
Defines functions get_qwi

Documented in get_qwi

#' Retrieve the Quarterly Workforce Indcator Data
#' The purpose of this function is to retrive firm information from the
#' US Census' Quarterly Workforce Indicator API. These data can be retrieved with by
#' specifying the states, the quarters, the years, and additional detail. This function can
#' accept multiple states, years and quarters. This makes the data retrieval easier and stay
#' inside of the US Census' limits on the API.
#'@param years years to fetch (e.g. 2010, or c(2010, 2011))
#'@param variables the variables you wish to fetch. Default is all.
#'@param quarters The quarters to fetch (e.g. c(1,2,3,4)) Default is all
#'@param industry_level Industries to fetch. Default is all level 2
#'@param states state fips code to fetch
#'@param endpoint US Census endpoint designation. One of "sa" for Sex * Age, "se" for Sex by Education and "rh" for Race/Ethnicity
#'@param all_groups default to true
#'@param owner_code firm owner code
#'@param geography the US Census geography granuality (one of cbsa or county)
#'@param seasonadj seasonal adjustment factor (one of "U" or "S")
#'@param apikey your US Census API Key
#'@param processing the processing strategy (default = "sequential")
#'@return the desired data from the US Census's Quaterly Workforce API as a tibble
#'@import jsonlite
#'@import dplyr
#'@import httr
#'@import utils
#'@importFrom future plan
#'@examples \dontrun{
#' # One state, one year
#'nc_qwi <- get_qwi(years = "2010",
#'                states = "11",
#'                geography = "county",
#'                apikey =  census_key,
#'                endpoint = "rh",
#'                variables = c("sEmp", "Emp"), all_groups = FALSE,
#'                industry_level = "2", processing = "sequential")
#' # Multiple states. multiple years
#'qwi_multi_year <- get_qwi(years = c("2010", "2011", "2012"),
#'                states = c("NC", "SC"),
#'                geography = "county",
#'                apikey =  census_key,
#'                endpoint = "rh",
#'                variables = c("sEmp", "Emp"), all_groups = FALSE,
#'                industry_level = "2", processing = "sequential")

get_qwi <- function(years,
                    variables = NULL,
                    quarters = c(1,2,3,4),
                    industry_level = 2,
                    endpoint = "sa",
                    all_groups = TRUE,
                    owner_code = TRUE,
                    geography = "cbsa",
                    seasonadj = "U",
                    apikey = NULL,
                    processing = "sequential") {

  # Ensure quarters are properly supplied
  if(!all(quarters %in% c(1,2,3,4))){
    stop(sprintf("You have specified %s.\nPlease specify 1, 2, 3, or 4 \ne.g. quarters = c(1,2)", quarters))

  # Ensure all industry specications are properly specified
  if(!all(industry_level %in% industry_labels$ind_level)){
    stop(sprintf("Please specify a valid industry label.\nCheck the `industry_labels` table for details."))

  states <- converted_fips(states)

  # Verify all states are properly specified
  if(!all(states %in% state_info$state_fips)){
    stop(sprintf("%s contains an invalid fips code.\nPlease check the state_info table for details\non valid fips codes.",states))

  # Check that API Key Exists
    stop("Please specifiy a valid API Key.")
  # Add a check to ensure that data called is available
  if(min(years) < 1990){
    stop(sprintf("%s is before 1990.\nThe QWI data are only available after 1990.",min(years)))

  all_variables <- c(

    variables <- all_variables

  if(!all(variables %in% all_variables)){
    stop(sprintf("You have not specified a valid variable name"))

  if(industry_level %in% c("A", 2, 3, 4)){
    industries <- industry_labels$industry[industry_labels$ind_level==industry_level]
  } else{
    stop("You have not specified a valid NAICS Number Digit in `industry_level` (e.g. A, 2, 3, 4)")
  year_collapsed <- years

  quarter_collapsed <- paste(quarters, collapse = ",")

  if(!endpoint %in% c("sa", "se", "rh")){
    stop(sprintf("You have not specified a valid endpoint one of `sa``, `se``, or `rh`"))

  endpoint_to_retrieve <- switch( endpoint,
                                  sa = "sa",
                                  se = "se",
                                  rh = "rh")

  if( all_groups == TRUE){
    cross_tab <- switch( endpoint,
                         sa = "&agegrp=A00&sex=0",
                         se = "&sex=0&education=E0",
                         rh = "&race=A0&ethnicity=A0")
  } else {
    cross_tab <- switch( endpoint,
                         sa = "&sex=1&sex=2&agegrp=A01&agegrp=A02&agegrp=A03&agegrp=A04&agegrp=A05&agegrp=A06&agegrp=A07&agegrp=A08",
                         se = "&sex=1&sex=2&education=E1&education=E2&education=E3&education=E4&education=E5",
                         rh = "&race=A1&race=A2&race=A3&race=A4&race=A5&race=A6&race=A7&ethnicity=A1&ethnicity=A2")

  if( owner_code == TRUE){
    owner_code <- "&ownercode=A00"
  } else {
    owner_code <- switch( owner_code,
                          A01 = "&ownercode=A01",
                          A02 = "&ownercode=A02")

  if(!geography %in% c("cbsa", "county", "wia")){
    stop("Please enter a county or cbsa in the `geography` field")

  if(geography == "cbsa"){
    geography <- "metropolitan+statistical+area/micropolitan+statistical+area"
  if(geography == "wia"){
    geography <- "workforce+investment+area"
    wia_codes <- geo_codes %>%
      filter(geo_level == "W") %>%
      mutate(state_fips = substr(geography, start = 1, stop = 2),
             geography = substr(geography, start = 3, stop = nchar(geography))
             ) %>%
      filter(state_fips %in% states) %>%
    geography <- geography

  if(!seasonadj %in%c("S", "U")){
    stop("Please specify a valid seasonal adjustment parameter of `S` or `U`")

  # Initialise some empty "collectors" which is where we will store our intermediate data.

  urls <- tidyr::crossing(variables,
                          states) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(url = paste(
      "https://api.census.gov/data/timeseries/qwi/", endpoint_to_retrieve, "?get=",
      "&for=", geography, ifelse(geography == "county" | geography == "state", ":*", ""),
      ifelse(geography == "workforce+investment+area", paste0(":",paste0(wia_codes, collapse=",")),""),
      "&in=state:", states,
      "&year=", year_collapsed,
      "&quarter=", quarter_collapsed,
      "&seasonadj=", seasonadj,
      sep = ""


  # Do a single check to confirm that there is a valid API Key

  call <- httr::GET(urls$url[[1]])

  if(!substr(call$status_code, 1, 1) == "2" ||
     class(show_condition(check_census_api_call(call)))!="error") {
    # IF 200 was not returned then there was an error.

    if(grepl(pattern = "valid key must", check_census_api_call(call))) {

  # Now do the vectorised version

  #results <- purrr::map(urls$url, httr::GET)
  results <- vector("list", length = nrow(urls))
  for(i in 1:nrow(urls)) {
    results[[i]] <- httr::GET(urls$url[[i]])
    #print(paste0(i, "out of", nrow(urls)))

  safe_parse_qwi_message <- purrr::safely(parse_qwi_message)

  strategy <- paste0("future::", processing)


  output <- furrr::future_map(results, safe_parse_qwi_message)

  a<- purrr::transpose(output)[["result"]]

  non_error_returns <- tidyr::spread(
    "parameter", "value", fill = NA)

  # Add a datetime column for the quarter. This will help with time series
  # manipulation down the line
  out_data <- dplyr::mutate(
    year_time =  dplyr::case_when(
      quarter == 1 ~ as.Date(paste(year, "1", "1", sep = "-")),
      quarter == 2 ~ as.Date(paste(year, "3", "1", sep = "-")),
      quarter == 3 ~ as.Date(paste(year, "6", "1", sep = "-")),
      quarter == 4 ~ as.Date(paste(year, "9", "1", sep = "-")),
  oplan <- plan()
  on.exit(plan(oplan), add = TRUE)

  class(out_data) <- append(class(out_data),"qwi")
medewitt/tidyqwi documentation built on April 29, 2024, 9:46 p.m.