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