ys_col_note: Create table note text for abbreviated columns

View source: R/col-note.R

ys_col_noteR Documentation

Create table note text for abbreviated columns


Produces a string with ⁠<col-name>: <col-definition>⁠ format which can be included in a table note providing a more informative definition with the column name. The column definition can be generated from the short name or the label (but note that these could frequently be the same).


  .unit = FALSE,
  .title_case = FALSE,
  .sep = ": ",
  .to_string = TRUE,
  .collapse = "; ",
  .width = NULL,
  .type = c("short", "label")



a yspec object.


passed to ys_select().


logical; if TRUE, then append the unit surrounded by parens to the column definition.


logical; if TRUE then the column definition text is passed through tools::toTitleCase().


a string to separate column name and column definition; usually a space should be included as the terminal character (see default).


logical; if TRUE, then a single string is returned.


a string to separate items when .to_string is TRUE; usually a space should be included as the terminal character (see default).


if numeric and .to_string is TRUE, then the result is passed through base::strwrap().


selects if the column definition is generated from calling ys_get_short() or ys_get_label().


A string of length one when .to_string is TRUE or a character vector if .to_string is FALSE.


spec <- ys_help$spec()

ys_col_note(spec, AST, ALT, SCR, .unit = TRUE) 

metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on March 4, 2025, 11:20 p.m.