axis_labs | Generate axis labels or col/label structures for plots |
c.yspec | Add extra column elements to a yspec object |
define_for_rmd | Generate code for a generic define document |
definetemplate | Create build location for templated define documents |
fda_content_table | Print a table of contents for FDA define document |
fda_define | Generate content for FDA define document |
fda_table | Generate a table for FDA define.pdf document |
get_meta | Get meta data from a specification object |
load_spec_any | Load a specification file, guessing the type |
load_spec_ex | Generate an example specification object |
md_outline | DEPRECATED: Generate an outline representation of a data spec |
nm_input | Create NONMEM $INPUT block code from yspec object |
pander_table | DEPRECATED: Render a spec as a pandoc table |
primary_keys | Get the primary keys from a specification object |
pull_meta | Pull a single item from the meta data object |
render_define | Render a 'define.pdf' document |
render_fda_define | Render a define.pdf document conforming to FDA standards |
short | Form a short name |
test_spec_list | Test specification code |
update_short | Update short names in a yspec object |
x_table | Format specification output with xtable |
ys_add_factors | Add factors to data set based on spec information |
ys_add_labels | Add label attribute to data set columns |
ys_check | Check a data set against its specification |
ys_col_note | Create table note text for abbreviated columns |
ys_document | Render a document from one or more specification objects |
ys_extend | Extend a yspec object |
ys_factors | Convert columns to factors |
ys_factors_fl | Add factors based on flags |
ys_fill_dots | Supplement data in dots list with default values |
ys_filter | Subset yspec items using column values |
ys_flags | Extract flags from yspec meta data |
ys_get_label | Get label |
ys_get_lookup | Generate lookup list |
ys_get_short | Get short |
ys_get_short_unit | Get short with unit |
ys_get_unit | Get unit |
ys_help | yspec help object |
ys_join | Join yspec objects together |
ys_load | Load a data specification file |
ys_load_meta | Load SETUP__ block from a file |
ys_load_proj | Load a project-wide spec file |
ys_lookup_source | Get column lookup source |
ys_mutate | Mutate yspec item data |
ys_namespace | Change namespace |
yspec | yspec: data specification documents from yaml |
yspec_select_chr | Select all columns that are character |
yspec_select_discrete | Select all columns that are discrete |
yspec_yml_file | Get the yaml file location for a spec object |
ys_project | Create a project object from data spec objects |
ys_prune | Prune a data frame, keeping columns in a yspec object |
ys_recode | Recode column names in a vector |
ys_rename | Rename items in a yspec object or data.frame |
ys_render | Render an arbitrary spec of project |
ys_sanitize | Functions to sanitize text for TeX documents |
ys_select | Select a subset of items from a yspec object |
ys_select_fl | Select items from a yspec object via flags |
ys_spec_file | Get the file name for a yspec object |
ys_table | Create a table from yspec object |
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