## metaclipcc.map METACLIP description of an Atlas map product
## Copyright (C) 2021 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Directed metadata graph construction for AR6 Atlas Map products
#' @description Build a directed metadata graph describing a Map product of the AR6 Interactive Atlas
#' @param project Project. Unused so far. Default to \code{"CMIP5"}.
#' @param variable Code of the input ECV (it can be omitted if \code{climate.index} is indicated).
#' Current accepted values are restricted to \code{"tas", "meanpr", "TX", "TN", "prsn", "wind"}
#' and \code{"siconc", "ph", "tos"} for oceanic variables (CMIP6 only).
#' @param climate.index If the map is for a climate index, name of the index. Otherwise NULL (the default). Currently accepted values are restricted to
#' the set of indices to be included in the Atlas, namely:
#' \code{"TXx", "TNn", "Rx1day", "Rx5day", "spi6", "CDD", "tx35", "tx40", "cd", "hdd", "fd"}, as well as the
#' bias adjusted versions of \code{"tx35isimip", "tx40isimip", "fdisimip"}.
#' @param delta Logical. Is it a delta map?. The type of delta displayed can be either \code{"absolute"} or \code{"relative"}.
# Since metaclipcc v1.0.0 this parameter is internally adjusted as a function of the input variable/index.
#' @param experiment Experiment results displayed in the map. Accepted values are restricted to \code{"historical", "rcp26", "rcp45", "rcp85"},
#' for CORDEX and CMIP5 products, and \code{"historical", "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp460" and "ssp585"} for CMIP6 products.
#' @param baseline Character string indicating the \code{"start-end"} years of the baseline (historical) period. Accepted values are:
#' \code{"1981-2010"} and \code{"1961-1990"} (WMO standard periods), \code{"1986-2005"} (AR5 period), \code{"1995-2014"} (AR6 period) and \code{"1850-1900"}
#' (Preindustrial). Internally, there is a tricky part here in some cases, see Details.
#' @param future.period future period. Default to \code{NULL}, for historical maps (i.e., period defined by the \code{baseline} argument). Otherwise, a character string
#' indicating either the \code{"start-end"} years of the future period or a (GCM-specific) warming level. Current options include the standard AR5 future time slices
#' for near term, \code{"2021-2040"}, medium term \code{"2041-2060"} and long term \code{"2081-2100"}, and the global
#' warming levels of +1.5 degC \code{"1.5"}, +2 \code{"2"}, +3 \code{"3"} and +4 \code{"4"}.
#' @param season season. Integer vector of correlative months, in ascending order, encompassing the target season.
#' @param bias.adj.method Default to \code{NULL} and unused. If the map displays a bias-corrected product, a character string idetifying the method. Current accepted values a re \code{"EQM"},
#' for the standard VALUE empirical quantile mapping method. NOTE: since metaclipcc v1.0.0 the parameter is automatically
#' set to "ISIMIP3" when needed as a function of the index name.
#' @param ref.obs.dataset Default to \code{NULL}, and unused unless a \code{bias.adj.method} has been specified.
#' This is the reference observational dataset to perform the correction. This is an individual that must be defined in the datasource vocabulary,
#' belonging to either classes \code{ds:ObservationalDataset} or \code{ds:Reanalysis}. Currently accepted values are \code{"W5E5"} and \code{"EWEMBI"}.
#' Note that the individual instances of the observational reference are assumed to be described in the datasource vocabulary.
#' NOTE: since metaclipcc v0.3.0 the parameter is
#' set to "W5E5" when needed as a function of the index name.
#' @param proj Map projection string. Accepted values are \code{"Robin"}, \code{"Arctic"}, \code{"Antarctic"} and \code{"Pacific"}
#' for Robinson and WGS84 Arctic/Antarctic Polar stereographic, and Robinson Pacific-centric projections respectively.
#' @param map.bbox Optional. numeric vector of length 4, containing, in this order the \code{c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)} coordinates of the target area
#' zoomed in by the user. If missing, then the HorizontalExtent associated to the \code{project} is assumed.
#' @param uncertainty Uncertainty layer characteristics. Describes different hatched patterns
#' of the output graphical product, depending of the user's choice of visualization. Possible values are \code{NULL}
#' (default), indicating no hatching at all, or \code{"simple"} or \code{"advanced"}.
#' @param test.mode For internal use only. When the test mode is on, only the first two models are used.
#' @details
#' \strong{Baseline period definition}
#' Two of the baseline periods considered (WMO, 1981-2010 and AR6, 1995-2014) go beyond the temporal extent of the historical experiment simulations in AR5, ending in 2005.
#' In this case, the strategy followed in the different IPCC reports is to fill the missing period between 2006 and the end of the baseline with the years of the future
#' simulation used in each case. For example, to compute a RCP 8.5 delta using the WMO baseline, the baseline data for the period 2006-2010 will be extracted from the RCP85
#' simulation, and then concatenated with the 1981-2005 period of the historical simulation in order to complete the baseline period.
#' @author J. Bedia
#' @import metaclipR
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% extract2
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @export
## Define simulation domains (ds:SpatialExtent individual instances) for CORDEX projects
## Deal with grid info for oceanic variables
## Legend values
## Review hatching criteria
# ## Test area
# project = "CMIP6"
# variable = "tos"
# climate.index = NULL
# delta = TRUE
# experiment = "ssp126" #"ssp126"
# baseline = "1995-2014"
# future.period = "1.5"
# season = 1:12
# bias.adj.method = NULL #"ISIMIP3" # "EQM"
# ref.obs.dataset = NULL #"W5E5" # "EWEMBI"
# proj = "Robin"
# map.bbox = NULL
# test.mode = TRUE
# uncertainty = "simple"
# #
# a <- metaclipcc.Map(project = project,
# variable = variable,
# climate.index = climate.index,
# delta,
# experiment,
# baseline,
# future.period,
# season,
# bias.adj.method = bias.adj.method,
# ref.obs.dataset = ref.obs.dataset,
# proj = proj,
# map.bbox = map.bbox,
# test.mode = test.mode)
# a
# graph2json(a$graph, output.file = "ignore/prueba2.json")
# End test area
metaclipcc.Map <- function(project = "CMIP5",
variable = NULL,
climate.index = NULL,
delta = FALSE,
future.period = NULL,
bias.adj.method = NULL,
ref.obs.dataset = NULL,
map.bbox = NULL,
uncertainty = NULL,
test.mode = FALSE) {
# Fixed parameters *******
ref.period <- c(1980, 2005) # Used as training period for bias correction
# time.res.orig <- "P1D"
# ***********************
project <- match.arg(project, choices = c("CMIP5", "CMIP6",
if (!is.null(variable)) {
variable <- match.arg(variable, choices = c("tas", "meanpr", "TX", "TN", "prsn", "wind",
"tos", "ph", "siconc"))
if (!is.null(climate.index)) {
climate.index <- NULL
warning("Variable ", variable, " was first indicated. The \'climate.index\' argument was set to NULL")
} else {
if (is.null(climate.index)) stop("Either a variable or a climate index must be supplied")
if (!is.null(climate.index)) {
climate.index <- match.arg(climate.index, choices = c("TXx", "TNn",
"Rx1day", "Rx5day",
"spi6", "CDD",
"tx35", "tx40",
"tx35isimip", "tx40isimip",
"cd", "hdd",
"fd", "fdisimip"))
if (grepl("isimip$", climate.index)) {
bias.adj.method <- "ISIMIP3"
ref.obs.dataset <- "W5E5"
experiment <- if (project == "CMIP6") {
match.arg(experiment, choices = c("historical", "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp460", "ssp585"))
} else {
match.arg(experiment, choices = c("historical", "rcp26", "rcp45", "rcp85"))
if (experiment == "historical") {
if (isTRUE(delta)) {
delta <- FALSE
message("NOTE: \'delta\' argument ignored for the \'experiment=\"historical\"\' setting")
baseline <- match.arg(baseline, choices = c("1981-2010",
if (project == "CMIP6") {
hist.period <- strsplit(baseline, "-") %>% unlist() %>% as.integer()
fill.period <- NULL
} else {
hist.period <- switch(baseline,
"1981-2010" = c(1981, 2005),
"1961-1990" = c(1961, 1990),
"1986-2005" = c(1986, 2005),
"1995-2014" = c(1995, 2005),
"1850-1900" = c(1850, 1900))
fill.period <- switch(baseline,
"1981-2010" = c(2006, 2010),
"1961-1990" = NULL,
"1986-2005" = NULL,
"1995-2014" = c(2006, 2014),
"1850-1900" = NULL)
if (experiment != "historical" & is.null(future.period)) stop("future.period argument is missing, with no default for ", experiment, " experiment")
if (!is.null(future.period)) {
future.period <- match.arg(future.period, choices = c("2021-2040", "2041-2060", "2081-2100",
"1.5", "2", "3", "4"))
proj <- match.arg(proj, choices = c("Robin", "Arctic", "Antarctic", "Pacific"))
if (!is.null(map.bbox)) stopifnot(length(map.bbox) == 4L)
if (!delta) uncertainty <- NULL
if (!is.null(uncertainty)) {
uncertainty <- match.arg(uncertainty, choices = c("simple", "advanced"))
ref.project <- showIPCCdatasets(names.only = FALSE)[showIPCCdatasets(names.only = FALSE) %>% extract2("Project") %>% grep(pattern = project), ]
ipcc.region <- ref.project$SimulationDomain %>% unique() ## overwrite later if CORDEX
# cordex.region <- ref.project$region_name %>% unique()
## Reference grids ---------------------------------------------------------
if (project == "CMIP5") {
resX <- resY <- 2
descr <- paste("This is the reference grid used in all CMIP5 map products of",
resX, "x", resY, "degree resolution covering the whole globe")
gridfile.url <- "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3691645"
reference.grid <- metaclipR.RectangularGrid(resX = resX,
resY = resY,
xmin = -179.25,
xmax = 179.25,
ymin = -89.25,
ymax = 89.25,
dc.description = descr,
ref.URL = gridfile.url)
} else if (project == "CMIP6") {
resX <- resY <- 1
descr <- paste("This is the reference grid used in all CMIP6 map products of",
resX, "x", resY, "degree resolution covering the whole globe")
gridfile.url <- "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3691645"
reference.grid <- metaclipR.RectangularGrid(resX = resX,
resY = resY,
xmin = -179.5,
xmax = 179.5,
ymin = -89.5,
ymax = 89.5,
dc.description = descr,
ref.URL = gridfile.url)
} else {
resX <- resY <- 0.5
descr <- paste0("This is the ", project,
" reference grid of ", resX," x ", resY,
" degree resolution used in all Atlas CORDEX products")
reference.grid <- metaclipR.RectangularGrid(resX = resX,
resY = resY,
xmin = -179.75,
xmax = 179.75,
ymin = -89.75,
ymax = -89.75,
dc.description = descr)
## Reference spatial extents -----------------------------------------------
reference.extent <- if (grepl("^CORDEX-", project)) {
metaclipcc.HorizontalExtent(region = NULL,
xmin = ref.project$xmin.atmos,
xmax = ref.project$xmax.atmos,
ymin = ref.project$ymin.atmos,
ymax = ref.project$ymax.atmos,
dc.description = paste("Spatial Extent of the",
"simulation domain"))
} else {
metaclipcc.HorizontalExtent(region = unique(ref.project$SimulationDomain))
## Observational dataset ---------------------------------------------------
# The observational dataset has a native resolution (obs.spextent)
# that is then interpolated onto the reference project grid
if (!is.null(bias.adj.method)) {
obs.meta <- showIPCCdatasets(names.only = FALSE)[grep(ref.obs.dataset,
fixed = TRUE), ]
obs.spextent <- metaclipcc.HorizontalExtent(region = obs.meta$SimulationDomain)
descr <- paste("This is the original native grid of", obs.meta$resX.atmos, "x" ,
obs.meta$resX.atmos, "of the",
ref.obs.dataset, "observational gridded dataset")
obs.grid <- metaclipR.RectangularGrid(resX = obs.meta$resX.atmos,
resY = obs.meta$resY.atmos,
xmin = obs.meta$xmin.atmos,
xmax = obs.meta$xmax.atmos,
ymin = obs.meta$ymin.atmos,
ymax = obs.meta$ymax.atmos,
dc.description = descr)
graph.o <- metaclipcc.Dataset(ref.obs.dataset, RectangularGrid = obs.grid, DataProvider = "CDS")
## Historical scenarios ----------------------------------------------------
ls <- showIPCCdatasets(names.only = TRUE)
hist.list <- ls[which(grepl(paste0("^", project, ".*historical"), ls))]
if (experiment != "historical") {
## Need to filter models, because not all models have all experiments available (e.g. RCP 2.6 is lacking in some models)
rcp.list <- ls[which(grepl(paste0("^", project, ".*", experiment), ls))]
hist.list <- gsub(experiment, "historical", rcp.list)
if (!identical(length(rcp.list), length(hist.list))) {
stop("historical and future dataset numbers differ")
pat <- if (project == "CMIP6") {
} else {
rcp85.list <- gsub("historical", pat, hist.list) # For filling historical gap # All models have rcp85 available
aux <- showIPCCdatasets(names.only = FALSE)
## ECV filtering -----------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(climate.index)) {
ref.vars <- showIPCCvars(names.only = FALSE)[grep(paste0("^", climate.index, "$"), showIPCCvars()), ]
time.res.orig <- ref.vars$time_step
vars <- strsplit(ref.vars$inputECV, split = ",") %>% unlist()
} else {
ref.vars <- showIPCCvars(names.only = FALSE)[grep(paste0("^", variable, "$"), showIPCCvars()), ]
time.res.orig <- ref.vars$time_step
vars <- variable
## Observational data ------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(bias.adj.method)) {
obs.var.graph.list <- lapply(1:length(vars), function(i) {
graph.o <- metaclipcc.DatasetSubset(metaclipcc.Dataset = graph.o,
Dataset.name = ref.obs.dataset,
time.res.orig = time.res.orig,
ipcc.region = obs.spextent,
variable = vars[i],
season = season,
years = ref.period)
descr <- paste0("The " , ref.obs.dataset, " gridded observations data (",
obs.meta$resX.atmos, "x", obs.meta$resY.atmos,
" degree resolution) are re-gridded onto the ",
resX, "x", resY ," regular grid of ", project)
graph.o <- metaclipcc.Regridding(graph = graph.o,
RefSpatialExtent = reference.extent,
RefRectangularGrid = reference.grid,
InterpolationMethod = "bilinear",
dc.description = descr)
## EMPIEZA BUCLE EN MODELOS ------------------------------------------------
## De este lista se tiran:
### 1. modelos que no tienen la target variable (en histórico OR rcp)
#### 1.1. En el caso de Ãndices, modelos en los que falta algún ECV
### 2. modelos que no alcanzan el warming level especificado
### 3. modelos de los que no hay dato
iter <- if (isTRUE(test.mode)) {
} else {
graph.list <- list()
for (x in iter) {
ref.model <- aux[grep(hist.list[x], aux$name, ignore.case = TRUE),]
model.name <- ifelse(grepl("CORDEX-", project), ref.model$RCM, ref.model$GCM)
if (grepl("^CORDEX-", project)) {
message("[", Sys.time(), "] Processing ", ref.model$GCM, "-", ref.model$RCM, " model data")
} else {
message("[", Sys.time(), "] Processing ", model.name, "_", ref.model$Run, " model data")
# Domains of 44 and 22 are mixed in the CORDEX ensemble maps
if (grepl("CORDEX-", project)) ipcc.region <- ref.model$SimulationDomain
### Filter missing ECV / Climate Index ---------------------------------------
if (!is.null(climate.index)) {
if (ref.model[[climate.index]] != 1) next
} else {
if (ref.model[[variable]] != 1) next
### Filter missing RCPs OR not reached GWLs ----------------------------
if (experiment != "historical") {
pr <- project
if (grepl("^CORDEX-", project)) pr <- "CMIP5"
years <- metaclipcc.getFuturePeriod(project = pr,
model = ref.model$GCM,
run = ref.model$Run,
future.period = future.period,
rcp = experiment)
if (anyNA(years)) next
### GCM grid -----------------------------------------------------------
if (variable %in% c("tos", "ph", "siconc")) {
descr <- paste("This is the native grid of the ocean model in the", model.name, "simulations")
gcm.grid <-metaclipcc.OceanGrid(dc.description = descr)
} else {
descr <- paste("This is the native grid of", ref.model$resX.atmos,
"x", ref.model$resY.atmos, "of the atmospheric variables in the",
model.name, "simulations")
gcm.grid <- metaclipR.RectangularGrid(resX = ref.model$resX.atmos,
resY = ref.model$resY.atmos,
xmin = ref.model$xmin.atmos,
xmax = ref.model$xmax.atmos,
ymin = ref.model$ymin.atmos,
ymax = ref.model$ymax.atmos,
dc.description = descr)
## EMPIEZA BUCLE EN VARIABLES ------------------------------------------
var.graph.list <- lapply(1:length(vars), function(i) {
## Historical simulation data --------------------------------------
graph.hist <- metaclipcc.Dataset(hist.list[x], RectangularGrid = gcm.grid)
graph.h <- metaclipcc.DatasetSubset(metaclipcc.Dataset = graph.hist,
Dataset.name = hist.list[x],
time.res.orig = time.res.orig,
ipcc.region = ipcc.region,
variable = vars[i],
season = season,
years = hist.period)
## Filling the gap in historical period with RCP --------------------
if (!is.null(fill.period)) {
ref.dataset <- if (experiment == "historical") {
aux[grep(rcp85.list[x], aux$name),]
} else {
aux[grep(rcp.list[x], aux$name),]
graph.rcp <- metaclipcc.Dataset(ref.dataset$name, RectangularGrid = gcm.grid)
graph2 <- metaclipcc.DatasetSubset(metaclipcc.Dataset = graph.rcp,
Dataset.name = ref.dataset$name,
variable = vars[i],
ipcc.region = ipcc.region,
season = season,
years = fill.period)
descr <- paste0("The subperiod ",
paste(fill.period[1], fill.period[2], sep = "-"),
", missing from the Historical experiment (1850-2005), is filled with the data from the ",
ref.dataset$Experiment, " simulation of the model to complete the baseline period requested (", baseline, ")")
graph.h <- metaclipR.Binding(graph.list = list(graph.h, graph2),
dim.along = "time",
dc.description = descr)
## Bias correction of historical data ------------------------------
if (!is.null(bias.adj.method)) {
## Reference training period for bias correction ---------------
graph.train <- metaclipcc.DatasetSubset(metaclipcc.Dataset = graph.hist,
ipcc.region = ipcc.region,
Dataset.name = hist.list[x],
time.res.orig = time.res.orig,
variable = vars[i],
season = season,
years = ref.period)
descr <- paste0("In this step the historical time slice is bias-adjusted, using the reference period ",
paste(ref.period, collapse = "-"),
" as training data, and the ",
ref.obs.dataset, " observation data as predictand")
graph.h <- metaclipcc.BiasCorrection(graph = graph.h,
TrainingGraph = graph.train,
ReferenceGraph = obs.var.graph.list[[i]],
ReferenceGraphSpatialExtent = reference.extent,
ReferenceGraphRectangularGrid = reference.grid,
BC.method = bias.adj.method,
dc.description = descr)
## Future simulation data ------------------------------------------
# Check if the future dataset node already exists
# (It is TRUE when it has been previously defined for filling the historical gap period)
graph.r <- NULL
if (experiment != "historical") {
rcp.nodename <- paste("ipcc", rcp.list[x], sep = ":")
is.rcp.already.used <- any(igraph::V(graph.h$graph)$name == rcp.nodename)
if (!is.rcp.already.used) {
graph.rcp <- metaclipcc.Dataset(rcp.list[x], RectangularGrid = gcm.grid)
graph.r <- metaclipcc.DatasetSubset(metaclipcc.Dataset = graph.rcp,
Dataset.name = rcp.list[x],
time.res.orig = time.res.orig,
ipcc.region = ipcc.region,
variable = vars[i],
season = season,
years = years)
## Bias correction of future time slice ------------------------
if (!is.null(bias.adj.method)) {
descr <- paste0("In this step the future time slice is bias-adjusted, using the historical experiment simulation as training data, and the ",
ref.obs.dataset, " observation data as predictand")
graph.r <- metaclipcc.BiasCorrection(graph = graph.r,
ReferenceGraphSpatialExtent = reference.extent,
ReferenceGraphRectangularGrid = reference.grid,
TrainingGraph = graph.train,
ReferenceGraph = obs.var.graph.list[[i]],
dc.description = descr,
BC.method = bias.adj.method)
return(list("historical" = graph.h, "future" = graph.r))
hist.graph.list <- lapply(1:length(var.graph.list), function(j) {
names(hist.graph.list) <- vars
if (!is.null(var.graph.list[[1]][["future"]])) {
fut.graph.list <- lapply(1:length(var.graph.list), function(j) {
names(fut.graph.list) <- vars
## Climate Index calculation -------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(climate.index)) {##CI
graph.h <- metaclipcc.ClimateIndex(graph.list = hist.graph.list,
index.code = climate.index)
if (experiment != "historical") {
graph.r <- metaclipcc.ClimateIndex(graph.list = fut.graph.list,
index.code = climate.index)
} else {## ECV
graph.h <- var.graph.list[[1]][["historical"]]
graph.r <- var.graph.list[[1]][["future"]]
## Monthly aggregation -------------------------------------------------
# Monthly aggregation is done on all ECVs, and some sub-monthly indices
if (ref.vars$aggr.m != "none") {
arg.list <- list()
arg.list$aggr.m$FUN <- ref.vars$aggr.m
descr <- paste("The historical scenario data are monthly aggregated using the",
ref.vars$aggr.m, "cell function")
graph.h <- metaclipR.Aggregation(graph = graph.h,
disable.command = TRUE,
arg.list = arg.list,
dc.description = descr)
if (experiment != "historical") {
descr <- paste("The", experiment , "data are monthly aggregated using the",
ref.vars$aggr.m, "cell function")
graph.r <- metaclipR.Aggregation(graph = graph.r,
disable.command = TRUE,
arg.list = arg.list,
dc.description = descr)
## Annual Aggregation --------------------------------------------------
if (ref.vars$aggr.y != "mean") {
arg.list <- list()
arg.list$aggr.y$FUN <- ref.vars$aggr.y
descr <- paste("The historical data is annually aggregated using the",
ref.vars$aggr.y, "cell function")
graph.h <- metaclipR.Aggregation(graph = graph.h,
disable.command = TRUE,
arg.list = arg.list,
dc.description = descr)
if (experiment != "historical") {
descr <- paste("The", experiment , "data is annually aggregated using the",
ref.vars$aggr.y, "cell function")
graph.r <- metaclipR.Aggregation(graph = graph.r,
disable.command = TRUE,
arg.list = arg.list,
dc.description = descr)
## Interpolation to reference grid -------------------------------------
## The data is already in the reference grid if bias correction has taken place,
## because it inherits the grid from the observations, that are previously interpolated
if (is.null(bias.adj.method)) {
if (variable %in% c("tos", "ph", "siconc")) {
descr <- paste0("The historical ", ref.vars$description," (", ref.vars$shortname,") climatology of the ",
model.name, " model (in native grid coordinates) is interpolated onto the reference ",
project, " grid of ", resX, " x ", resY,
" degrees using a first-order conservative method")
} else {
descr <- paste0("The historical ", ref.vars$description," (", ref.vars$shortname,") climatology of the ",
model.name, " model (" ,
ref.model$resX.atmos , " x ",
ref.model$resY.atmos, " degrees resolution) is interpolated onto the reference ",
project, " grid of ", resX, " x ", resY,
" degrees using a conservative method")
## A generic conservative remapping is used in CMIPx products (ds:ConservativeRemapping)
## In CORDEX, the EURO-CORDEX method is instantiated instead (ds:EUROCordexConservativeRemapping)
interp.method <- ifelse(grepl("^CORDEX-", project),
"conservative_CORDEX", "conservative")
graph.h <- metaclipcc.Regridding(graph = graph.h,
RefSpatialExtent = reference.extent,
RefRectangularGrid = reference.grid,
InterpolationMethod = interp.method,
dc.description = descr)
if (experiment != "historical") {
if (variable %in% c("tos", "ph", "siconc")) {
descr <- paste0("The ", experiment, " ", ref.vars$description," (", ref.vars$shortname,") climatology of the ",
model.name, " model (in oceanic grid coordinates) is interpolated onto the reference ",
project, " grid of ", resX, " x ", resY,
" degrees using a conservative method")
} else {
descr <- paste0("The ", experiment, " ", ref.vars$description," (", ref.vars$shortname,") climatology of the ",
model.name, " model (" ,
ref.model$resX.atmos , " x ",
ref.model$resY.atmos, " degrees resolution) is interpolated onto the reference ",
project, " grid of ", resX, " x ", resY,
" degrees using a conservative method")
graph.r <- metaclipcc.Regridding(graph = graph.r,
RefSpatialExtent = reference.extent,
RefRectangularGrid = reference.grid,
InterpolationMethod = interp.method,
dc.description = descr)
## Up to this point, the intermediate product is described.
## The following steps are undertaken by the Portal.
## Climatology ---------------------------------------------------------
arg.list <- list()
arg.list$clim.fun$FUN <- "mean"
descr <- paste("The", ref.vars$description,
"climatology is calculated for each grid cell, as the mean value for the whole historical period",
graph.h <- metaclipR.Climatology(graph = graph.h,
arg.list = arg.list,
disable.command = TRUE,
dc.description = descr)
if (experiment != "historical") {
if (future.period == "1.5" | future.period == "2" | future.period == "3" | future.period == "4") {
fp <- paste0("of +", future.period, " degC Global Warming Level")
} else {
fp <- future.period
descr <- paste0("The \'", ref.vars$description,
"\' climatology is calculated for each grid cell, as the mean value for the whole future period ",
graph.r <- metaclipR.Climatology(graph = graph.r,
arg.list = arg.list,
disable.command = TRUE,
dc.description = descr)
## Delta calculation ---------------------------------------------------
if (isTRUE(delta)) {
delta.type <- ref.vars$delta_change
descr <- if (delta.type == "absolute") {
paste0("The climate change signal is computed, for each grid cell, as the arithmetic difference between the \'",
ref.vars$description, "\' (", ref.vars$shortname, ") climatologies of the ", experiment, " and the historical scenarios")
} else {
paste0("The climate change signal is computed, for each grid cell, as the ratio (in %) between the \'",
ref.vars$description,"\' (", ref.vars$shortname, ") ensemble mean climatologies of the ", experiment, " and the historical scenarios")
graph <- metaclipcc.Delta(graph = graph.r,
referenceGraph = graph.h,
delta.type = delta.type,
dc.description = descr)
} else {
if (experiment == "historical") {
graph <- graph.h
} else {
graph <- graph.r
graph.list[[x]] <- graph
## Filter missing models ---------------------------------------------------
if (length(graph.list) == 0) {
if ((ref.vars$variable == "prsn" | ref.vars$variable == "wind" | ref.vars$variable == "spi6" | ref.vars$variable == "siconc" | ref.vars$variable == "ph" | ref.vars$variable == "tos") & (project == "CMIP5")) {
message("\'", ref.vars$variable, "\' not available for CMIP5: No provenance output was created.")
} else {
message("No model reached the +", future.period, " degC global warming level in ", experiment, ": No provenance output was created.")
graph <- NULL
map.nodename <- NULL
} else {
rm.ind <- which(sapply(graph.list, "is.null") == TRUE)
if (length(rm.ind) > 0) graph.list <- graph.list[-rm.ind]
## Ensemble building -------------------------------------------------------
if (length(graph.list) > 1L) {
descr <- "The multi-model ensemble is built by joining each individual model climatology along the new dimension \'member\'"
graph <- metaclipR.Ensemble(graph.list = graph.list,
disable.command = TRUE,
dc.description = descr)
} else {## It can happen that one single model remains (e.g. CMIP6 SSP245 +4degC GWL)
graph <- graph.list[[1]]
message("One single model. No multi-member ensemble was built")
## MAP PRODUCT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------
## TODO:Colorbar bounds
## Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
### Includes links to a HorizontalExtent and a Projection
withInput <- graph$parentnodename
graph <- graph$graph
map.nodename <- paste("Map", randomName(), sep = ".")
descr <- "Final map product, consisting of different superposed layers and other graphical elements (legend, title etc.)"
graph <- add_vertices(graph,
nv = 1,
name = map.nodename,
label = "Map product",
className = "go:Map",
attr = list( "dc:description" = descr))
if (is.null(map.bbox)) {
map.extent <- reference.extent
} else {
descr <- "The map horizontal extent is interactively defined by the user through the Atlas Viewer application"
map.extent <- metaclipcc.HorizontalExtent(xmin = map.bbox[1],
xmax = map.bbox[3],
ymin = map.bbox[2],
ymax = map.bbox[4],
dc.description = descr)
graph <- my_union_graph(graph, map.extent$graph)
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.extent$parentnodename)),
label = "go:hasMapExtent")
## Projection --------------------------------------------------------------
proj.name <- switch(proj,
"Robin" = "go:Robinson",
"Arctic" = "go:AntarcticPolarStereographic",
"Antarctic" = "go:ArcticPolarStereographic",
"Pacific" = "go:Robinson-Pacific")
graph.proj <- metaclipcc.MapProjection(proj = proj.name)
graph <- my_union_graph(graph, graph.proj$graph)
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, graph.proj$parentnodename)),
label = "go:hasMapProjection")
## Heatmap raster ----------------------------------------------------------
maplayer.nodename <- paste("mapRasterLayer", randomName(), sep = ".")
descr <- if (!delta) {
"The ensemble mean is graphically displayed on the map as a raster heatmap layer"
} else {
"The ensemble delta change is graphically displayed on the map as a raster heatmap layer"
graph <- add_vertices(graph,
nv = 1,
name = maplayer.nodename,
label = "Heatmap",
className = "go:MapRaster",
attr = list("dc:description" = descr))
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, withInput),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename)),
label = "go:hadGraphicalRepresentation")
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename)),
label = "go:hasMapLayer")
## Land mask (ocean vars only)
if (variable %in% c("tos", "ph", "siconc")) {
descr <- "All land areas are masked to display sea-only values"
refurl <- "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3691645"
mask.nodename <- paste("mapLandMask", randomName(), sep = ".")
graph <- add_vertices(graph,
nv = 1,
name = mask.nodename,
label = "Land Mask",
className = "go:Mask",
attr = list("dc:description" = descr,
"ds:referenceURL" = refurl))
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, mask.nodename)),
label = "go:hasMask")
## Color palette -----------------------------------------------------------
# input.ecv <- if (isTRUE(climate.index %in% c("Rx1day", "Rx5day",
# "DS","SPI6",
# "SPI12", "SPEI6",
# "SPEI12", "DF6",
# "DF12")) | (isTRUE(ref.vars$variable) == "pr")) {
# "pr"
# } else {
# "tas"
# }
# div <- ifelse(is.null(delta), FALSE, TRUE)
# graph.pal <- metaclipcc.ColorPalette(input.ecv = input.ecv, diverging = div)
# graph <- my_union_graph(graph, graph.pal$graph)
# graph <- add_edges(graph,
# c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename),
# getNodeIndexbyName(graph, graph.pal$parentnodename)),
# label = "go:hasColorPalette")
## Coastline ---------------------------------------------------------------
maplayer.nodename <- paste("mapLinesLayer", randomName(), sep = ".")
descr <- "Vector layer. Physical map of coastline boundaries"
graph <- add_vertices(graph,
nv = 1,
name = maplayer.nodename,
label = "Coastline boundaries",
className = "go:MapLines",
attr = list("dc:description" = descr,
"go:LineColor" = "hex-5492cd",
"go:LineType" = "solid"))
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename)),
label = "go:hasMapLayer")
## IPCC regions ------------------------------------------------------------
# The Region Set is kept generic, since different choices are available through the IA Menu
# (namely: WGI Reference regions, WGII continental, Monsoons, River Basins and Small Islands )
maplayer.nodename <- paste("mapLinesLayer", randomName(), sep = ".")
descr <- "IPCC-AR6 Vector Layer Region Set"
refurl <- "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3691645"
graph <- add_vertices(graph,
nv = 1,
name = maplayer.nodename,
label = "IPCC Region Set",
className = "go:MapLines",
attr = list("dc:description" = descr,
"ds:referenceURL" = refurl,
"go:LineColor" = "hex-D3D3D3",
"go:LineType" = "solid"))
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename)),
label = "go:hasMapLayer")
# Map hatching -------------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(uncertainty)) {
if (uncertainty == "simple") {
descr <- "Model agreement is represented with two categories: No overlay indicates high model agreement, where at least 80% of models agree on sign of change; diagonal lines (/) indicate low model agreement, where fewer than 80% of models agree on sign of change. For more information on the simple approach, please refer to the AR6 WGI Cross-Chapter Box Atlas 1. NOTE: Model agreement is computed at a gridbox level and is not representative of regionally aggregated results over larger regions"
} else if (uncertainty == "advanced") {
descr <- "Model agreement is represented using the advanced approach (significant change and agreement) with three categories: No overlay indicates that the change is robust and likely emerges from internal variability (at least 66% of the models show a change greater than the internal-variability threshold and at least 80% of the models agree on the sign of change); diagonal lines (\\\\) indicate no change or no robust change (fewer than 66% of the models show change greater than the internal-variability threshold); crossed lines (X) indicate conflicting signals where at least 66% of the models show change greater than the internal-variability threshold but fewer than 80% of all models agree on the sign of change. For more information on the advanced approach, please refer to the AR6 WGI Cross-Chapter Box Atlas 1. NOTE: Robustness and model agreement are computed at a gridbox level and are not representative of regionally aggregated results over larger regions."
# Model Consensus
maplayer.nodename <- paste("mapHatchingLayer", randomName(), sep = ".")
# refurl <- "https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aab1b1"
graph <- add_vertices(graph,
nv = 1,
name = maplayer.nodename,
label = "Model Agreement Layer",
className = "go:Mask",
attr = list("dc:description" = descr,
# "ds:referenceURL" = refurl,
# "go:LineAngle" = -45,
"go:LineColor" = "hex-000000",
"go:LineType" = "solid"))
graph <- add_edges(graph,
c(getNodeIndexbyName(graph, map.nodename),
getNodeIndexbyName(graph, maplayer.nodename)),
label = "go:hasMapLayer")
return(list("graph" = graph, "parentnodename" = map.nodename))
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