#borrowed main bits from https://github.com/jimhester/completeme (when it is put on CRAN will import directly from it)
the <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
the$completions <- list()
complete_token <- get(".completeToken", asNamespace("utils"))
# Register completion functions
# Completion functions should take one parameter `env`, the completion
# environment, see `?rc.settings` for details of this environment. They should
# simply return any completions found or `return(NULL)` otherwise.
# If all registered completions do not have any completions for a given
# context, than R's standard completions are used.
# @param ... One or more completion functions specified as named parameters.
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
register_completion <- function(...) {
funs <- list(...)
nms <- names(funs)
if (is.null(nms) || any(nms == "" | is.na(nms))) {
wch <- if (is.null(nms)) 1 else which(nms == "" | is.na(nms))
stop("All arguments must be named")
old <- the$completions
the$completions <- utils::modifyList(the$completions, funs)
#' @importFrom utils rc.options
completeme <- function(env) {
env$fileName <- FALSE
for (fun in the$completions) {
env$comps <- fun(env)
if (length(env$comps) > 0) {
attributes(env$comps) <- list(class = "completions", type = 15)
# this_type <- attr(env$comps, "type") %||% 15
env$comps <- character()
# if in the IDE, throw an error to fallback on normal completion
if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
stop("No custom completions")
# If on the command line, fall back to using the default completer
on.exit(rc.options(custom.completer = completeme))
rc.options(custom.completer = NULL)
#' @importFrom rematch2 re_match
current_function <- function(env) {
buffer <- env[["linebuffer"]]
fun <- rematch2::re_match(buffer, "(?<fun>[^[:space:](]+)[(][^(]*$")$fun
if (is.na(fun)) {
populate <- function(env){
fun <- current_function(env)
this_ns <- find_the()
this_fn <- lapply(this_ns,function(x) ls(envir = asNamespace(x),pattern = 'opts$'))
nms <- lapply(this_fn,function(x) names(get(x)$get()))
comp <- NULL
if(length(fun) > 0){
for(i in seq_along(this_ns)){
if(fun %in% build_fields(ns = this_ns[i],fn = this_fn[[i]])){
comp <- nms[[i]]
build_fields <- function(fields = c('set','append'),ns='ns',fn='fn'){
find_the <- function(){
names(which(sapply(loadedNamespaces(),function(x) any(grepl('^the$',ls(envir = asNamespace(x)))))))
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