
# R.E. Benestad
# Combines a group of station objects to form a set of time series
# Combines field objects; either in time (concatinates) or in space (mixing fields)
# Can be used to combine EOFS

zeros <- function(x) (sum(is.infinite(1/x)) > 0)

rbind.field <- function(...) {
  print('note: the results inerit the metadata from the first argument')
  x <- list(...)
  y <- rbind.zoo(...)
  y <- attrcp(x[[1]],y)
  attr(y,'dimensions') <- c(attr(x[[1]],'dimensions')[1:2],length(index(y)))
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x[[1]])
  class(y) <- class(x[[1]])

cbind.field <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)
  y <- cbind.zoo(...)
  print('unfinished - need to combine the attributes from all inputs')
  y <- attrcp(x[[1]],y)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x[[1]])
  class(y) <- class(x[[1]])

combine <- function(x,y,...)

combine.default <- function(x=NULL,y=NULL,all=FALSE,orig.format=TRUE) {
  # If either of the arguments is NULL, then return the x - useful for looping
  if (is.null(x)) return(y)
  if (is.null(y)) return(x)
  #print(class(x)); print(class(y)); print(summary(x))
  #print("dim(y)="); print(dim(y))
  if ( !zeros(c(inherits(x,c("station","zoo"),which=TRUE),
                inherits(y,c("station","zoo"),which=TRUE)) ) )
                  X <- combine.station(x,y) else
  if ( !zeros( c(inherits(x,c("station","zoo"),which=TRUE)
                 ,inherits(y,c("eof","zoo"),which=TRUE)) ) |
       !zeros( c(inherits(y,c("station","zoo"),which=TRUE),
                 inherits(x,c("eof","zoo"),which=TRUE)) ) )
                  X <- combine.station.eof(x,y,all=all,
                                      orig.format=orig.format) else
  if ( !zeros( c(inherits(x,c("station","zoo"),which=TRUE)
                 ,inherits(y,c("field","zoo"),which=TRUE)) ) |
       !zeros( c(inherits(y,c("station","zoo"),which=TRUE),
                 inherits(x,c("field","zoo"),which=TRUE)) ) )
                  X <- combine.station.field(x,y,all=all,
                                      orig.format=orig.format) else { 
    print("combine.default - don't know what to do :-(")
    Z <- NULL
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

# combine.station can be used to either combine a group of stations into
# one data object or timerseries from one stations with different monthly
# values into one time series with all months
combine.station <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  n <- length(args)
  stid <- rep(NA,n)
  allstations <- TRUE
  for (i in 1:n) {
    Z <- args[[i]]
    if (inherits(Z,'station'))
       stid[i] <- attr(Z,'station_id')
    else allstations <- FALSE

  if (allstations) {
    ns <- length(table(stid))
  # If only one site, then combine the months into one series, otherwise
  # group the stations into one multivariate object
    if (ns ==1) X <- combine.station.month(...) else
                X <- combine.stations(...,all=all)
  } else {
    X <- combine.default(...,all=all)
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)
  class(X) <- class(Z)

# combine.station.month is used to
# This is causing the problem in combine.ds REB
combine.station.month <- function(...) {
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  #print(summary(args)); print(length(args))
  z <- args[[1]]
  #plot.zoo(z); dev.new()
  Z <- merge.zoo(...,all=TRUE)
  X <- zoo(rowMeans(coredata(Z),na.rm=TRUE),order.by=as.Date(index(Z)))
  X <- attrcp(z,X,ignore=c('mean','calibration_data','fitted_values',
  class(X) <- class(z)
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)

combine.zoo <- function(...) {
  Z <- merge.zoo(...,all=TRUE)

# combine.stations is used to combine a group of stations into one object

combine.stations <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  # If either of the arguments is NULL, then return the x -
  # useful for looping

  # REB: rewritten to work with merge and long lists of stations
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  X <- merge.zoo(...,all=all)
  n <- length(args)
  cls <- class(args[[1]])
  loc <- NULL; cn <- loc; ID <- NULL; unit <- loc
  lon <- ID; lat <- ID; alt <- ID; param <- loc; lname <- loc
  src <- loc; qlty <- loc; url <- loc; ref <- loc
  info <- loc; ele <- asp <- ID
  for (i in 1:n) {
    Z <- args[[i]]
    #attr <- softattr(Z)
    loc <- c(loc,attr(Z,'location'))
    cn  <- c(cn,attr(Z,'country'))
    ID <- c(ID,attr(Z,'station_id'))
    unit <- c(unit,attr(Z,'unit'))
    lon <- c(lon,attr(Z,'longitude'))
    lat <- c(lat,attr(Z,'latitude'))
    alt <- c(alt,attr(Z,'altitude'))
    param <- c(param,attr(Z,'variable'))
    lname <- c(lname,attr(Z,'longname'))
    src <- c(src,attr(Z,'source'))
    qlty <- c(qlty,attr(Z,'quality'))
    url <- c(url,attr(Z,'URL'))
    ref <- c(ref,attr(Z,'reference'))
    info <- c(info,attr(Z,'info'))
    ele <- c(ele,attr(Z,'element'))
    asp <- c(asp,attr(Z,'aspect'))

  colnames(X) <- loc
  attr(X,'location') <- loc
  attr(X,'country') <- cn
  attr(X,'station_id') <- ID
  attr(X,'longitude') <- lon
  attr(X,'latitude') <- lat
  attr(X,'altitude') <- alt
  attr(X,'variable') <- param
  attr(X,'longname') <- lname
  attr(X,'unit') <- unit
  attr(X,'aspect') <- asp      ## AM
  attr(X,'source') <- src
  attr(X,'element') <- ele
  attr(X,'quality') <- qlty
  attr(X,'URL') <- url
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(Z)
  #attr(X,'date-stamp') <- date()
  attr(X,'reference') <- ref
  attr(X,'info') <- info
  class(X) <- cls

combine.ds <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  z <- args[[1]]
  n <- length(args)
  #print(n); print(summary(z)); print(names(attributes(z[[1]])))

  if (n > 1) {
  #  Arguments consisting of several objects to be combined
    #print("Several stations")
    if (inherits(z,'pca'))
      X <- combine.ds.pca(...,all=all) else
      X <- combine.station(...,all=TRUE)
  } else if (n==1) {
    #print("One station")
    #print(class(z)); print(attr(z[[1]],'type')); print(summary(z))
    if ( (attr(z[[1]],'type')=="downscaled results") & is.list(z) ) {
    # The output of DS.t2m.month.field: one list with several months
    # The main results looks like a station object:
#    X <- as.station.ds(z)
    X <- as.station.list(z)
    #print("HERE"); print(names(X))
    # The original data & fitted values:
    #print("combine the training data ...")
    m <- length(z)
    for (i in 1:m) {
      #model <- attr(z[[i]],'model')
      y <- attr(z[[i]],'fitted_values')
      x <- attr(z[[i]],'calibration_data')
      x0 <- attr(z[[i]],'original_data')
      xval <- crossval(z[[i]])
      #print(summary(y - y0))
      attr(y,'station_id') <- attr(X,'station_id')
      attr(x,'station_id') <- attr(X,'station_id')
      attr(x0,'station_id') <- attr(X,'station_id')
      eval(parse(text=paste("y.",i," <- y",sep="")))
      eval(parse(text=paste("x.",i," <- x",sep="")))
      eval(parse(text=paste("x0.",i," <- x0",sep="")))
      eval(parse(text=paste("xv.",i," <-  zoo(xval)",sep="")))
      eof <- attr(z[[i]],'eof')  # REB 12.02.2014
      if (i==1) {
        argsx <- 'x.1'
        argsy <- 'y.1'
        argsx0 <- 'x0.1'
        argsxY <- 'xv.1'
        pattern <- attr(z[[1]],'pattern')
        d <- dim(pattern)
        dim(pattern) <- c(1,d[1]*d[2])
        # REB - also capture the diagnostics - from the commone EOF
        if (!is.null(attr(eof,'diagnose')))
          diag <- list(s.1=attr(eof,'diagnose'))
      } else {
        argsx <- paste(argsx,",x.",i,sep="")
        argsy <- paste(argsy,",y.",i,sep="")
        argsx0 <- paste(argsx,",x0.",i,sep="")
        argsxY <- paste(argsx,",xv.",i,sep="")
        patt <- attr(z[[i]],'pattern')
        dim(patt) <- c(1,d[1]*d[2])
        pattern <- rbind(pattern,patt)
        # REB - also capture the diagnostics - from the commone EOF
        if (!is.null(attr(eof,'diagnose')))
          eval(parse(text=paste("diag$s.",i," <- attr(eof,'diagnose')",sep="")))
    #str(x.1); print(class(x.1))
    cline1 <- parse(text=paste("X0 <- merge(",argsx,",all=TRUE)"))

    #print("here"); print(argsy)
    cline2 <- parse(text=paste("Y <- merge(",argsy,",all=TRUE)"))

    cline3 <- parse(text=paste("X0.0 <- merge(",argsx0,",all=TRUE)"))

    # Cross-validation
    #str(x.1); print(class(xv.1))
    cline4 <- parse(text=paste("xY <- merge(",argsxY,",all=TRUE)"))
    attr(X,'calibration_data') <- X0
    attr(X,'fitted_values') <- Y
    attr(X,'evaluation') <- xY
    attr(X,'original_data') <- X0.0
    attr(X,'diagnose') <- diag
    dim(pattern) <- c(m,d[1],d[2])
    attr(pattern,'dimensions') <- c('month','longitude','latitude')
    attr(pattern,'month') <- month.abb
    attr(pattern,'longitude') <- attr(z[[1]],'longitude')
    attr(pattern,'latitude') <- attr(z[[1]],'latidude')
    attr(X,'pattern') <- pattern
    } else X <- NULL 

  # Copy the attributes from z, but not those already used for station
  # objects, as those are taken care of in combine.station
  #print("Copy attributes")
  X <- attrcp(z[[1]],X,ignore=c('location','country','station_id','longitude',
  attr(X,'type') <- 'downscaled results'
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)
  attr(X,'old_class') <- class(z[[1]])
  #print("exit combine.ds")
  #print("HERE"); print(names(X))

combine.list <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  args <- list(...)
  z <- args[[1]]
  if (inherits(z[[1]],'comb'))
      y <- combine.ds.comb(...,all=all) else
   if (inherits(z[[1]],'ds'))
      y <- combine.ds(...,all=all) else
  y <- NULL
combine.ds.comb <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  #print(args)  # [[1]][[1:4]]
  z <- args[[1]]
  #print(summary(z)); print(class(z)); print(length(z))
  k <- length(args)
  m <- length(...) 
  #print(k); print(m); print(summary(z)); print(names(attributes(z[[1]])))

  if (k > 1) {
    #  Arguments consisting of several objects to be combined
    #print("Several stations")
    if (inherits(z,'pca'))
      X <- combine.ds(...,all=all)
  } else {
      #print("One station")
      X <- combine.ds(...,all=all)
      n <- attr(z[[1]],'n.apps')
      # Combine the different appendixes for the different list objects:
      # appendix.1 in each list object is combined with corresponding
      # appendix.1 in the others and so on.
      for (i in 1:n) {
        for (j in 1:m) {
          Z <- z[[j]]
          x <- attr(Z,paste('appendix.',i,sep=''))
          #attr(x,'station_id') <- attr(Z,'station_id')
          #attr(x,'aspect') <- 'original'
          #class(x) <- c('station',class(Z))
          class(x) <- 'zoo'
          eval(parse(text=paste("x.",j," <- x",sep="")))
          if (j==1) {
            argsx <- 'x.1'
          } else {
            argsx <- paste(argsx,",x.",j,sep="")

      #print("combine.station -> appendix.x")
      #plot(c(x.1,x.2,x.3,x.4)); dev.new()  
#      cline1 <- parse(text=paste("attr(X,'appendix.",i,
#                                 "') <- combine.zoo(",argsx,")",sep=""))
      cline1 <- parse(text=paste("attr(X,'appendix.",i,"') <- c(",argsx,")",sep=""))  
      #print("exit combine.ds.comb") 

combine.ds.station <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  # Combine downscaled station records. Use combine.station for
  # combining the station values: either as a group of stations
  # or combine different months for one station into one series
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  X <- combine.station(...,all=all)
  attr(X,'type') <- 'ESD_result'
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)

combine.ds.pca <- function(...,all=TRUE) {
  # Combine downscaled PCA: i.e. the different principal components
  # Assmue that the pattern is the same for all these
  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  args <- list(...)
  X <- combine.ds.station(...,all=all)
  attr(X,'pattern') <- attr(args[[1]],'pattern')
  attr(X,'eigenvalues') <-  attr(args[[1]],'eigenvalues')
  attr(X,'mean') <-  attr(args[[1]],'mean')
  attr(X,'sum.eigenv') <- attr(args[[1]],'sum.eigenv')
  attr(X,'tot.var') <- attr(args[[1]],'tot.var')
  X <- attrcp(args[[1]],X)
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)
  class(X) <- class(args[[1]])

combine.station.eof <- function(x,y,all=FALSE,orig.format=TRUE) {
  # If either of the arguments is NULL, then return the x -
  # useful for looping
  if (is.null(x)) return(y)
  if (is.null(y)) return(x)

  #print(dim(y)); print(dim(x))
  # Keep track of which is an eof object and which is a station record:
  if ( inherits(x,c("station")) & inherits(y,c("eof"))) {
    yy <- x
    x <- y
    y <- yy

  #str(y); str(x)
  clsx <- class(x)
  clsy <- class(y)
  index(y) <- as.Date(index(y))
  index(x) <- as.Date(index(x))
  #print("combine: dates")
  #print(index(x)[1]); print(index(y)[1]); 
  # REB 20.08.2013: added colnames to x & y before merge to keep track of
  # y & x.

  dy <- dim(y)
  if (is.null(dy)) dy <- c(length(y),1)
  if (dy[2]>1) colnames(y) <- paste("y",1:dy[2],sep=".")
  dx <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(dx)) dx <- c(length(x),1)
  if (dx[2]>1) colnames(x) <- paste("x",1:dx[2],sep=".") 
  if (orig.format) {
    comb <- merge(x,y,all=all)
    vars <- tolower(names(comb))
    ys <- vars[grep('y',vars)]
    Xs <- vars[grep('x',vars)]
    ix <- is.element(vars,Xs)
    iy <- is.element(vars,ys)

    XX <- zoo(coredata(comb[,ix]),order.by=index(comb))
    yy <- zoo(comb[,iy],order.by=index(comb))

    XX <- attrcp(x,XX,ignore='names')
    yy <- attrcp(y,yy,ignore='names')

    # REB 29.04.2014
 #   nattr1 <- softattr(y)
 #   for (i in 1:length(nattr1))
 #     attr(yy,nattr1[i]) <- attr(y,nattr1[i])
 #   nattr2 <- softattr(x)
 #   for (i in 1:length(nattr2))
 #     attr(XX,nattr2[i]) <- attr(x,nattr2[i])
    clsy -> class(yy)
    clsx -> class(XX)
    X <- list(y=yy,X=XX)
  } else {
    # REB 29.04.2014
    # This option introdices an additional index in the PCs and
    # and additional uniform pattern.
    comb <- merge(y,x,all=all)

    d <- dim(y)
    if (is.null(d)) {
      s <- sd(y,na.rm=TRUE)
      z <- ( coredata(y) - mean(y,na.rm=TRUE) )/s
    } else {
      s <- apply(y,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
      m <- apply(y,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
      z <- ( coredata(y) -  m )/s
    coredata(y) <- z
    comb <- merge(y,x,all=all)
    X <- comb
#    nattr1 <- softattr(x)
#    for (i in 1:length(nattr1))
#      attr(X,nattr1[i]) <- attr(x,nattr1[i])
    X <- attrcp(x,X,ignore='names')
    attr(X,'pattern') <- rbind(matrix(rep(s,d[1]*d[2]),d[1],d[2]),
    attr(X,'X.attributes') <- attributes(y)
    class(X) <- class(x)
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)

combine.station.field <- function(x,y,all=FALSE,orig.format=TRUE) {
  # If either of the arguments is NULL, then return the x -
  # useful for looping
   X <- combine.field.station(x=y,y=x,all=all,orig.format=orig.format)

combine.field.station <- function(x,y,all=FALSE,
                                  orig.format=TRUE) {
  # If either of the arguments is NULL, then return the x -
  # useful for looping
  if (is.null(x)) return(y)
  if (is.null(y)) return(x)

  # Keep track of which is an eof object and which is a station record:
  swapped <- FALSE
  if ( inherits(x,c("station")) & inherits(y,c("field"))) {
    yy <- x
    x <- y
    y <- yy
    swapped <- TRUE
  clsx <- class(x)
  clsy <- class(y)
  index(y) <- as.Date(index(y))
  index(x) <- as.Date(index(x))
  # REB 20.08.2013: added colnames to x & y before merge to keep track of
  # y & x.
  if (length(dim(y))==2) 
    colnames(y) <- paste("y",1:dim(y)[2],sep=".") 
  if (length(dim(x))==2)
    colnames(x) <- paste("x",1:dim(x)[2],sep=".")

  comb <- merge(x,y,all=all)

  if (orig.format) {
    vars <- names(comb)
    ys <- vars[grep('y',vars)]
    Xs <- vars[grep('x',vars)]
    ix <- is.element(vars,Xs)
    iy <- is.element(vars,ys)
    XX <- zoo(coredata(comb[,ix]),order.by=index(comb))
    yy <- zoo(coredata(comb[,iy]),order.by=index(comb))
    names(XX) <- Xs
    names(yy) <- ys
#    nattr1 <- softattr(x)
#    for (i in 1:length(nattr1))
#      attr(XX,nattr1[i]) <- attr(x,nattr1[i])
    XX <- attrcp(x,XX,ignore='names')
#    nattr2 <- softattr(y)
#    for (i in 1:length(nattr2))
#      attr(yy,nattr2[i]) <- attr(y,nattr2[i])
    yy <- attrcp(y,yy,ignore='names')
    attr(XX,'dimensions') <- attr(y,'dimensions')
    attr(yy,'dimensions') <- attr(x,'dimensions')
#    mostattributes(yy) <- attributes(x)
#    mostattributes(XX) <- attributes(y)
    clsx -> class(XX)
    clsy -> class(yy)
    #print(clsx); print(clsy); print(dim(XX)); print(length(yy))
    if (swapped) X <- list(y=XX,X=yy) else
                 X <- list(y=yy,X=XX)
  } else {
     X <- comb
     X <- attrcp(x,X,ignore='names')
#     nattr2 <- softattr(x)
#     for (i in 1:length(nattr1))
#       attr(X,nattr1[i]) <- attr(x,nattr1[i])
    #mostattributes(comb) <- attributes(x)
     attr(X,'X.attributes') <- attributes(y)
  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(X)

combine.field <- function(x,y,all=FALSE,dimension="time",
                          approach="field",orig.format=TRUE) {

  if (inherits(y,'station')) {
    xy <- combine.field.station(x=x,y=y,orig.format=orig.format)
  clsx <- class(x); clsy <- class(y)
  hst <- c(attr(x,'history'),attr(y,'history'))
  if ( (unit(x)=="hPa") & (unit(x)=="hPa")) {
    coredata(x) <- 100*coredata(x)
    attr(x,'unit') <- 'Pa'
  if ( (unit(y)=="hPa") & (unit(y)=="hPa")) {
    coredata(y) <- 100*coredata(y)
    attr(y,'unit') <- 'Pa'
  if (unit(x) != unit(y))
    print(paste('Warning - different units:',unit(x),unit(y)))

  if (missing(y)) return(x)

  dimension <- tolower(dimension)
  approach <- tolower(approach)
  x <- sp2np(x)
  y <- sp2np(y)

  # Make sure that the longitude conventions are the same:
  if ( ( as.logical(attr(x,'greenwich')) &
         !as.logical(attr(y,'greenwich')) ) |
       ( !as.logical(attr(x,'greenwich')) &
          as.logical(attr(y,'greenwich')) ) )
        y <- g2dl(y,attr(x,'greenwich'))
  if (sum(is.element(dimension,"time"))) {
    # Combine the two gridded data sets along the time axis:
    # The y data set is regridded onto the grid of the former.

    # Organise the grid coordinates:
    #x1 <- attr(x,'longitude');  nx1 <- length(x1)
    #y1 <- attr(x,'latitude');   ny1 <- length(y1)
    #x2 <- attr(y,'longitude'); nx2 <- length(x2)
    #y2 <- attr(y,'latitude');  ny2 <- length(y2)
    #d1 <- attr(x,'dimensions')
    #d2 <- attr(y,'dimensions')
    #xy2 <- rep(x2,ny2); yx2 <- sort(rep(y2,nx2))

    # Work with the raw matrices rather than zoo class to avoid surrises;-)
#    X <- coredata(x); Y <- coredata(y)
#    Z <- matrix(rep(NA,d2[3]*d1[1]*d1[2]),d2[3],d1[1]*d1[2])

    # Only use the same region as the previous:
    # y <- subset(y,is=list(range(x1),range(y1)))
    #print("combine.field after subset:");print(x1); print(y1);print("---")
    #Z <- regrid(y,is=list(x1,y1))
    Z <- regrid(y,is=x)
    #attr(Z,'dimensions') <- c(d1[1],d1[2],d2[3])
    #mostattributes(Z) <- attributes(y)
    #class(Z) <- class(y)

    # Add the regridded data as an attribute, but change class
    if (is.null(attr(x,'n.apps'))) n.app <- 1 else
                                   n.app <- attr(x,'n.apps') + 1
    attr(x,paste('appendix.',n.app,sep='')) <- Z
    attr(x,'n.apps') <- n.app
    X <- x
    if (sum(is.element(clsx,"comb"))==0)
         class(X) <- c("comb",clsx) else
         class(X) <- clsx

  if (sum(is.element(dimension,"space"))) {
    # This option synchronises the data and expand the spatial grid
    # to include both data sets.
    #print(length(names(x[1,]))); print(length(x[1,])); print(names(x)[1:10])
    #xnm <- paste("x",1:length(x[1,]),sep=".") 
    #ynm <- paste("y",1:length(y[1,]),sep=".") 
    #names(x) <- xnm
    #names(y) <- ynm
    # REB 20.08.2013: added colnames to x & y before merge to keep track of
    # y & x.    
    colnames(y) <- paste("y",1:dim(y)[2],sep=".")
    colnames(x) <- paste("x",1:dim(x)[2],sep=".")
    comb <- merge(x,y,all=all)
    nt <- length(index(comb))
    if (orig.format) {
      vars <- names(comb)
      #print("After merge - original format")
      #print(vars[1:10]); print(vars[(length(vars)-9):length(vars)])
      ys <- vars[grep('y',vars)]
      Xs <- vars[grep('x',vars)]
      ix <- is.element(vars,Xs)
      iy <- is.element(vars,ys)
      #print(paste(sum(ix),"xes and",sum(iy),"yes"))
      XX <- zoo(coredata(comb[,ix]),order.by=index(comb))
      yy <- zoo(coredata(comb[,iy]),order.by=index(comb))
      names(yy) <- ys
      names(XX) <- Xs

      #print("sett class")
      #print(clsx); print(clsy)
      clsx -> class(XX)
      clsy -> class(yy)

      #print("add attributes")
      #nattr1 <- softattr(y)
      #for (i in 1:length(nattr1))
      #  attr(yy,nattr1[i]) <- attr(y,nattr1[i])
      yy <- attrcp(y,yy,ignore='names')
      attr(yy,'dimensions') <- c(attr(y,'dimensions')[1:2],nt)
      #nattr2 <- softattr(x)
      #for (i in 1:length(nattr2))
      #  attr(XX,nattr2[i]) <- attr(x,nattr2[i])
      XX <- attrcp(x,XX,ignore='names')
      attr(XX,'dimensions') <- c(attr(x,'dimensions')[1:2],nt)

      #print("into list")
      X <- list(y=yy,X=XX)
    } else X <- comb
    class(X) <- c("comb","list")

  attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

g2dl <- function(x,greenwich=TRUE,...)

g2dl.default <- function(x,greenwich=TRUE,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,d=NULL) {
  if (is.null(lon)) lon <- attr(x,'longitude')
  if (is.null(lat)) lat <- attr(x,'latitude')
  if (is.null(d)) d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  if (greenwich) {
    wh <- lon < 0
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] + 360
  } else {
    wh <- lon > 180
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] - 360
 xsrt <- order(lon)
 dim(x) <- d  
 x <- x[xsrt,,]
 dim(x) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
 lon <- sort(lon)
 if (!is.null(attr(x,'longitude'))) attr(x,'longitude') <- lon

g2dl.field <- function(x,greenwich=TRUE) {
  attr(x,'longitude') -> lon
  attr(x,'latitude') -> lat
  d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  #print(d); print(dim(coredata(x)))
  if (greenwich) {
    wh <- lon < 0
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] + 360
  } else {
    wh <- lon > 180
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] - 360
  xsrt <- order(lon)
  X <- t(coredata(x))
  dim(X) <- d
  X <- X[xsrt,,]
  #print(dim(X)); print(d)
  dim(X) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
  y <- zoo(t(X),index(x))
  lon <- sort(lon)

  y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore='names')
  #nattr <- softattr(x,ignore=c('greenwich','longitude'))
  #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
  #  attr(y,nattr[i]) <- attr(x,nattr[i])
  attr(y,'dimensions') <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon
  attr(y,'greenwich') <- as.logical(greenwich)
  attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
  class(y) <- class(x)

g2dl.eof <- function(x,greenwich=TRUE) {
  attr(x,'longitude') -> lon
  attr(x,'latitude') -> lat
  d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  X <- attr(x,'pattern')
  if (greenwich) {
    wh <- lon < 0
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] + 360
  } else {
    wh <- lon > 180
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] - 360
  xsrt <- order(lon)
  X <- X[xsrt,,]
  lon <- sort(lon)
  X -> attr(x,'pattern')
  attr(x,'greenwich') <- greenwich

g2dl.corfield <- function(x,greenwich=TRUE) {
  attr(x,'longitude') -> lon
  attr(x,'latitude') -> lat
  d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  if (greenwich) {
    wh <- lon < 0
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] + 360
  } else {
    wh <- lon > 180
    lon[wh] <- lon[wh] - 360

  y <- x
  xsrt <- order(lon)
  dim(y) <- d
  y <- y[xsrt,]
  y <- c(y)
  lon <- sort(lon)

  y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore='names')
  #nattr <- softattr(x,ignore=c('greenwich','longitude'))
  #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
  #  attr(y,nattr[i]) <- attr(x,nattr[i])
  attr(y,'dimensions') <- attr(x,'dimensions')
  attr(y,'longitude') <- lon
  attr(y,'greenwich') <- as.logical(greenwich)
  class(y) <- class(x)

sp2np <- function(x,SP2NP=TRUE) {
   # Take care of different latitude orientations: N-> S & S -> N
   ysrt <- order(attr(x,'latitude'))
   d <- attr(x,'dimensions')
   if (SP2NP) {
     if (ysrt[1]==1) return(x)
     y <- t(coredata(x))
     dim(y) <- attr(x,'dimensions')
     y <- y[,ysrt,]
     dim(y) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
     y <- zoo(t(y),order.by=index(x))
     class(y) <- class(x)
     y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore='names')
     #nattr <- softattr(x,ignore=c('longitude','latitude','dimensions'))
     #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
     #  attr(y,nattr[i]) <- attr(x,nattr[i])
     attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')
     attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[ysrt]
     attr(y,'dimensions') <- d
   } else {
     ysrt <- order(attr(x,'latitude'), decreasing = TRUE)
     if (ysrt[1]==1) return(x)
     y <- t(coredata(x))
     dim(y) <- d
     y <- y[,ysrt,]
     dim(y) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
     dim(y) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
     class(y) <- class(x)
     y <- attrcp(x,y,ignore='names')
     #nattr <- softattr(x,ignore=c('longitude','latitude','dimensions'))
     #for (i in 1:length(nattr))
     #  attr(y,nattr[i]) <- attr(x,nattr[i])
     attr(y,'longitude') <- attr(x,'longitude')
     attr(y,'latitude') <- attr(x,'latitude')[ysrt]
     attr(y,'dimensions') <- attr(x,'dimensions')
   attr(y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
metno/esd.test documentation built on May 22, 2019, 7:49 p.m.