
Defines functions NetworkGeneration

NetworkGeneration <- function(data, caseIndex, controlIndex, caseStudyIndex,
  controlStudyIndex, meanFilter, SDFilter, edgeCutoff, choose, permuteIndex, 
  folder, silent=FALSE) {

  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ##some filtering based on rank sum
  meanRank <- apply(sapply(data, function(x) rowMeans(x)), 2, rank)
  SDRank <- apply(sapply(data, function(x) apply(x, 1, sd)), 2, rank)
  meanMean <- rowSums(meanRank)
  SDMean <- rowSums(SDRank)
  meanCutoff <- quantile(meanMean, meanFilter, na.rm=TRUE)
  filterIndex <- which(meanMean >= meanCutoff)
  SDCutoff <- quantile(SDMean[filterIndex], SDFilter, na.rm=TRUE)
  filterIndex1 <- which(SDMean[filterIndex] >= SDCutoff)
  filterIndex <- filterIndex[filterIndex1]
  if(silent == FALSE){
    cat(paste("total gene: ", dim(data[[1]])[1], "\n", sep=""))
  for (i in 1:length(data)){
    data[[i]] <- data[[i]][filterIndex,]
  genes <- rownames(data[[1]])
  if(silent == FALSE){
    cat(paste("after filtering gene: ", dim(data[[1]])[1], "\n", sep=""))
  ###get adjacency matrix for each network
  geneNum <- length(genes)
  dataTmp <- list()
  ## Permute or not
  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    dataTmp[[i]] <- data[[i]][1:geneNum,]
    if (choose == "permute") {
      tmp <- sample(1:dim(dataTmp[[i]])[2])
      dataTmp[[i]] <- dataTmp[[i]][,tmp]
  corDisease <- list()
  corControl <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    if(silent == FALSE){
      cat(paste("network pair ", i, " constructed\n"))
    corDisease[[i]] <- cor(t(dataTmp[[i]][, caseIndex[[i]]]),
      use="pairwise.complete.obs", method="spearman")
    ###set all NAN to correlation 0
    corDisease[[i]][is.na(corDisease[[i]])] <- 0
    ###set the diagonal term to 0
    diag(corDisease[[i]]) = 0 
    corControl[[i]]<-cor(t(dataTmp[[i]][, controlIndex[[i]]]), 
      use="pairwise.complete.obs", method="spearman")
    ###set all NAN to correlation 0
    corControl[[i]][is.na(corControl[[i]])] <- 0
    ###set the diagonal term to 0
    diag(corControl[[i]]) = 0
  ## cutoff for making edges
  adjDisease <- list()
  adjControl <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    adjDisease[[i]] <- abs(corDisease[[i]])
    adjCutoff <- quantile(abs(corDisease[[i]]), 1 - edgeCutoff)
    adjDisease[[i]][adjDisease[[i]] >= adjCutoff] <- 1
    adjDisease[[i]][adjDisease[[i]] < adjCutoff] <- 0
    ## calculate the property for control network
    adjControl[[i]] <- abs(corControl[[i]])
    adjCutoff <- quantile(abs(corControl[[i]]), 1 - edgeCutoff)
    adjControl[[i]][adjControl[[i]] >= adjCutoff] <- 1
    adjControl[[i]][adjControl[[i]] < adjCutoff] <- 0
  ## remove isolated nodes
  removeCaseIndex <- which(rowSums(sapply(adjDisease, rowSums)) == 0)
  removeControlIndex <- which(rowSums(sapply(adjControl, rowSums)) == 0)
  removeIndex <- intersect(removeCaseIndex, removeControlIndex)
  keepIndex <- setdiff(1:dim(adjDisease[[1]])[1], removeIndex)
  genes <- genes[keepIndex]

  ## create adjacent matrix and correlation matrix
  for (i in caseStudyIndex) {
    adjAll[[i]] <- adjDisease[[i]][keepIndex, keepIndex]
  for (i in controlStudyIndex) {
    adjAll[[i]] <- adjControl[[i-length(data)]][keepIndex, keepIndex]
  for (i in caseStudyIndex) {
    corAll[[i]] <- corDisease[[i]][keepIndex, keepIndex]
  for (i in controlStudyIndex) {
    corAll[[i]] <- corControl[[i-length(data)]][keepIndex, keepIndex]
  ## save matrix
  dir.create(file.path(folder), showWarnings = FALSE)
    showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)
    sep="")), showWarnings = FALSE)

  if (choose == "real") {
    save(adjAll, genes, caseStudyIndex, controlStudyIndex, 
      file=paste(folder, "/AdjacencyMatrices.Rdata", sep=""))
    save(corAll, genes, caseStudyIndex, controlStudyIndex, 
      file=paste(folder, "/CorrelationMatrices.Rdata", sep=""))
  }else if (choose == "permute") {
    save(adjAll, genes, caseStudyIndex, controlStudyIndex, 
      file=paste(folder, "/AdjacencyMatricesPermutation", 
        permuteIndex, ".Rdata", sep=""))
metaOmics/MetaDCN documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:43 a.m.