
Defines functions ys_render define_for_rmd render_spec.yspec render_spec.character render_spec render_define.yspec render_define.character render_define.yproj render_define ys_document call_format_fun

Documented in define_for_rmd render_define render_define.character render_define.yproj render_define.yspec render_spec render_spec.character render_spec.yspec ys_document ys_render

call_format_fun <- function(yamlfile,
                            format = c("x_table_2", "x_table", "x_table_long",
                                       "pander_table", "md_outline")) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  format_fun <- get(format, mode = "function")
  spec <- load_spec(yamlfile)
  format_fun(spec, head = NULL)

##' Render a document from one or more specification objects
##' This function is a wrapper around [render_define()] and [render_fda_define()].
##' @param x a spec or project object
##' @param type the document type
##' @param ... passed to [render_define()] or [render_fda_define()]; it is important
##' to review these help topics to see what other aspects of the document 
##' can be specified; see also `details` here.
##' @details
##' Select `type` of "working` for a working document that contains more 
##' information in a less-compact layout.  This is a good format for a modeling
##' and simulation scientist to use day-to-day and for sharing with a sponsor
##' to review.  
##' Select `type` of "regulatory" for a define document that conforms to 
##' submission requirements set by regulatory authorities (e.g. FDA).
##' Note that `x` is usually either a `yspec` object or a `yproj` object. 
##' You can also pass in the full path to a specification document and
##' yspec will guess which format it is and render accordingly.  
##' Because `...` are passed to [render_define()] and [render_fda_define()], 
##' it is important to review arguments to those functions as well.  Specifically, 
##' please note that the document **title**, **author**, and **date** can 
##' be set, along with the name of the output document, the working document 
##' build directory, and several other aspects of the document can be set
##' in the call to [ys_document]. 
##' @section latex requirements:
##' For all document types, the following `latex` packages are required: 
##' 1. `array`
##' 1. `longtable`
##' 1. `booktabs`
##' 1. `fontenc`
##' 1. `mathdesign`
##' Make sure these packages are installed and available when trying to render a document. 
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'   ys_document(ys_help$spec())
##'   ys_document(ys_help$spec(), type = "regulatory")
##' }
##' @seealso [render_define()], [render_fda_define()]
##' @md
##' @export
ys_document <- function(x, type = c("working", "regulatory"), ...) {
  if(is.character(x)) {
    return(ys_document(load_spec_any(x), type = type, ...))  
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(type=="regulatory") return(render_fda_define(x,...))

##' Render a `define.pdf` document
##' `render_spec` is an alias to `render_define`.  See details.
##' @inheritParams ys_project
##' @param x a `yproj` object or project specification file name
##' @param stem used to name the output file
##' @param format the name of a function that will generate code formatting
##' the data specification information
##' @param output_format passed to [rmarkdown::render()]
##' @param output_dir passed to [rmarkdown::render()]
##' @param build_dir directory where `rmarkdown` should build the
##' document
##' @param title used in yaml front matter
##' @param author used in yaml front matter
##' @param toc used in yaml front matter
##' @param number_sections used in yaml front matter
##' @param rmd_template full path to rmarkdown file to be used to template the 
##' data specification document
##' @param date used in yaml front matter
##' @param dots passed to object converter
##' @param ... passed to [rmarkdown::render()]
##' @details
##' `stem` should not include a file extension, just
##' the file stem.
##' @section latex requirements:
##' For all document types, the following `latex` packages are required: 
##' 1. `array`
##' 1. `longtable`
##' 1. `booktabs`
##' 1. `fontenc`
##' Make sure these packages are installed and available when trying to render a document.
##' @examples
##' file <- ys_help$file()
##' file
##' \dontrun{
##'   render_define(file)
##' }
##' @md
##' @export
render_define <- function(x, ...) {

##' @rdname render_define
##' @export
render_define.yproj <- function(x, 
                                stem = "define_working",
                                format = "x_table_2",
                                output_format = "pdf_document",
                                output_dir = getwd(),
                                build_dir = definetemplate(),
                                title = "Data Specification",
                                author = "",
                                toc = "yes",
                                number_sections = "yes",
                                rmd_template = NULL,
                                date = as.character(Sys.Date()),
                                sponsor = NULL, 
                                projectnumber = NULL,
                                ...) {
  if(missing(toc) & length(x)==1) toc <- "no"
  if(missing(number_sections) & length(x)==1) number_sections <- "no"
  meta <- get_meta(x)
  if(missing(sponsor)) {
    sponsor <- meta[["sponsor"]]  
  if(missing(projectnumber)) {
    projectnumber <- meta[["projectnumber"]] 

  sponsor <- db_quote(sponsor)
  projectnumber <- db_quote(projectnumber)
  proj <- meta[["spec_file"]]
  yamlfile <- normalPath(proj)
  output_dir <- normalPath(output_dir)
  build_dir <- normalPath(build_dir)
  copy_back <- !identical(build_dir,output_dir)
  cwd <- normalPath(getwd())
  if(cwd != build_dir) {
  ys_working_markup_ <- basename(tempfile(fileext="aeiou"))
  env <- new.env()
  env[[ys_working_markup_]] <- define_for_rmd(yamlfile,format,x,meta,tex=TRUE) 
  file <- normalPath(paste0(stem, ".Rmd"),mustWork=FALSE)
  if(is.null(rmd_template)) {
    rmd_template <- system.file("rmd", "define.Rmd", package = "yspec")
  txt <- paste0(readLines(rmd_template), collapse = "\n")
  txt <- glue::glue(txt, .open = "<", .close = ">")
  ans <- rmarkdown::render(
    output_format = output_format, 
  if(copy_back) file.copy(normalPath(ans), output_dir, overwrite = TRUE)

##' @rdname render_define
##' @export
render_define.character <- function(x,...,dots = list()) {
  proj <- do.call(load_spec_proj, c(list(x),dots))
  render_define(proj, ...)

##' @rdname render_define
##' @export
render_define.yspec <- function(...) {

##' @rdname render_define
##' @export
render_spec <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("render_spec")

##' @rdname render_define
##' @export
render_spec.character <- function(x, stem = basename(x),...,dots = list()) {
  proj <- do.call(ys_project_file, c(list(x),dots))
  render_define(proj,stem = stem, ...)

##' @rdname render_define
##' @export
render_spec.yspec <- function(x, stem = get_meta(x)[["name"]], ..., dots = list()) {
  proj <- do.call(as_proj_spec, c(list(x),dots))
  render_define(proj, stem = stem, ...)

##' Generate code for a generic define document
##' This function is for internal use by [render_define()].  
##' @param x a project file name
##' @param form_ a function or the name of a function to format the spec
##' contents
##' @param proj a project object from which to render
##' @param meta meta data list 
##' @param tex logical; if `TRUE` then try to switch to `tex` namespace if it exists
##' @keywords internal
##' @md
##' @export
define_for_rmd <- function(x,form_,proj=NULL,meta=NULL,tex=TRUE) {
  if(is.character(form_)) {
    format_fun <- get(form_, mode = "function")
  } else {
    format_fun <- form_
  if(is.null(proj)) {
    proj <- load_spec_proj(x)  
  if(is.null(meta)) {
    meta <- get_meta(proj)  
  if(.has("data", meta)) {
    specs <- meta[["data"]]  
  } else {
    file_names <- map(proj, "spec_file")
    specs <- map(file_names,load_spec)
  if(isTRUE(tex)) {
    specs <- map(specs, try_tex_namespace)
  tex <- imap(proj, .f = function(xi,.name) {
    description <- proj[[.name]][["description"]]
    sp <- format_fun(specs[[.name]])
    c(paste0("# ", .name),
      "__Description__: ",
      sp, " ")
  tex <- flatten_chr(tex)

#' Render an arbitrary spec of project
#' @inheritParams ys_document
ys_render <- function(...) {
metrumresearchgroup/yspec documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 5:42 p.m.