ys_help: yspec help object

print.yhelpR Documentation

yspec help object


ys_help is an environment containing functions that can be called to provide information and examples for how yspec works. specification(), internal_db() and analysis1() will open up markdown or yaml files using rstudioapi::navigateToFile if that package is installed and file.show in case it is not.


## S3 method for class 'yhelp'




not used


An object of class yhelp of length 12.


  • spec() generates the analysis1 yspec object

  • file() the file name and path of an example yspec file

  • data() is a function that generates a data set that can be checked against spec()

  • csv() is the file name (and path) to the data set generated by data()

  • proj() generates a project object that can be rendered into a document

  • yaml() shows the analysis1 yaml file

  • ref() shows the syntax reference for yaml file

  • db() shows the internal column lookup data base

  • example() shows and Rmd file showing yspec workflow

  • export(path) export internal assets that can be used for exploration in the local filesystem; you must supply the location (path) to where the content is to be exported; there is also an overwrite argument that will allow overwriting an existing folder (use with care!)


spec <- ys_help$spec()

file <- ys_help$file()

data <- ys_help$data()  

csv  <- ys_help$csv()

## Not run: 
proj <- ys_help$proj()

ref <- ys_help$ref()

db <- ys_help$db()

ex <- ys_help$example()

path <- ys_help$export("expath")

## End(Not run)

metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on March 4, 2025, 11:20 p.m.