ys_document: Render a document from one or more specification objects

View source: R/define.R

ys_documentR Documentation

Render a document from one or more specification objects


This function is a wrapper around render_define() and render_fda_define().


ys_document(x, type = c("working", "regulatory"), ...)



a spec or project object


the document type


passed to render_define() or render_fda_define(); it is important to review these help topics to see what other aspects of the document can be specified; see also details here.


Select type of "working' for a working document that contains more information in a less-compact layout. This is a good format for a modeling and simulation scientist to use day-to-day and for sharing with a sponsor to review.

Select type of "regulatory" for a define document that conforms to submission requirements set by regulatory authorities (e.g. FDA).

Note that x is usually either a yspec object or a yproj object. You can also pass in the full path to a specification document and yspec will guess which format it is and render accordingly.

Because ... are passed to render_define() and render_fda_define(), it is important to review arguments to those functions as well. Specifically, please note that the document title, author, and date can be set, along with the name of the output document, the working document build directory, and several other aspects of the document can be set in the call to ys_document.

latex requirements

For all document types, the following latex packages are required:

  1. array

  2. longtable

  3. booktabs

  4. fontenc

  5. mathdesign

Make sure these packages are installed and available when trying to render a document.

See Also

render_define(), render_fda_define()


## Not run: 
  ys_document(ys_help$spec(), type = "regulatory")

## End(Not run)

metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on March 4, 2025, 11:20 p.m.