


test_that("create caption", {
  cap <- as.caption("[Short] Main", write = TRUE)
  expect_is(cap, "st_caption")
  att <- attributes(cap)
  expect_identical(names(att), c("short", "write", "class"))
  expect_equal(att$short, "Short")
  expect_equal(as.character(cap), "Short Main")

  expect_error(as.caption(letters[1:3]), "must be character with length 1")

test_that("caption parse", {
  cap <- "[Short title]. Main caption text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap)
  expect_is(ans, "list")
  expect_length(ans, 2)
  expect_identical(ans$short, "Short title")
  expect_identical(ans$main, "Short title. Main caption text")

  # Punctuation stays with the short title
  cap <- "[Short title.] Main caption text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap)
  expect_is(ans, "list")
  expect_length(ans, 2)
  expect_identical(ans$short, "Short title.")
  expect_identical(ans$main, "Short title. Main caption text")

  # Don't repeat short
  cap <- "[Short title] Main caption text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap, short_repeat = FALSE)
  expect_is(ans, "list")
  expect_length(ans, 2)
  expect_identical(ans$short, "Short title")
  expect_identical(ans$main, "Main caption text")

  # Custom separator
  cap <- "[Short title] Main caption text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap, short_sep = ";")
  expect_is(ans, "list")
  expect_length(ans, 2)
  expect_identical(ans$short, "Short title")
  expect_identical(ans$main, "Short title; Main caption text")

  # Handle multiple brackets
  cap <- "[Short Title]. Main caption text with [this] in brackets."
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap)
  expect_identical(ans$short, "Short Title")
  expect_identical(ans$main, "Short Title. Main caption text with [this] in brackets.")

test_that("caption parse handles embedded brackets", {
  cap <- "[Short title [abc] ]. Main caption text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap)
  expect_equal(ans$short, "Short title [abc]")
  expect_equal(ans$main, "Short title [abc] . Main caption text")

  cap <- "[Short title abc] ]. Main caption text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap, short_repeat = FALSE)
  expect_equal(ans$short, "Short title abc")
  expect_equal(ans$main, "]. Main caption text")

  cap <- "[Short title abc]. Main caption [foo] text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap, short_repeat = FALSE)
  expect_equal(ans$short, "Short title abc")
  expect_equal(ans$main, ". Main caption [foo] text")

  cap <- "[Short title abc [. Main caption [foo] text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap, short_repeat = FALSE)
  expect_equal(ans$short, "Short title abc [. Main caption [foo")
  expect_equal(ans$main, "text")

test_that("caption parse handles new lines", {
  cap <- "[Short \n title]. Main caption \n\n text"
  ans <- pmtables:::parse_caption(cap)
  expect_equal(ans$short, "Short \n title")
  expect_equal(ans$main, "Short \n title. Main caption \n\n text")

test_that("print caption", {
  crop <- function(x) substr(x, 6, nchar(x)-1)

  a <- as.caption("foo")
  aa <- crop(capture.output(print(a)))
  expect_identical(aa, "foo")

  a <- as.caption("[a] b")
  aa <- crop(capture.output(print(a)))
  expect_identical(aa, "[a] a b")

  a <- as.caption("[a] b", write = TRUE)
  aa <- crop(capture.output(print(a)))
  expect_identical(aa, "[a] a b %write%")

  a <- as.caption("b", write = TRUE)
  aa <- crop(capture.output(print(a)))
  expect_identical(aa, "b %write%")

test_that("caption passed into stable()", {
  cap <- "Table caption \\label{tab:one}"
  text <- stable(stdata(), caption = cap)
  text <- pmtables:::cap_main(text)
  expect_identical(cap, as.character(text))

test_that("caption passed into stable_long()", {
  cap <- "Table caption \\label{tab:one}"
  text <- stable_long(stdata(), caption = cap)
  text <- pmtables:::cap_main(text)
  expect_identical(cap, as.character(text))
  expect_match(text, cap, fixed = TRUE, all = FALSE)

test_that("caption piped into stable()", {
  cap <- as.caption("Table caption")
  tab1 <- st_new(stdata())
  tab1 <- st_caption(tab1, cap)
  text1 <- stable(tab1)
  text2 <- stable(stdata(), caption = cap)
  expect_identical(text1, text2)

test_that("caption piped into stable_long()", {
  cap <- as.caption("Table caption")
  tab1 <- st_new(stdata())
  tab1 <- st_caption(tab1, cap)
  text1 <- stable_long(tab1)
  text2 <- stable_long(stdata(), caption = cap)
  expect_identical(text1, text2)

test_that("short parsed from caption text", {
  cap <- "[Short title]. Long title"
  tab <- st_new(stdata())
  tab <- st_caption(tab, cap)
  text <- stable(tab)
  result <- pmtables:::cap_main(text)
  expect_is(result, "character")
  expect_equivalent(as.character(result), "Short title. Long title")
  expect_equivalent(pmtables:::cap_short(text), "Short title")

test_that("short parsed from caption text in long table", {
  cap <- "[Short title]. Table caption."
  tab <- st_new(stdata())
  tab <- st_caption(tab, cap)
  text <- stable_long(tab)
    "[Short title]{Short title. Table caption.}",
    fixed = TRUE,
    all = FALSE

test_that("short passed in separately", {
  cap <- "Table caption."
  tab <- st_new(stdata())
  tab <- st_caption(tab, cap, short = "Foo. ")
  text <- stable_long(tab)
    "[Foo.]{Foo. Table caption.}",
    fixed = TRUE,
    all = FALSE

test_that("caption on stable gets passed into preview", {
  cap <- "[short] Table caption."
  tab <- st_new(stdata())
  tab <- st_caption(tab, cap, write = TRUE)
  text <- stable(tab)
  st2report(text, dry_run = TRUE, stem = "test1")
  tables <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "test1-tables.tex"))
    "caption[short]{short Table caption.}",
    fixed = TRUE,
    all = FALSE

test_that("caption on stable_long gets passed into preview", {
  cap <- "[long] Table caption."
  tab <- st_new(stdata())
  tab <- st_caption(tab, cap)
  text <- stable_long(tab)
  st2report(text, dry_run = TRUE, stem = "test2")
  tables <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "test2-tables.tex"))
    "caption[long]{long Table caption.}",
    fixed = TRUE,
    all = FALSE

test_that("confirm original preview behavior - no info", {
  a <- stable(stdata())
  b <- stable(stdata())
  foo <- st2report(list(a,b), stem = "st2r-previous-a", dry_run = TRUE)
  ans <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "st2r-previous-a-tables.tex"))
  ans <- ans[grep("caption", ans)]
  expect_length(ans, 2)
  expect_match(ans[1], "[pmtables output preview - 1]", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_match(ans[2], "[pmtables output preview - 2]", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_match(ans, "{Lorem ipsum", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("confirm original preview behavior - names on list become short", {
  # Every caption is Lorum ipsum
  a <- stable(stdata())
  b <- stable(stdata())
  foo <- st2report(list(foo=a,bar=b), stem = "st2r-previous-a", dry_run = TRUE)
  ans <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), "st2r-previous-a-tables.tex"))
  ans <- ans[grep("caption", ans)]
  expect_length(ans, 2)
  expect_match(ans[1], "[foo]", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_match(ans[2], "[bar]", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_match(ans, "{Lorem ipsum", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("caption appears in st_asis output", {
  cap <- "[short] Table caption."
  tab <- st_new(stdata())
  tab <- st_caption(tab, cap)
  text <- stable(tab)
  out <- st_asis(text)
    "caption[short]{short Table caption.}",
    fixed = TRUE,
    all = FALSE
metrumresearchgroup/pmtables documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 5:16 p.m.