#' Check if summary function evaluates to the correct format
#' @param fun The summary function to use for summarizing the continuous data in [pt_demographics()]
#' @keywords internal
validate_dem_fun <- function(fun){
see <- "See ?pmtables:::dem_cont_fun."
form <- formals(fun)
msg = "`fun` must have `...` as a formal argument"
result <- fun(seq(1,5), name = "")
msg = glue("`fun` returned an empty object. {see}")
msg = glue("`fun` must return a data frame. {see}")
msg = glue("`fun` must return a data frame with a single row. {see}")
#' Default summary function in pt_demographics for continuous variables
#' @param value a vector or column to summarize
#' @param name the name of the variable currently being summarized
#' @param ... other arguments passed to `fmt`
#' @param fmt a function to format the numbers in the continuous data summary
#' @param digits passed to `fmt`
#' @param maxex passed to `fmt`
#' @return
#' A tibble with one row and three columns:
#' 1. `Mean (SD)` the mean and standard deviation of `value`
#' 2. `Min / Max` the range of the `value`
#' 3. `Missing` the number of missing `values`
#' @details
#' The summary function should have these arguments:
#' - `value` the data to summarize
#' - `name` the name of the data column being summarized; length 1
#' - `...` absorbs other arguments that might get passed
#' These are the important arguments; `name` is not required as a formal
#' argument but `...` is. The idea is that the custom summary function
#' receives the data to be summarized, the name of that data, and other
#' arguments. Since you are in charge of the function, you can make decisions
#' about both summaries and the formatting of those summaries inside the
#' function you are maintaining. Notice that `dem_cont_fun` also contains
#' arguments `fmt` (a formatting function) and `digits` and `maxex` (arguments
#' to be passed to `fmt`). This means that you can have your summary function
#' call the default summary function but with different formatting parameters.
#' The summary function should return a data frame, with summary statistics
#' in the columns.
#' @examples
#' pmtables:::dem_cont_fun(value = seq(1,7), digits = 2)
#' @keywords internal
dem_cont_fun <- function(value = seq(1,5), name = "", ..., fmt = sig,
digits = 3, maxex = 5) {
`Mean (SD)` = .mean_sd(value, fmt = fmt, digits = digits, maxex = maxex),
`Min / Max` = .min_max(value, fmt = fmt, digits = digits, maxex = maxex),
`Missing` = as.character(sum(is.na(value)), digits = digits, maxex = maxex)
.min_max <- function(value, sep = " / ", fmt = sig, ...) {
paste0(fmt(range(value, na.rm = TRUE), ...), collapse = sep)
.mean_sd <- function(value, fmt = sig, ...) {
Mean <- fmt(mean(value, na.rm = TRUE), ...)
Sd <- fmt(sd(value, na.rm = TRUE), ...)
paste0(Mean, " (", Sd, ")")
#' Summarize continuous and categorical data in long format
#' This function makes a single table from both continuous and categorical data.
#' @inheritParams pt_cont_long
#' @inheritParams cat_data
#' @param data the data frame to summarize; the user should filter or subset
#' so that data contains exactly the records to be summarized; pmtables will not
#' add or remove rows prior to summarizing data
#' @param cols_cont the continuous data columns to summarize; this argument
#' may be specified as a character vector, comma-separated string or
#' quosure
#' @param cols_cat the categorical columns to summarize; this argument
#' may be specified as a character vector, comma-separated string or
#' quosure
#' @param span variable name for column spanner
#' @param units optional units for each summarized column; must be a named list
#' where the names correspond with continuous data columns in `data`
#' @param stat_name name of statistic column
#' @param stat_width width (in cm) of the statistic column
#' @param summarize_all logical; if `TRUE`, summaries across all `span`
#' levels will be appended to the right hand side of the table
#' @param all_name a character name for the all data summary invoked by
#' `summarize_all`
#' @param fun The summary function to use for summarizing the continuous
#' data; the default is [dem_cont_fun()]. The result will be validated with
#' [validate_dem_fun()].
#' @param notes notes a character vector of notes to place under the table
#' @param paneled logical; if `TRUE`, the table will be paneled with the
#' covariate names; otherwise, the covariate names will appear as the left-most
#' column with non-repeating names cleared and separated with `hline` (see
#' examples).
#' @details
#' When a continuous data summary function (`fun`) is passed, the user should
#' also pass a set of notes that explain the summary statistics produced
#' by that function. If no notes are passed, no notes will appear under the
#' table.
#' @return
#' An object of class `pmtable`.
#' @examples
#' out <- pt_demographics(
#' data = pmt_first,
#' cols_cont = c(Age = "AGE", Weight = "WT"),
#' cols_cat = c(Sex = "SEXf", Race = "ASIANf"),
#' units = list(WT = "kg"),
#' span = c(Study = "STUDYf")
#' )
#' out <- pt_demographics(
#' data = pmt_first,
#' cols_cont = "AGE,WT",
#' cols_cat = "SEXf,ASIANf",
#' paneled = FALSE,
#' span = "FORMf"
#' )
#' tab <- stable(out)
#' pmtables:::pt_demographics_notes()
#' new_fun <- function(value = seq(1,5), name = "", ...) {
#' value <- value[!is.na(value)]
#' tibble::tibble(
#' `mean` = sig(mean(value)),
#' `median` = sig(median(value)),
#' `min-max` = paste0(sig(range(value)), collapse = " - ")
#' )
#' }
#' out <- pt_demographics(
#' data = pmt_first,
#' cols_cont = "AGE,WT",
#' cols_cat = "SEXf,ASIANf",
#' fun = new_fun
#' )
#' pmtables:::dem_cont_fun(rnorm(20))
#' new_fun(rnorm(20))
#' @details
#' The categorical data is summarized using [pt_cat_long()].
#' The default summary function for continuous variables is [dem_cont_fun()].
#' Please review that documentation for details on the default summary for this
#' table.
#' If you wish to define your own function, please ensure the output is in the
#' same format. Any number of columns is acceptable.
#' @seealso [pt_cont_long()], [pt_cat_long()]
#' @return An object with class pmtable; see class-pmtable.
#' @export
pt_demographics <- function(data, cols_cont, cols_cat,
span = NULL,
units = NULL,
table = NULL,
stat_name = "Statistic",
stat_width = 2,
summarize_all = TRUE,
all_name = "Summary",
fun = dem_cont_fun,
notes = pt_demographics_notes(),
paneled = TRUE,
denom = c("group", "total")) {
summarize_all <- isTRUE(summarize_all)
summarize_span <- !is.null(span)
summarize_all <- isTRUE(summarize_all) || !summarize_span
paneled <- isTRUE(paneled)
data <- as.data.frame(data)
cols_cont <- new_names(cols_cont, table)
cols_cat <- new_names(cols_cat, table)
check_continuous(data, cols_cont)
check_discrete(data, cols_cat)
#assert_that(inherits(digits, "digits"))
# digits <- update_digits(digits,cols_cont)
# digit_fun <- get_digits_fun(digits)
# digit_data <- get_digits_list(digits)
# Validate custom fun and check notes
if(!missing(fun)) {
if(missing(notes)) notes <- character(0)
if(summarize_span) {
span <- new_names(span)
span_lvl <- levels(fct_inorder(data[[unname(span)]]))
new_span <- as.span(title = names(span), vars = span_lvl)
} else {
new_span <- NULL
# Continuous Variables
cont_table0 <- pivot_longer(data, cols = all_of(unname(cols_cont)))
cont_table0 <- mutate(cont_table0, name = fct_inorder(.data[["name"]]))
if(summarize_all) {
cont_table0[[".span"]] <- "value"
cont_table_all <- demo_summarize_cont(
data = cont_table0,
span = ".span",
cols = cols_cont,
fun = fun
if(summarize_span) {
cont_table <- demo_summarize_cont(
data = cont_table0,
span = span,
cols = cols_cont,
fun = fun
# Categorical Variables ###
if(summarize_span) {
cat_table <- pt_cat_long(
cols = cols_cat,
span = span,
summarize = "top",
denom = denom
if(summarize_all) {
cat_table_all0 <- pt_cat_long(
cols = cols_cat,
summarize = "top",
denom = denom
cat_table_all <- rename(cat_table_all0[["data"]], value = "Summary")
if(summarize_all && summarize_span) {
cont_df <- left_join(cont_table, cont_table_all, by = c("name", "level"))
cat_df <- left_join(cat_table[["data"]], cat_table_all, by = c("name", "level"))
cols_extra <- left_join(
by = "level"
if(summarize_all && !summarize_span) {
cont_df <- cont_table_all
cat_df <- cat_table_all
cols_extra <- cat_table_all0[["cols_extra"]]
cols_extra <- bind_cols(tibble(name = ""), cols_extra)
if(!summarize_all && summarize_span) {
cont_df <- cont_table
cat_df <- cat_table[["data"]]
cols_extra <- cat_table[["cols_extra"]]
# Combined Table ###
table_data <- bind_rows(cont_df, cat_df)
table_data <- rename(table_data, !!sym(stat_name) := "level")
if(summarize_all) {
table_data <- rename(table_data, !!sym(all_name) := "value")
# add units
units <- validate_units(units, data)
if(!is.null(units)) {
all_cols <- c(cols_cont, cols_cat)
has_unit <- match(names(units), all_cols)
nw <- names(all_cols)
nw[has_unit] <- paste(nw[has_unit], unlist(units))
names(nw) <- names(all_cols)
table_data[["name"]] <- nw[table_data[["name"]]]
align <- cols_left()
ragged <- list(col_ragged(stat_width))
names(ragged) <- stat_name
align[["update"]] <- ragged
ans <- list(
span = new_span,
panel = as.panel("name"),
align = align,
cols_extra = cols_extra,
notes = notes
if(!paneled) {
ans[["panel"]] <- as.panel(NULL)
ans[["clear_reps"]] <- "Covariate"
if(!is.null(new_span)) {
ans[["cols_extra"]] <- bind_cols(
tibble(Covariate = ""),
ans[["hline_from"]] <- "Covariate"
table_data <- select(
Covariate = "name",
ans[["data"]] <- table_data
structure(ans, class = c("pmtable", class(ans)))
demo_summarize_cont <- function(data, span, cols, fun) {
summary_names <- names(fun(1:5, name = ""))
cont_table <- group_by(data, .data[["name"]], !!sym(span))
cont_table <- summarise(
fun(.data[["value"]], name = .data[["name"]][1]),
.groups = "drop"
cont_table <- mutate_at(cont_table, .vars = summary_names, as.character)
cont_table <- pivot_wider(
names_from = "name",
values_from = all_of(summary_names),
names_glue = "{name}_{.value}"
cont_table <- pivot_longer(cont_table, -!!sym(span))
cont_table <- pivot_wider(cont_table, names_from = all_of(unname(span)))
cont_table <- separate(
c("name", "level"),
sep = "_"
cont_table <- mutate(
name = factor(.data[["name"]], levels = unname(cols))
cont_table <- arrange(cont_table, .data[["name"]])
cont_table <- mutate(cont_table, name = names(cols)[.data[["name"]]])
pt_demographics_notes <- function() {
cat_notes <- "Categorical summary is count (percent)"
cont_notes <- c(
"n: number of records summarized",
"SD: standard deviation",
"Min: minimum; Max: maximum"
c(cat_notes, cont_notes)
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