Man pages for metrumresearchgroup/yspec
Data Specification for Pharmacometrics

axis_labsGenerate axis labels or col/label structures for plots
c.yspecAdd extra column elements to a yspec object
define_for_rmdGenerate code for a generic define document
definetemplateCreate build location for templated define documents
fda_content_tablePrint a table of contents for FDA define document
fda_defineGenerate content for FDA define document
fda_tableGenerate a table for FDA define.pdf document
get_metaGet meta data from a specification object
load_spec_anyLoad a specification file, guessing the type
load_spec_exGenerate an example specification object
md_outlineDEPRECATED: Generate an outline representation of a data spec
nm_inputCreate NONMEM $INPUT block code from yspec object
pander_tableDEPRECATED: Render a spec as a pandoc table
primary_keysGet the primary keys from a specification object
pull_metaPull a single item from the meta data object
render_defineRender a 'define.pdf' document
render_fda_defineRender a define.pdf document conforming to FDA standards
shortForm a short name
test_spec_listTest specification code
update_shortUpdate short names in a yspec object
x_tableFormat specification output with xtable
ys_add_factorsAdd factors to data set based on spec information
ys_add_labelsAdd label attribute to data set columns
ys_checkCheck a data set against its specification
ys_col_noteCreate table note text for abbreviated columns
ys_documentRender a document from one or more specification objects
ys_extendExtend a yspec object
ys_factorsConvert columns to factors
ys_factors_flAdd factors based on flags
ys_fill_dotsSupplement data in dots list with default values
ys_filterSubset yspec items using column values
ys_flagsExtract flags from yspec meta data
ys_get_labelGet label
ys_get_lookupGenerate lookup list
ys_get_shortGet short
ys_get_short_unitGet short with unit
ys_get_unitGet unit
ys_helpyspec help object
ys_joinJoin yspec objects together
ys_loadLoad a data specification file
ys_load_metaLoad SETUP__ block from a file
ys_load_projLoad a project-wide spec file
ys_lookup_sourceGet column lookup source
ys_mutateMutate yspec item data
ys_namespaceChange namespace
yspecyspec: data specification documents from yaml
yspec_select_chrSelect all columns that are character
yspec_select_discreteSelect all columns that are discrete
yspec_yml_fileGet the yaml file location for a spec object
ys_projectCreate a project object from data spec objects
ys_prunePrune a data frame, keeping columns in a yspec object
ys_recodeRecode column names in a vector
ys_renameRename items in a yspec object or data.frame
ys_renderRender an arbitrary spec of project
ys_sanitizeFunctions to sanitize text for TeX documents
ys_selectSelect a subset of items from a yspec object
ys_select_flSelect items from a yspec object via flags
ys_spec_fileGet the file name for a yspec object
ys_tableCreate a table from yspec object
metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on March 4, 2025, 11:20 p.m.