
Defines functions runSVM runLasso runRidge runEnet impLasso impRF impXGB impSVM impCML impBorutaCML

Documented in impBorutaCML impCML impLasso impRF impSVM impXGB runEnet runLasso runRidge runSVM

#!/usr/bin/env R

# Run machine learning

#' Fit a SupportVectorMachines model.
#' This function runs support vector machines (SVM) using a SummarizedExperiment object. Credit base code: Sean Maden.
#' @param seed Set a random seed for the SVM run.
#' @param kerneltype Choose the kernel type for the SVM run.
#' @param sest A valid SummarizedExperiment object, including variable for test and training subsets.
#' @param weightfilt False or numeric float. Float specifies the fraction of absolute weights to retain in the fitted model.
#' @return A `resultslist` object containing the fitted model, predictions, and performacne metrics.
#' @export
runSVM <- function(seed,kerneltype = "linear", seset, weightfilt = FALSE){
  rl <- list(); str.options <- ""

  #training/testing sets
  ndtr <- t(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="train"]))
  ndtr.classes <- seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="train"]$deg.risk

  ndte <- t(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="test"]))
  ndte.classes <- seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="test"]$deg.risk
  # train svm model
  svm_model <- e1071::svm(as.factor(ndtr.classes)~.,
  weightsvect <- ndtr.weights <- t(svm_model$coefs) %*% svm_model$SV
    str.options <- c(str.options,paste0("weight filt = ",weightfilt))
    # order training data on relative weights
    ndtr.weightsort <- ndtr[,rev(order(abs(ndtr.weights)))]
    # select only top proportion weights
    nweight.col = round(ncol(ndtr.weightsort)*weightfilt,0)
    ndtr.weightfilt <- ndtr.weightsort[,c(1:nweight.col)]
    str.options <- c(str.options,paste("cols_retained:",colnames(ndtr.weightfilt),collapse=";"))
    # redefine training set, rerun SVM optimization
    ndtr <- ndtr.weightfilt
    svm_model <- e1071::svm(as.factor(ndtr.classes)~.,
  } else{
    str.options <- c(str.options,"no weight filt")

  #training and test set predictions.
  pred_train <- predict(svm_model, ndtr, decision.valuesq = TRUE, probability=TRUE)
  pred_test <- predict(svm_model, ndte, decision.values = TRUE, probability=FALSE)
  pred_test2 <- predict(svm_model, ndte, decision.values = TRUE, probability=TRUE)
  #find the test errors
  tab <- table(pred = pred_test, true = ndte.classes)
  testError <- mean(pred_test != ndte.classes) #how many predicted classes were incorrect
  log.loss <- MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = attr(pred_test2, which="probabilities")[,1], y_true = as.numeric(ndte.classes))
  # get performance metrics
  pred <- prediction(as.numeric(attr(pred_test,"decision.values")),ndte.classes)
  perf <- ROCR::performance(pred,"tpr","fpr")
  ppred <- pred_test[pred_test==1]
  tppred <- ndte.classes[pred_test==1]
  ppred <- as.numeric(as.character(ppred))
  testprec <- length(ppred[ppred==tppred])/length(ppred) # test precision
  rposi <- ndte.classes==1
  rtpred <- ndte.classes[rposi]
  rppred <- pred_test[rposi]
  rppred <- as.numeric(as.character(rppred))
  testrec <- length(rppred[rppred==1])/length(rppred) # test recall

  # return model, pred's, and performance metrics
  rl <- list(str.options,
  names(rl) <- c("options_string",


#' Run lasso
#' This function runs lasso using a SummarizedExperiment object. Credit base code: Jenny Smith.
#' @param seset A SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @param seed Random seed for model fit.
#' @param alphamodel Alpha value for glmnet model (0 : ridge regression, 0<a<1 : elastic net, 1 : lasso)
#' @return A `resultslist` object containing the fitted model and evaluation info.
#' @export
runLasso <- function(seset, seed = 2019, alphamodel = 1){
  # runLasso
  # Fit a model using penalized regression with lasso
  # Arguments:
  # * sese: Valid summarized experiment object
  # * seed: (int) set seed for randomization
  # Returns:
  # * resultslist (list) : Results of lasso fit

  gene.names = as.character(rownames(rowData(seset)))
  var.classifier = seset$deg.risk
  df = t(assay(seset))
  train.names = colnames(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="train"]))
  test.names = colnames(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="test"]))
  response <- var.classifier
  predictors <- gene.names
  y <- factor(response); names(y) <- colnames(assay(seset)) # response var obj
  x = df[,colnames(df) %in% predictors] # genes of interest
  contrast <- contrasts(y)
  grid <- 10^ seq(10,-2, length=100)
  standardize = FALSE
  fit <- glmnet::glmnet(x[train.names,], y[train.names], family = "binomial", alpha = alphamodel,
                        standardize = standardize, lambda = grid, intercept = FALSE)

  # use cross-validation on the training model.CV only for lambda
  cv.fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x[train.names,], y[train.names], family = "binomial",
                              type.logistic="modified.Newton", standardize = standardize,
                              lambda = grid, alpha = alphamodel, nfolds = length(train.names), #LOOCV
                              type.measure = "class", intercept = FALSE)
  #Select lambda min.
  lambda.min <- cv.fit$lambda.min
  #predict the classes
  pred.class <- predict(fit, newx = x[test.names,], type="class", s=lambda.min)
  #find the test error
  tab <- table(pred.class,y[test.names])
  testError <- mean(pred.class != y[test.names]) #how many predicted classes were incorrect
  #Fit the full dataset.
  final <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y,family = "binomial", standardize = standardize,
                          lambda = grid, alpha = alphamodel, intercept = FALSE)
  #Extract the coefficients
  coef <- predict(final, type="coefficients", s=lambda.min)
  idx <- which(!as.numeric(coef)==0)
  nonZero <- coef[idx,]
  resultslist <- list(train.names, test.names, contrast, fit,
                      cv.fit, tab, testError, final, nonZero, seed)
  names(resultslist) <- c("training.set", "testing.set","contrast", "train.fit",
                          "cv.fit", "confusionMatrix","test.error", "final.model",
                          "nonzero.coef", "seed")

#' Run ridge regression
#' This function runs ridge regression using a SummarizedExperiment object. Credit base code: Jenny Smith.
#' @param seset A SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @param seed Random seed for model fit.
#' @param alphamodel Alpha value for glmnet model (0 : ridge regression, 0<a<1 : elastic net, 1 : lasso)
#' @return A `resultslist` object containing the fitted model and evaluation info.
#' @export
runRidge <- function(seset, seed = 2019, alphamodel = 0){

  gene.names = as.character(rownames(rowData(seset)))
  var.classifier = seset$deg.risk
  df = t(assay(seset))
  train.names = colnames(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="train"]))
  test.names = colnames(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="test"]))
  response <- var.classifier
  predictors <- gene.names
  y <- factor(response); names(y) <- colnames(assay(seset)) # response var obj
  x = df[,colnames(df) %in% predictors] # genes of interest
  contrast <- contrasts(y)
  grid <- 10^ seq(10,-2, length=100)
  standardize = FALSE
  fit <- glmnet::glmnet(x[train.names,], y[train.names], family = "binomial", alpha=alphamodel,
                        standardize = standardize, lambda = grid, intercept = FALSE)

  # use cross-validation on the training model.CV only for lambda
  cv.fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x[train.names,], y[train.names], family = "binomial",
                              type.logistic="modified.Newton", standardize = standardize,
                              lambda = grid, alpha=alphamodel, nfolds = length(train.names), #LOOCV
                              type.measure = "class", intercept = FALSE)
  #Select lambda min.
  lambda.min <- cv.fit$lambda.min
  #predict the classes
  pred.class <- predict(fit, newx = x[test.names,], type="class", s=lambda.min)
  #find the test error
  tab <- table(pred.class,y[test.names]) # confusion matrix from test set
  testError <- mean(pred.class != y[test.names]) #how many predicted classes were incorrect
  #Fit the full dataset.
  final <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y,family = "binomial", standardize = standardize,
                          lambda = grid, alpha = alphamodel, intercept = FALSE)
  #Extract the coefficients
  coef <- predict(final, type="coefficients", s=lambda.min)
  idx <- which(!as.numeric(coef)==0)
  nonZero <- coef[idx,]
  resultslist <- list(train.names, test.names, contrast, fit,
                      cv.fit, tab, testError, final, nonZero, seed)
  names(resultslist) <- c("training.set", "testing.set","contrast", "train.fit",
                          "cv.fit", "confusionMatrix","test.error", "final.model",
                          "nonzero.coef", "seed")

#' Run elastic net regression
#' This function runs elastic net regression (with alpha 0.5) using a SummarizedExperiment object. Credit base code: Jenny Smith.
#' @param seset A SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @param seed Random seed for model fit.
#' @param alphamodel Alpha value for glmnet model (0 : ridge regression, 0<a<1 : elastic net, 1 : lasso)
#' @return A `resultslist` object containing the fitted model and evaluation info.
#' @export
runEnet <- function(seset, seed = 2019, alphamodel = 0.5){

  gene.names = as.character(rownames(rowData(seset)))
  var.classifier = seset$deg.risk
  df = t(assay(seset))
  train.names = colnames(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="train"]))
  test.names = colnames(assay(seset[,seset$exptset.seahack=="test"]))
  response <- var.classifier
  predictors <- gene.names
  y <- factor(response); names(y) <- colnames(assay(seset)) # response var obj
  x = df[,colnames(df) %in% predictors] # genes of interest
  contrast <- contrasts(y)
  grid <- 10^ seq(10,-2, length=100)
  standardize = FALSE
  fit <- glmnet::glmnet(x[train.names,], y[train.names], family = "binomial", alpha = alphamodel,
                        standardize = standardize, lambda = grid, intercept = FALSE)

  # use cross-validation on the training model.CV only for lambda
  cv.fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x[train.names,], y[train.names], family = "binomial",
                              type.logistic="modified.Newton", standardize = standardize,
                              lambda = grid, alpha = alphamodel, nfolds = length(train.names), #LOOCV
                              type.measure = "class", intercept = FALSE)
  #Select lambda min.
  lambda.min <- cv.fit$lambda.min
  #predict the classes
  pred.class <- predict(fit, newx = x[test.names,], type="class", s=lambda.min)
  #find the test error
  tab <- table(pred.class,y[test.names]) # confusion matrix from test set samples
  testError <- mean(pred.class != y[test.names]) #how many predicted classes were incorrect
  #Fit the full dataset.
  final <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y,family = "binomial", standardize = standardize,
                          lambda = grid, alpha = alphamodel, intercept = FALSE)
  #Extract the coefficients
  coef <- predict(final, type="coefficients", s=lambda.min)
  idx <- which(!as.numeric(coef)==0)
  nonZero <- coef[idx,]
  resultslist <- list(train.names, test.names, contrast, fit,
                      cv.fit, tab, testError, final, nonZero, seed)
  names(resultslist) <- c("training.set", "testing.set","contrast", "train.fit",
                          "cv.fit", "confusionMatrix","test.error", "final.model",
                          "nonzero.coef", "seed")

# Importance Functions

#' Feature importance from lasso
#' Returns feature importance from fitting a model using lasso.
#' @param df Valid data object.
#' @param classes Vector of class specifying test or training set among instances.
#' @param trainindices Which instances correspond to the training set.
#' @param seed Random seed to use in model fitting.
#' @return Lasso feature importances.
#' @export
impLasso <- function(df, classes, trainindices, seed = 2019){
  # df : data frame to parse, rownames = classifier groupings, colnames = feature ids
  var.classifier <- response <- as.character(classes)
  y <- factor(response); names(y) <- rownames(df) # response var obj
  x = df # genes of interest
  contrast <- contrasts(y)
  grid <- 10^ seq(10,-2, length=100)

  # use cross-validation on the training model.CV only for lambda
  message("performing cross-validation...")
  cv.fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x[trainindices,], y[trainindices], family = "binomial",
                      type.logistic="modified.Newton", standardize = FALSE,
                      lambda = grid, alpha=1, nfolds = length(trainindices), #LOOCV
                      type.measure = "class", intercept = FALSE)
  #Select lambda min.
  message("selecting lambda min...")
  lambda.min <- cv.fit$lambda.min

  #Fit the full dataset.
  message("fitting whole dataset")
  lassofit <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y, family = "binomial", standardize = FALSE,
                     lambda = grid, alpha = 1, intercept = FALSE)

  #Extract the coefficients
  lassoimp <- predict(lassofit, type="coefficients", s=lambda.min)
  lassoimp <- lassoimp[2:nrow(lassoimp),1]

#' Feature importance from random forest
#' Returns feature importance from fitting a model using random forests.
#' @param df Valid data object.
#' @param classes Vector of class specifying test or training set among instances.
#' @param ntrees Number of trees to use in random forest run.
#' @param seed Random seed to use in model fitting.
#' @return Random forest feature importances.
#' @export
impRF <- function(df, classes, ntrees = 100, seed = 2019){
  class <- as.numeric(classes)
  rffit <- randomForest::randomForest(class ~ ., data = as.matrix(df), ntree = ntrees,proximity = TRUE)
  rfimp <- randomForest::importance(rffit)[,1]

#' Feature importance from eXtreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost)
#' Returns feature importance from fitting a model using XGBoost.
#' @param df Valid data object.
#' @param classes Vector of class specifying test or training set among instances.
#' @param seed Random seed to use in model fitting.
#' @return XGBoost feature importances.
#' @export
impXGB <- function(df, classes, seed = 2019){
  message("fitting xgboost model...")
  xgbfit <- xgboost::xgboost(data = df, label = classes, max_depth = 2,
                    eta = 1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 2, objective = "binary:logistic")
  message("getting xgboost importances...")
  xgbimp <- xgboost::xgb.importance(feature_names = colnames(df), model = xgbfit)
  message("reformatting xgb importances...")

  xgbimp.format <- c(rep(0, ncol(df)))
  names(xgbimp.format) <- colnames(df)
  for(f in 1:nrow(xgbimp)){
    xgbimp.format[which(colnames(df)==as.character(xgbimp[f,1]))] <- as.numeric(xgbimp[f,2])
  xgbimp.format <- as.numeric(xgbimp.format)
  names(xgbimp.format) <- colnames(df)


#' Feature importance from Support Vector Machines (SVM)
#' Returns feature importance from fitting a model using SVM
#' @param df Valid data object.
#' @param classes Vector of class specifying test or training set among instances.
#' @param seed Random seed to use in model fitting.
#' @return SVM feature importances.
#' @export
impSVM <- function(df, classes, seed = 2019){
  message("fitting svm model...")
  svmfit <- e1071::svm(as.factor(classes)~.,
  svmimp <-  t(svmfit$coefs) %*% svmfit$SV
  message("reformatting importances for output...")
  svmimp.format <- svmimp[1,]
  names(svmimp.format) <- colnames(svmimp)

#' Feature importance from Consensus Machine Learning (CML)
#' Returns feature importance from fitting a model using CML
#' @param df Valid data object.
#' @param classes Vector of class specifying test or training set among instances.
#' @param trainindices Indices of traning instances in data.
#' @param seed Random seed to use in model fitting.
#' @param algo.opt Algorithms to use for consensus method.
#' @param standtable Boolean, whether to return a standard output table summarizing results.
#' @param ranksummary Method to compute rank summary among algorithms used, currently supports 'median'.
#' @return Consensus feature importance.
#' @export
impCML <- function(df, classes, trainindices, seed, algo.opt = c("lasso","rf","svm","xgb"),
                   standtable = FALSE, ranksummary = "median"){
  # impCML
  # Get consensus importance ranks from disparate algorithms.
  # Arguments
  # * df (matrix) : data table (rows = instances, columns = features)
  # * classes (character): categorizations of instances
  # * algo.opt (list): List of valid algorithms to use for consensus
  # * seed (int): Set the seed for reproducibility
  # * trainindices (numeric, optional): Vector of dataset (rows) corresponding to training sample subsert. Only used for Lasso cross validation step.
  # * ranksummary (string): Either "median" or "mean", the operation used to calculate consensus rank.
  # Returns:
  # * Consensus rank, optionally a standard output table of importances for selected algorithms (if standtable==TRUE)
  print("getting importances...")
  implist <- list()
  implabellist <- c()
  if("lasso" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.lasso <- impLasso(df=as.matrix(df),trainindices=trainindices,classes=classes)
    implist[["lasso"]] <- imp.lasso
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "lasso")
  if("rf" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.rf <- impRF(df=df, classes=classes)
    implist[["rf"]] <- imp.rf
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "rf")
  if("xgb" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.xgb <- impXGB(df=df, classes=classes)
    implist[["xgb"]] <- imp.xgb
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "xgb")
  if("svm" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.svm <- impSVM(df=df, classes=classes)
    implist[["svm"]] <- imp.svm
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "svm")
  # match importance feature label ordering
    for(i in 1:(length(implist)-1)){
      implist[[i]] <- implist[[i]][order(match(names(implist[[i]]),names(implist[[i+1]])))]

  # get importance ranks and rankvars
  message("computing rank importances...")
  impranklist <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(implist)){
    # always compute absolute ranks
    impranklist[[names(implist)[i]]] <- rank(abs(implist[[i]]))

  medrank <- c()
  meanrank <- c()
  for(r in 1:length(impranklist[[1]])){
    rvalr <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(impranklist)){
      rvalr <- c(rvalr, impranklist[[i]][r])
    medrank <- c(medrank, median(rvalr))
    meanrank <- c(meanrank, mean(rvalr))
    lr <- medrank
  } else{
    lr <- meanrank

    # form the stdout table
    message("forming standard table...")
    st <- matrix(nrow=length(impranklist[1]), ncol=0)
    for(r in 1:length(implist)){
      st <- cbind(st, matrix(implist[r], ncol=1))
      colnames(st)[r] <- implabellist[r]
    st <- cbind(st, matrix(medrank, ncol=1)); colnames(st)[ncol(st)] <- "medrank"
    st <- cbind(st, matrix(meanrank, ncol=1)); colnames(st)[ncol(st)] <- "meanrank"

    lr <- list("ranksummary"=lr,
  message("completed all tasks! Returning...")

#' Feature importance from Consensus Machine Learning (CML) using the Boruta method
#' Returns feature importance from fitting a model using CML with the Boruta method.
#' @param x Valid data object.
#' @param y Vector of classes among instances in data object.
#' @param seed Random seed to use in model fitting.
#' @param algo.opt Algorithms to use for consensus method.
#' @param ranksummary Method to compute rank summary among algorithms used, currently supports 'median'.
#' @return Consensus feature importance.
#' @export
impBorutaCML <- function(x = x, y = y, seed, algo.opt = c("lasso","rf","svm","xgb"),
                   ranksummary = "median"){
  df <- x
  classes <- y

  print("getting importances...")
  implist <- list()
  implabellist <- c()
  if("lasso" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.lasso <- impLasso(df=as.matrix(df), trainindices=trainindices, classes=classes)
    implist[["lasso"]] <- imp.lasso
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "lasso")
  if("rf" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.rf <- impRF(df=as.matrix(df), classes=classes)
    implist[["rf"]] <- imp.rf
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "rf")
  if("xgb" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.xgb <- impXGB(df=as.matrix(df), classes=classes)
    implist[["xgb"]] <- imp.xgb
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "xgb")
  if("svm" %in% algo.opt){
    imp.svm <- impSVM(df=as.matrix(df), classes=classes)
    implist[["svm"]] <- imp.svm
    implabellist <- c(implabellist, "svm")
  # match importance feature label ordering
    for(i in 1:(length(implist)-1)){
      implist[[i]] <- implist[[i]][order(match(names(implist[[i]]),names(implist[[i+1]])))]

  # get importance ranks and rankvars
  message("computing rank importances...")
  impranklist <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(implist)){
    # always compute absolute ranks
    impranklist[[names(implist)[i]]] <- rank(abs(implist[[i]]))

  medrank <- c()
  meanrank <- c()
  for(r in 1:length(impranklist[[1]])){
    rvalr <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(impranklist)){
      rvalr <- c(rvalr, impranklist[[i]][r])
    medrank <- c(medrank, median(rvalr))
    meanrank <- c(meanrank, mean(rvalr))
    lr <- medrank
  } else{
    lr <- meanrank
  message("completed all tasks! Returning...")
metamaden/cmlmanuscript documentation built on Dec. 12, 2019, 7:53 a.m.