#' Add factors to data set based on spec information
#' @param .data the data set to modify.
#' @param .spec a yspec object.
#' @param ... unquoted column names for modification; passing nothing through
#' `...` will signal for all columns to be considered for factors.
#' @param .all if `TRUE` then any column with a `values` attribute or where
#' the `make_factor` field evaluates to `TRUE` will be added as a factor.
#' @param .missing a label to use assign to missing values `NA` when making
#' the factor; keep this `NULL` (the default) to let missing values be handled
#' naturally by `factor()`.
#' @param .suffix used to make the column name for the factors.
#' @details
#' Note that `.suffix` can be chosen using option `ys.fct.suffix`. When the
#' factor is made by [base::factor()], the `exclude` argument is forced to
#' `character(0)` so that nothing is excluded.
#' @examples
#' spec <- load_spec_ex()
#' ys_make_factor(c(1,0,1,1,1,0), spec$SEX)
#' data <- data.frame(SEX = c(1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1), STUDY= c(202,100))
#' head(ys_add_factors(data, spec, SEX, STUDY))
#' data <- ys_help$data()
#' spec <- ys_help$spec()
#' head(ys_add_factors(data, spec))
#' @seealso [ys_factors()], [ys_factors_fl()]
#' @md
#' @export
ys_add_factors <- function(.data, .spec, ... ,
.all = TRUE, .missing = NULL,
.suffix = getOption("ys.fct.suffix","_f")) {
assert_that(inherits(.spec, "yspec"))
assert_that(is.null(.missing) || is.character(.missing))
fct_ok <- map_lgl(.spec, ~ isTRUE(.x[["make_factor"]]))
what <- exprs(...)
if(length(what) > 0) {
what <- names(eval_select(expr(c(...)), .data))
if(length(what)==0 & isTRUE(.all)) {
dis <- map_lgl(.spec, ~!is.null(.x[["values"]]))
spec_cols <- names(which(dis | fct_ok))
spec_cols <- intersect(spec_cols, names(.data))
vars <- vars_select(names(.data), all_of(spec_cols))
} else {
vars <- vars_select(names(.data), all_of(what))
for(v in vars) {
newcol <- paste0(v, .suffix)
.data[[newcol]] <- ys_make_factor(
strict = !fct_ok[[v]],
.missing = .missing
#' @rdname ys_add_factors
#' @export
yspec_add_factors <- ys_add_factors
#' @param values a vector of values to convert to a factor
#' @param x a ycol object
#' @param strict if `FALSE`, then a factor will be returned for any `values` type
#' @rdname ys_add_factors
#' @export
ys_make_factor <- function(values, x, strict = TRUE, .missing = NULL) {
if(is.factor(values)) {
if(is.null(x[["values"]])) {
if(!strict) return(factor(values))
stop("column: ", x[["col"]], " - values field is not found", call. = FALSE)
if(!x[["discrete"]]) {
stop("column: ", x[["col"]], " is not discrete", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(x[["decode"]])) {
decode <- x[["values"]]
} else {
decode <- x[["decode"]]
if(!is.null(.missing) && anyNA(values)) {
values[is.na(values)] <- .missing
x[["values"]] <- c(x[["values"]], .missing)
decode <- c(decode, .missing)
factor(values, levels = x[["values"]], labels = decode, exclude = character(0))
#' @rdname ys_add_factors
#' @export
yspec_make_factor <- ys_make_factor
#' Convert columns to factors
#' This function works like [ys_add_factors()] with the difference that
#' the original columns become factors (retaining the original column names)
#' and the original columns are retained with a suffix. You can think of this
#' as a more convenient form of `ys_add_factors(..., .suffix = "")`.
#' @inheritParams ys_add_factors
#' @param .keep_values logical; if `TRUE`, value columns will be retained with
#' a `.suffix`.
#' @param .suffix a suffix to be added to original columns (holding values).
#' @return
#' The original data frame is returned with columns converted to factors
#' and (possibly) additional columns storing values.
#' @details
#' Factor conversion will only take place on source columns that _aren't_
#' already factors. That is, if a column in `data` is already a factor, it
#' will be ignored. This means the function can be called multiple times on
#' the same input data, but once a column is converted to factor, it will
#' cannot be converted again in subsequent calls.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' spec <- ys_help$spec()
#' data <- ys_help$data()
#' data <- ys_factors(data, spec)
#' head(data, 5)
#' spec$EVID
#' count(data, EVID, EVID_v)
#' @seealso [ys_add_factors()], [ys_factors_fl()]
#' @md
#' @export
ys_factors <- function(data, spec, ...,
.keep_values = TRUE,
.suffix = "_v") {
if(isTRUE(.keep_values) && identical(.suffix, "")) .suffix <- NULL
if(is.null(.suffix)) .keep_values <- FALSE
incoming_names <- names(data)
tag <- "__ys@factors__"
# Don't modify anything that is already a factor
factors <- which(sapply(data, is.factor))
already_factors <- names(data)[factors]
data <- ys_add_factors(data, spec, ..., .suffix = tag)
# Column indices that contain new factors
fct_cols <- which(grepl(tag, names(data), fixed = TRUE))
if(length(fct_cols)==0) return(data)
# Mangled names of columns that contain new factors
fct_names <- names(data)[fct_cols]
# Original names of columns to be converted
col_names <- sub(tag, "", names(data)[fct_cols], fixed = TRUE)
# If an incoming column is factor, we ignore; need to adjust both
# col_names and fct_cols
if(length(already_factors) > 0) {
drop <- col_names %in% already_factors
col_names <- col_names[!drop]
fct_cols <- fct_cols[!drop]
# Indices of original columns
col_cols <- match(col_names, names(data))
# Nothing left to work on; everything was already a factor
if(length(col_names)==0) {
data <- data[, !(grepl(tag, names(data), fixed = TRUE))]
if(isTRUE(.keep_values)) {
names(data)[col_cols] <- paste0(col_names, .suffix)
# Set names back to original
names(data)[fct_cols] <- col_names
if(!isTRUE(.keep_values)) {
data[,col_cols] <- NULL
# Drop any tagged columns
data <- data[, !(grepl(tag, names(data), fixed = TRUE))]
# Restore column order
new_names <- names(data)
select_names <- unique(c(incoming_names, new_names))
data <- data[, select_names]
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