#' @export
#' @title
#' Shuffle values across groups
#' @description
#' This function shuffles the values in a specified column of a data frame across
#' all groups.
#' @param df A data frame.
#' @param x The name of the column containing the values to be shuffled.
#' @param grp The name of the column containing the grouping factor.
#' @param replace_x A logical value indicating whether to sample values with
#' replacement (default: FALSE).
#' @param replace_grp A logical value indicating whether to preserve the factor
#' levels of the grouping column (default: TRUE).
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return
#' A data frame with the shuffled values and the original group assignments.
#' The column names of the output data frame will match the input column names.
#' @details
#' Shuffling/permuting values across groups has, for effect, sampling from a same
#' distribution within each group level. This simulates a process where differences
#' between group levels are solely a function of random noise. \cr \cr
#' By default, the group distribution does not change. If you wish to allow the
#' group distribution to change (i.e. having a different number of group levels),
#' set \code{replace_grp = TRUE}. But, note that for small datasets, this may
#' result in empty group levels.
#' @examples
#' # Original data
#' eda_boxls(mtcars, hp, cyl, reorder = FALSE)
#' # Permute values across cyl groups
#' df1 <- eda_shuffle(mtcars, hp, cyl)
#' eda_boxls(df1, hp, cyl)
#' # Is the variability explained by cyl due to chance alone or is it
#' # systematic?
#' OP <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
#' eda_boxls(mtcars, hp, cyl, reorder = FALSE)
#' title("Original", col.main = "darkred")
#' eda_boxls(eda_shuffle(mtcars, hp, cyl), hp, cyl, reorder = FALSE)
#' eda_boxls(eda_shuffle(mtcars, hp, cyl), hp, cyl, reorder = FALSE)
#' eda_boxls(eda_shuffle(mtcars, hp, cyl), hp, cyl, reorder = FALSE)
#' par(OP)
eda_shuffle <- function(df, x, grp, replace_x = FALSE, replace_grp = FALSE, ...){
# Check for invalid arguments
input <- names(list(...))
check <- input %in% names(formals(cat))
if (any(!check)) warning(sprintf("%s is not a valid argument.",
paste(input[!check], collapse = ", ")))
# Get column names as character strings
x_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
grp_name <- deparse(substitute(grp))
# Extract relevant columns
x <- df[[x_name]]
groups <- df[[grp_name]]
# Shuffle x values across all groups with or without replacement
shuffled_X <- sample(x, size = length(x), replace = replace_x)
shuffled_grp <- sample(groups, size = length(x), replace = replace_grp)
# Create a new data frame with shuffled x values
shuffled_df <- data.frame(x = shuffled_X, group = shuffled_grp)
# Rename columns to match input
names(shuffled_df) <- c(x_name, grp_name)
# Preserve factor levels if requested
if (is.factor(df[[grp_name]])) {
shuffled_df[[grp_name]] <- factor(shuffled_df[[grp_name]],
levels = levels(df[[grp_name]]))
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