nm_input: Create NONMEM $INPUT block code from yspec object

View source: R/nm_input.R

nm_inputR Documentation

Create NONMEM $INPUT block code from yspec object


Extract column names from the yspec object and format for inclusion in a NONMEM control stream, potentially renaming or dropping columns. The default output is in wide format, including only the column names as well as any rename or drop information. The long format puts each column on a different line and includes the short name and optionally column decode information. See examples.


  .width = 65,
  .cat = TRUE,
  .long = FALSE,
  .drop = NULL,
  .decodes = FALSE,



a yspec object.


passed to base::strwrap() to limit the output line length.


if TRUE, the text is sent to the console with cat().


if TRUE, produce ⁠$INPUT⁠ in long, verbose format.


a character vector or comma-separated string of columns to drop in the ⁠$INPUT⁠ listing; columns with character type are automatically dropped, so there is no need to list them here.


if TRUE, print value and decode information where available for discrete column data; this is only printed when .long = TRUE.


unquoted column rename pairs with format ⁠<new name> = <old name>⁠.


Columns with character type are automatically dropped; there is no need to list these under the .drop argument.


A character vector of text forming the ⁠$INPUT⁠ block (including the ⁠$INPUT⁠ part).


spec <- ys_help$spec()
nm_input(spec, DOSE = AMT, .drop = "ALT,BMI")
nm_input(spec, .long = TRUE)
nm_input(spec, .long = TRUE, .decodes = TRUE)

metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on March 4, 2025, 11:20 p.m.