
Defines functions .argMaster

#' @description `.argMaster`
#' @param nam A character indicating a function name.
#' @return A list, with default options and graphical parameters.
#' @noRd
.argMaster <- function(nam){
  nam <- match.arg(nam, c("qq.gamViz", "check.gamViz", "zoom.qqGam"))
  if( nam == "zoom.qqGam" ) { nam <- "qq.gamViz" } # They use same arg list
  out <- switch(nam,
                "qq.gamViz" = list(
                  "a.qqpoi" = list(shape = '.'),           # qqplot points layer
                  "a.ablin" = list(colour = "red"),        # reference line layer
                  "a.cipoly" = list(colour = "gray80", 
                                    fill = "gray80"),      # ci poly layer
                  "a.replin" = list(alpha = 0.05)          # qqplot points of replicates layer
                "check.gamViz" = list(
                  "a.qq" = list(),
                  "a.respoi" = list(size = 0.5), 
                  "a.hist" = list()
                stop( paste("No arguments list of objects of class", nam)) )
mfasiolo/mgcViz documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 3:29 p.m.