
Defines functions qq.gamViz

Documented in qq.gamViz

#' QQ plots for gam model residuals
#' @description Takes a fitted gam object, converted using [getViz], and produces QQ plots of its residuals
#'              (conditional on the fitted model coefficients and scale parameter). If the model distributional 
#'              assumptions are met then usually these plots should be close to a straight line (although 
#'              discrete data can yield marked random departures from this line).
#' @param o an object of class \code{gamViz}, the output of a \code{getViz()} call.
#' @param rep how many replicate datasets to generate to simulate quantiles of the residual distribution. 
#'            Relevant only if \code{method} is set to \code{"simul1"} or \code{"simul2"}.
#' @param level the level of the confidence intervals (e.g. 0.9 means 90% intervals). 
#' @param method the method used to calculate the QQ-plot and, possibly, the confidence intervals. If set
#'               to (\code{"tunif"}) \code{"tnormal"} the residuals are transformed to (uniform) normal, for which
#'               analytic expression for the confidence intervals are available. If set to \code{"simul1"} or 
#'               \code{"simul2"} the theoretical QQ-line is constructed by simulating residuals from the model.
#'               Method \code{"simul2"} does not produce confidence intervals. If set to \code{"normal"} no simulation
#'               or transformation is performed, and a simple normal QQ-plot is produced. If set to \code{"auto"} the
#'               method used to produce the QQ-plot is determined automatically.
#' @param type the type of residuals to be used. See [residuals.gamViz]. 
#' @param CI the type of confidence intervals to be plotted. If set to \code{"none"} they are not added, if 
#'           set to \code{"normal"} they will be based on the assumption that the theoretical quantile 
#'           distribution is Gaussian and if set to \code{"quantile"} they will be sample quantiles of simulated
#'           responses from the model.
#' @param worm if \code{TRUE} a worm-plot (a de-trended QQ-plot) is plotted.
#' @param showReps if \code{TRUE} all the QQ-lines corresponding to the simulated (model-based) QQ-plots.
#' @param sortFun the function to be used for sorting the residuals. If left to \code{NULL} it will be set to
#'                \code{function(.x) sort(.x, method = "quick")} internally.
#' @param discrete if \code{TRUE} the QQ-plot is discretized into \code{ngr} bins before plotting,
#'                 in order to save plotting time (when the number of observations is large). If left
#'                 to \code{NULL}, the discretization is used if there are more than 10^4 observations.
#' @param ngr number of bins to be used in the discretization.
#' @param xlim if supplied then this pair of numbers are used as the x limits for the plot.
#' @param ylim if supplied then this pair of numbers are used as the y limits for the plot.
#' @param a.qqpoi list of arguments to be passed to \code{ggplot2::geom_point}, which plots the main QQ-plot.
#' @param a.ablin list of arguments to be passed to \code{ggplot2::geom_abline}, which adds the reference line.
#' @param a.cipoly list of arguments to be passed to \code{ggplot2::geom_polygon}, which add the confidence intervals.
#' @param a.replin list of arguments to be passed to \code{ggplot2::geom_line}, which adds a line for each simulated
#'                 QQ-plot.
#' @param ... currently unused.
#' @details Here \code{method = "simul1"} corresponds to the algorithm described in section 2.1 of Augustin et al. (2012), which
#'          involves direct simulations of residuals from the models. This requires \code{o$family$rd} to be defined. 
#'          Setting \code{method = "simul2"} results in a cheaper method, described in section 2.2 of Augustin et al. (2012), 
#'          which requires \code{o$family$qf} to be defined.
#' @references Augustin, N.H., Sauleau, E.A. and Wood, S.N., 2012. On quantile quantile plots for generalized linear models.
#'             Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(8), pp.2404-2409.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats residuals sd qnorm dnorm qbeta approx var predict
#' @importFrom mgcv fix.family.qf fix.family.rd
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds rowOrderStats
#' @return An object of class \code{c("qqGam", "plotSmooth", "gg")}.
#' @export qq.gamViz
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' ######## Example: simulate binomial data
#' library(mgcViz)
#' set.seed(0)
#' n.samp <- 400
#' dat <- gamSim(1,n = n.samp, dist = "binary", scale = .33)
#' p <- binomial()$linkinv(dat$f) ## binomial p
#' n <- sample(c(1, 3), n.samp, replace = TRUE) ## binomial n
#' dat$y <- rbinom(n, n, p)
#' dat$n <- n
#' lr.fit <- gam(y/n ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3)
#'               , family = binomial, data = dat,
#'               weights = n, method = "REML")
#' lr.fit <- getViz(lr.fit)
#' # Quick QQ-plot of deviance residuals
#' qq(lr.fit, method = "simul2")
#' # Same, but changing points share and type of reference list
#' qq(lr.fit, method = "simul2", 
#'        a.qqpoi = list("shape" = 1), a.ablin = list("linetype" = 2))
#' # Simulation based QQ-plot with reference bands 
#' qq(lr.fit, rep = 100, level = .9, CI = "quantile")
#' # Simulation based QQ-plot, Pearson resids, all simulations lines shown 
#' qq(lr.fit, rep = 100, CI = "none", showReps = TRUE, type = "pearson", 
#'        a.qqpoi = list(shape=19, size = 0.5))
#' ### Now fit the wrong model and check
#' pif <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3)
#'            , family = poisson, data = dat, method = "REML")
#' pif <- getViz(pif)
#' qq(pif, method = "simul2")
#' qq(pif, rep = 100, level = .9, CI = "quantile")
#' qq(pif, rep = 100, type = "pearson", CI = "none", showReps = TRUE, 
#'                a.qqpoi = list(shape=19, size = 0.5))
#' ######## Example: binary data model violation so gross that you see a problem 
#' ######## on the QQ plot
#' y <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 20), rep(1, 40), rep(0, 10), rep(1, 40), rep(0, 40))
#' x <- 1:160
#' b <- glm(y ~ x, family = binomial)
#' class(b) <- c("gamViz", class(b)) # Tricking qq.gamViz to use it on a glm
#' # Note that the next two are not necessarily similar under gross 
#' # model violation...
#' qq(b, method = "simul2")
#' qq(b, rep = 50, CI = "none", showReps = TRUE)
#' ### alternative model
#' b <- gam(y ~ s(x, k = 5), family = binomial, method = "ML")
#' b <- getViz(b)
#' qq(b, method = "simul2")
#' qq(b, rep = 50, showReps = TRUE, CI = "none", shape = 19)
#' \dontrun{
#' ########  "Big Data" example: 
#' set.seed(0)
#' n.samp <- 50000
#' dat <- gamSim(1,n=n.samp,dist="binary",scale=.33)
#' p <- binomial()$linkinv(dat$f) ## binomial p
#' n <- sample(c(1,3),n.samp,replace=TRUE) ## binomial n
#' dat$y <- rbinom(n,n,p)
#' dat$n <- n
#' lr.fit <- bam(y/n ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3)
#'               , family = binomial, data = dat,
#'               weights = n, method = "fREML", discrete = TRUE)
#' lr.fit <- getViz(lr.fit)
#' # Turning discretization off (on by default for large datasets).
#' set.seed(414) # Setting the seed because qq.gamViz is doing simulations
#' o <- qq(lr.fit, rep = 10, method = "simul1", CI = "normal", showReps = TRUE, 
#'             discrete = F, a.replin = list(alpha = 0.1))
#' o # This might take some time!
#' # Using default discretization
#' set.seed(414)
#' o <- qq(lr.fit, rep = 10, method = "simul1", CI = "normal", showReps = TRUE, 
#'             a.replin = list(alpha = 0.1))
#' o # Much faster plotting!
#' # Very coarse discretization
#' set.seed(414)
#' o <- qq(lr.fit, rep = 10, method = "simul1", CI = "normal", showReps = TRUE,
#'             ngr = 1e2, a.replin = list(alpha = 0.1), a.qqpoi = list(shape = 19))
#' o 
#' # We can also zoom in at no extra costs (most work already done by qq.gamViz)
#' zoom(o, xlim = c(-0.25, 0.25), showReps = TRUE, discrete = TRUE, a.replin = list(alpha = 0.2))
#' }
qq.gamViz <- function(o, rep = 10,
                      level = 0.8, 
                      method = "auto",
                      type = "auto",
                      CI = "none",
                      worm = FALSE,
                      showReps = FALSE,
                      sortFun = NULL,
                      discrete = NULL,
                      ngr = 1e3,
                      xlim = NULL,
                      ylim = NULL, 
                      a.qqpoi = list(),
                      a.ablin = list(),
                      a.cipoly = list(),
                      a.replin = list(),
                      ...) {
  if( !inherits(o, "gamViz") ){ stop("Argument 'o' should be of class 'gamViz'. See ?getViz") }
  arg <- list(...)
  if( !is.null(arg$show.reps) ){ # Here for compatibility (on old mgcViz versions the argument name was show.reps)
    message("Pedantic message from qq.gamViz(): argument \"show.reps\" is deprecated, please use \"showReps\".")
    showReps <- arg$show.reps
  a.all <- .argMaster("qq.gamViz")
  for(nam in names(a.all)){
    a.all[[nam]] <- .argSetup(a.all[[nam]], get(nam), nam, verbose = FALSE)
  CI     <- match.arg(CI, c("normal", "quantile", "none"))
  method <- match.arg(method, c("auto", "simul1", "simul2", "tnormal", "tunif", "normal"))
  type   <- match.arg(type, c("auto", "deviance", "pearson", "response", "tunif", "tnormal"))
  tmp <- .getResTypeAndMethod(o$family)
  if (method == "auto") { method = tmp$method }
  if (type == "auto") { type = tmp$type }
  if (level < 0 || level > 1){
    stop("`level' should be between 0 and 1") 
  if (method == "simul2") CI <- "none"
  if (is.null(sortFun))  sortFun  <- function(.x) sort(.x, method = "quick")
  if (is.null(discrete)) discrete <- length(o$y) > 1e4
  if (inherits(o, c("glm", "gam"))) {
    if (is.null(o$sig2)) 
      o$sig2 <- summary(o)$dispersion
  } else {
    stop("'o' is not a glm or gam.")
  o$na.action <- NULL
  P0 <- .compute.qq.gam(o = o, type = type, method = method, CI = CI, 
                       level = level, rep = rep, sortFun = sortFun)
  P1 <- .discretize.qq.gam(P = P0, discrete = discrete, ngr = ngr,
                           CI = (CI != "none"), showReps = showReps)
  pl <- .plot.qq.gam(P = P1, CI = (CI != "none"), worm = worm, showReps = showReps,
                     xlimit = xlim, ylimit = ylim, a.all = a.all)
  out <- structure(list("ggObj" = pl, "store" = P0, "type" = "qqGam"),
                   "class" = c("qqGam", "plotSmooth", "gg"), 
                   "call" = match.call())
mfasiolo/mgcViz documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 3:29 p.m.