
context("Testing function to create or read in model object")

test_that("read_model() returns expected object [BBR-NWMD-001]", {

  expect_equal(read_model(MOD1_PATH), REF_LIST_1)

test_that("read_model() returns expected object from no ext specified [BBR-NWMD-002]", {
  temp_path <- file.path(ABS_MODEL_DIR, "temp.yaml")
  ctl_path <- fs::path_ext_set(temp_path, "ctl")

  fs::file_copy(YAML_TEST_FILE, temp_path)
  readr::write_file("foo", ctl_path)

  # check against ref, reading with no extension
  mod2 <- read_model(tools::file_path_sans_ext(temp_path))
  expect_equal(mod2, REF_LIST_TMP)

test_that("read_model() can read a model whose path has a period [BBR-NWMD-003]", {
  temp_ctl <- tempfile(pattern = "file.", fileext = ".ctl")
  # ensure that `temp_ctl` exists
  readr::write_file("foo", temp_ctl)

  temp_yaml <- fs::path_ext_set(temp_ctl, ".yaml")
  fs::file_copy(YAML_TEST_FILE, temp_yaml)
  on.exit(fs::file_delete(c(temp_ctl, temp_yaml)))

  mod <- read_model(fs::path_ext_remove(temp_yaml))
  expect_identical(class(mod), NM_MOD_CLASS_LIST)

test_that("new_model() creates new YAML file [BBR-NWMD-004]", {
  temp_mod_path <- create_temp_model()
  fs::file_delete(fs::path_ext_set(temp_mod_path, "yaml"))

  mod1a <- new_model(temp_mod_path, .description = "new model test")

  # read model from YAML
  mod1b <- read_model(temp_mod_path)

  # check class and keys are right
  expect_identical(class(mod1a), NM_MOD_CLASS_LIST)
  expect_identical(class(mod1b), NM_MOD_CLASS_LIST)

  expect_true(all(MODEL_REQ_KEYS %in% names(mod1a)))
  expect_true(all(MODEL_REQ_KEYS %in% names(mod1b)))

test_that("new_model() throws an error if the model file does not exist [BBR-NWMD-005]", {
  expect_error(new_model("foo", "bar"), "No model file found")

test_that("compare read_model() and new_model() objects [BBR-NWMD-006]", {
  temp_mod_path <- create_temp_model()
  fs::file_delete(fs::path_ext_set(temp_mod_path, "yaml"))

  # create a new model with arguments known to match the reference model at
  mod1a <- new_model(
    .description = "original acop model",
    .tags = c("acop tag", "other tag"),
    .bbi_args = list(overwrite = TRUE, threads = 4)

  # read in the reference model
  mod1b <- read_model(temp_mod_path)

  # check class and keys are right
  expect_identical(class(mod1a), NM_MOD_CLASS_LIST)
  expect_identical(class(mod1b), NM_MOD_CLASS_LIST)

  expect_true(all(MODEL_REQ_KEYS %in% names(mod1a)))
  expect_true(all(MODEL_REQ_KEYS %in% names(mod1b)))

  # also check that the required keys have the same value
  for (k in MODEL_REQ_KEYS) {
    # exclude ABS_MOD_PATH, because that should not in general be equal
    if (k != ABS_MOD_PATH) {
      expect_equal(mod1a[[k]], mod1b[[k]])

test_that("new_model() .overwrite arg works [BBR-NWMD-007]", {
  temp_mod_path <- create_temp_model()

  # error if file exists
    new_model(temp_mod_path, .description = "fake model"),
    regexp = "File already exists at"

  # overwrite the description
  new_model(temp_mod_path, .description = "fake model", .overwrite = TRUE)

  new_mod <- read_model(temp_mod_path)
  expect_equal(new_mod$description, "fake model")

test_that("new_model() .based_on arg works [BBR-NWMD-008]", {
  temp_mod_path <- create_temp_model()
  parent_model_id <- get_model_id(create_temp_model())
  fs::file_delete(fs::path_ext_set(temp_mod_path, "yaml"))

  mod1a <- new_model(
    .description = "original acop model",
    .based_on = parent_model_id

  expect_equal(mod1a[[YAML_BASED_ON]], parent_model_id)

test_that("new_model() .based_on arg errors on fake model [BBR-NWMD-009]", {
  temp_mod_path <- ctl_ext(tempfile())
  writeLines("CREATED BY: new_model() .based_on arg errors on fake model", temp_mod_path)

  # create new model with args
      .description = "original acop model",
      .based_on = c("1", "fake")
    regexp = "based_on.+cannot find .yaml files"

test_that("new_model() supports `.path` containing a period [BBR-NWMD-010]", {
  temp_ctl <- tempfile(pattern = "file.", fileext = ".ctl")
  # ensure that `temp_ctl` exists
  readr::write_file("foo", temp_ctl)

  # this will be created by new_model()
  temp_yaml <- fs::path_ext_set(temp_ctl, ".yaml")
  on.exit(fs::file_delete(c(temp_ctl, temp_yaml)))

  mod <- new_model(fs::path_ext_remove(temp_ctl), "path with period")

test_that("new_model ignores file extension: .ctl [BBR-NWMD-011]", {
  path <-
    file.path(system.file("model", package = "bbr", mustWork = TRUE),
  fs::file_delete(file.path(path, "1.yaml"))
  mod_ctl <- new_model(
    file.path(path, "1.ctl"),
    .description = "original acop model",
    .tags = ORIG_TAGS,
    .bbi_args = list(overwrite = TRUE, threads = 4)
  expect_identical(mod_ctl$absolute_model_path, file.path(path, "1"))
  expect_identical(mod_ctl$model_type, "nonmem")
  expect_identical(mod_ctl$yaml_md5, "6ccf206e167485b5adf29bc135197929")

test_that("new_model ignores file extension: .mod [BBR-NWMD-011]", {
  path <-
    file.path(system.file("model", package = "bbr", mustWork = TRUE),
  fs::file_delete(file.path(path, "1.yaml"))
  fs::file_move(file.path(path, "1.ctl"),
                file.path(path, "1.mod"))
  on.exit(fs::file_move(file.path(path, "1.mod"),
                        file.path(path, "1.ctl")))
  mod <- new_model(
    file.path(path, "1.mod"),
    .description = "original acop model",
    .tags = ORIG_TAGS,
    .bbi_args = list(overwrite = TRUE, threads = 4)
  expect_identical(mod$absolute_model_path, file.path(path, "1"))
  expect_identical(mod$model_type, "nonmem")
  expect_identical(mod$yaml_md5, "6ccf206e167485b5adf29bc135197929")

metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 11:18 p.m.