#' Create a new rsq server manager
#' The Babylon generator creates a new 'Babylon'-object, which contains logic to interact
#' with a running bbq server from the babylon ecosystem.
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @section Initialization:
#' A new rsq object is initialized with the new() method:
#' `rsq <- RSimpleQueue$new()`
#' and can optionally take some initialization arguments:
#' * `host` - the hostname the server is running on - defaults to 'http://localhost'
#' * `port` - port the server is listening on - defaults to 8999.
#' * `verbose` - whether internal status information should be displayed
#' * `mustWork` - on initialization, check and confirm a rsq server is listening on the host/port configuration set
#' @section Methods:
#' * `submit_job(...)` - check ?submit_models for arguments, the server is automatically set internally
#' * `get_jobs(status, STATUSES)` - get information about models that have been submitted
#' * `get_job(id)` - get information about a model
#' * `poll(.ids, until, timeout, interval, print, parse)` - poll a vector of models by ID name until completion
#' * ids - vector of job ids
#' * until - status criteria to poll against, default to COMPLETED or ERROR
#' * timeout - length of time to poll before stopping
#' * print - whether to print the status of all jobs each poll
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' rsq <- RSimpleQueue$new()
#' rsq$get_jobs()
#' # get all ids
#' bbq$get_jobs %>% map_dbl("ID")
#' # find all queued models
#' bbq$get_jobs(status = "QUEUED") %>% map_dbl("ID")
#' bbq$poll(1:5) # poll for models 1-5 to complete
#' # get all outputs for completed runs
#' rsq$get_jobs(status = "COMPLETED") %>% map_chr(~ .x$Result$Output)
#' }
#' @docType class
#' @rdname rsq
#' @export
RSimpleQueue <-
public = list(
lgr = NULL,
initialize = function(init = NULL,
host = "http://localhost",
port = 8950,
verbose = TRUE,
must_work = TRUE,
lgr = NULL) {
if (!is.null(init)) {
stop("init functionality not yet implemented")
if (is.null(lgr)) {
self$lgr <- logrrr::Logrrr$new()
} else {
self$lgr <- lgr
private$address <- ifelse(!is.null(port), glue("{host}:{port}"), host)
if (must_work) {
if(!self$ping()) {
stop(glue("server not responding at {srvr}", srvr = private$address))
ping = function() {
resp <- safe_get(glue("{address}/ping", address = private$address))$result
if (!is.null(resp)) {
get_version = function() {
if (!is.null(private$version)) {
resp <- safe_get(glue("{address}/version", address = private$address))$result
if (!is.null(resp)) {
version <- rawToChar(resp$content)
private$version <- version
submit_job = function(
work_dir = NULL,
r_path = NULL,
renv = NULL,
.no_submit = FALSE,
.parse = TRUE
) {
resp <- .submit_job(
srvr = glue("{private$address}/job"),
user = user,
context = context,
rscript_path = rscript_path,
work_dir = work_dir,
r_path = r_path,
renv = renv,
.no_submit = .no_submit
output <- if (.parse && !.no_submit) {
} else {
get_jobs = function(status = NULL, STATUSES = c("QUEUED", "RUNNING", "COMPLETED", "ERROR"), parse = TRUE) {
if (is.null(status)) {
jobs_resp <- safe_get(glue("{address}/jobs", address = private$address))$result
} else {
if (!(status %in% STATUSES)) {
stop(glue("invalid status, must be one of: {paste0(STATUSES, collapse = ", ")}"))
jobs_resp <- safe_get(glue("{address}/jobs?status={status}", address = private$address))$result
if (parse) {
get_job = function(id, parse = TRUE) {
job_resp <- safe_get(glue("{address}/job/{id}", address = private$address))$result
if (parse) {
cancel_job = function(id, parse = TRUE) {
job_resp <- safe_put(glue("{address}/job/cancel/{id}", address = private$address))$result
if (parse) {
private = list(
address = NULL,
version = NULL
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