ys_factors: Convert columns to factors

View source: R/col_factor.R

ys_factorsR Documentation

Convert columns to factors


This function works like ys_add_factors() with the difference that the original columns become factors (retaining the original column names) and the original columns are retained with a suffix. You can think of this as a more convenient form of ys_add_factors(..., .suffix = "").


ys_factors(data, spec, ..., .keep_values = TRUE, .suffix = "_v")



the data set to modify.


a yspec object.


unquoted column names for modification; passing nothing through ... will signal for all columns to be considered for factors.


logical; if TRUE, value columns will be retained with a .suffix.


a suffix to be added to original columns (holding values).


Factor conversion will only take place on source columns that aren't already factors. That is, if a column in data is already a factor, it will be ignored. This means the function can be called multiple times on the same input data, but once a column is converted to factor, it will cannot be converted again in subsequent calls.


The original data frame is returned with columns converted to factors and (possibly) additional columns storing values.

See Also

ys_add_factors(), ys_factors_fl()



spec <- ys_help$spec()
data <- ys_help$data()

data <- ys_factors(data, spec)

head(data, 5)


count(data, EVID, EVID_v)

metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on March 4, 2025, 11:20 p.m.