
toponyms = rownames(py)
toponyms = toponyms[toponyms %in% stops == F]
py = py[toponyms, 27:226]
totals = rowSums(py)

excluded_terms = c()
for (i in 1:length(toponyms)) {
  toponym = toponyms[i]
  sames = place_join(places = toponym, gaz = gaz, mode = "same")
  if (length(sames) == 1) {
  if (length(sames) > 1) {
    top_place = names(sort(totals[sames], decreasing = T))[1]
    if (top_place != toponym) {
      excluded_terms = c(excluded_terms, toponym)

places = setdiff(toponyms, excluded_terms)
composed_py = matrix(0, length(places), 200)
rownames(composed_py) = places
colnames(composed_py) = colnames(py)
for (i in 1:length(places)) {
  place = places[[i]]
  sames = place_join(place, gaz, mode = "same")
  vec = place_composition(py, sames)
  composed_py[i,] = vec
totals = rowSums(composed_py)
totals = totals[names(totals) != "world"]
places = places[places != "world"]

ranges = list(1:100,101:140,141:160,161:180,181:200)

for (i in 1:length(ranges)) {
  subtotals = rowSums(composed_py[places,ranges[[i]]])
  subtotals = sort(subtotals, decreasing = T)[1:5]
  subtotals = round(subtotals / 1000, digits = 1)
  if (i == 1) {
    top_five = matrix(names(subtotals),5,1)
    top_five = cbind(top_five, subtotals)
  } else {
    top_five = cbind(top_five,names(subtotals))
    top_five = cbind(top_five, subtotals)

## Number of places per year
vec = apply(composed_py, 2, function(x) { length(x[x>0])})
plot_timeseries(composed_py, places = continents)
plot_semantic_map(composed_py, term = colnames(composed_py)[1], coords = lonlat)
plot_semantic_map(composed_py, term = colnames(composed_py)[50], coords = lonlat)
plot_semantic_map(composed_py, term = colnames(composed_py)[100], coords = lonlat)

freq_dist = table(totals)
y = as.numeric(freq_dist)
x = as.numeric(names(freq_dist))
plot(x, y, log = "x")
abline(v = median(totals), col = "red")

### Need to find slopes analysis and paste here
sort(totals[slopes[places,"post"] < 0], decreasing = T)[1:10]

## Build PK
## Need to build composed_pd matrices for each place
for (f in 1:5) {
  fp = paste("~/Desktop/geosemantics/inst/extdata/ch1_pd",f,".rda", sep="")
  fp = paste("~/Desktop/geosemantics/inst/extdata/ch1_kd",f,".rda", sep="")
  pk = pd %*% t(kd)
  if (f == 1) {
    pk = pk
  } else {
    pk = pk + pk

pk = as.matrix(pk)
composed_pk = matrix(0, length(places), ncol(pk))
rownames(composed_pk) = places
for (i in 386:length(places)) {
  place = places[i]
  sames = place_join(place, gaz, mode = "same")
  vec = place_composition(pk, sames)
  if (sum(vec) == 0) { next }
  composed_pk[place,] = vec
save(composed_pk, file = "~/Desktop/composed_pk.rda")

stops = c("now","called","soule","plain","losse","reading","deal","burning",
composed_pk = composed_pk[setdiff(rownames(composed_pk), stops),]
colnames(composed_pk) = ch1$keywords

# Get centroid of all PK
totals = rowSums(composed_pk)
vec = totals
coords = ch1$coordinates
vec = vec[names(vec) %in% coords[, "NAME"]]
hits = which(coords[, "NAME"] %in% names(vec))
vec = vec[coords[hits, "NAME"]]
lon = coords[hits, "LON"]
lon[lon >= 180] = lon[lon >= 180] - 360
lat = coords[hits, "LAT"]
mean_lon = sum(lon * vec) / sum(vec)
mean_lat = sum(lat * vec) / sum(vec)

unweighted_mean_lon = mean(lon)
unweighted_mean_lat = mean(lat)

# Get places closest to centroid
d = c()
for (i in 1:length(lon)) {
  loni = lon[i]
  lati = lat[i]
  distance = great_circle_distance(lon1 = loni, lat1 = lati, lon2 = mean_lon, lat2 = mean_lat)
  d = c(d, distance)

# Get places closest to unweighted centroid
un_d = c()
for (i in 1:nrow(lonlat)) {
  loni = lon[i]
  lati = lat[i]
  distance = great_circle_distance(lon1 = loni, lat1 = lati, lon2 = unweighted_mean_lon, lat2 = unweighted_mean_lat)
  un_d = c(un_d, distance)

great_circle_distance(lon1 = mean_lon,
                      lat1 = mean_lat,
                      lon2 = unweighted_mean_lon, 
                      lat2 = unweighted_mean_lat)
lon = coords[,"LON"]
lat = coords[,"LAT"]
ord = which(lon < 60 & lat > 30)
plot(lon[ord], lat[ord], pch = 20, col = "gray")
points(unweighted_mean_lon, unweighted_mean_lat, pch = 18, col = "black", cex = 2)
points(mean_lon, mean_lat, pch = 18, col = "black", cex = 2)

ord = which(lon < 60 & lat > 30)
plot(lon[ord], lat[ord], pch = 20, col = "gray")
points(mean_lon, mean_lat, pch = 18, col = "red", cex = 2)

## Get centroid, range, and variation over composed_pk
pk = composed_pk
footprints = matrix(0, 7, ncol(pk))
colnames(footprints) = ch1$keywords
for (j in 1:ncol(pk)) {
  res = semantic_footprint(term = colnames(footprints)[j],
                           mat = pk,
                           coords = lonlat)
  res = unlist(res)
  footprints[,j] = res
footprints = t(footprints)
colnames(footprints) = names(res)

d = c()
for (i in 1:nrow(footprints)) {
  lon = footprints[i,"lon"]
  lat = footprints[i,"lat"]
  distance = great_circle_distance(lon1 = lon, lat1 = lat, lon2 = mean_lon, lat2 = mean_lat)
  d = c(d, distance)

mean_lon = sum(footprints[,"lon"] * footprints[,"freq"] ) / sum(footprints[,"freq"])
mean_lat = sum(footprints[,"lat"] * footprints[,"freq"] ) / sum(footprints[,"freq"])

unweighted_mean_lon = mean(lon)
unweighted_mean_lat = mean(lat)

x = d
y = footprints[,"freq"]
plot(x, y, main = "distance from centroid")

x = footprints[,"radius"]
y = footprints[,"freq"]
plot(x, y, main = "radius by frequency")

x = footprints[,"stdev"]
y = footprints[,"freq"]
plot(x, y, main = "stdev by frequency")

### Compare spatial distributions of terms, create line of geographical difference (lgd)
lon = footprints[,"lon"]
lat = footprints[,"lat"]
fit = lm(lat ~ lon)
estimated_x = seq(min(lon),max(lon), length.out = length(lon))
estimated_y = fit$coefficients[2] * estimated_x + fit$coefficients[1]
estimated_mat = matrix(c(estimated_x, estimated_y), 7507, 2)

euclidean_distance = function(vec1, vec2) {
  return(sqrt(sum((vec1 - vec2)^2)))
lgd = matrix(0, 7507, 2)
rownames(lgd) = rownames(footprints)
for (i in 1:nrow(footprints)) {
  lati = lat[i]
  loni = lon[i]
  veci = c(loni, lati)
  results = apply(estimated_mat, 1, euclidean_distance, veci)
  hit = which(results == min(results))
  lgd[i,] = estimated_mat[hit,]

# Map world
all_lat = lonlat$LAT
all_lon = lonlat$LON
all_lon[all_lon > 180] = all_lon[all_lon > 180] - 360
ord = which(all_lat > 20 & all_lon < 80 & all_lon > 0)
plot(all_lon[ord], all_lat[ord], pch= 20, col = "gray")
points(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "black")
points(mean_lon, mean_lat, pch = 20, col = "red")
lines(lgd[,1], lgd[,2], lwd=1, col="red")

# Plot geosemantic field by radius
x = lgd[,1]
y = footprints[,"radius"]
plot(x, y, cex = 0, main = "x = line-of-fit, y = radius")
text(x, y, labels = names(y))
abline(h = mean(y), col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(v = mean(x), col = "red", lwd = 2)

# Now plot geosemantic field by deviation
x = lgd[,1]
y = footprints[,"stdev"]
est_y = -3.5 * x + 1
estimated_y = fit$coefficients[2] * x + fit$coefficients[1]

#est_y_top = -4.6 * x + 1165
plot(x, y, cex = 0, main = "x = line-of-fit, y = stdev")
text(x, y, labels = names(y))
abline(h = mean(y), col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(v = mean(x), col = "red", lwd = 2)
lines(x, est_y, lwd=2, col="red")
#lines(x, est_y_top, lwd=2, col="red")

vec = est_y_top - est_y_bottom
# Get spatial terms
ord = which(y < est_y_top)
spatial_terms = sort(x[ord])

#### Plotting Figures for Chapter 1 ####
# Figure 2
lon = coords$LON
lat = coords$LAT
lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360

plot(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "blue")

# Figure 3
totals = rowSums(composed_py)
totals = totals[names(totals) != "world"]
frequency_distribution = table(totals)
x = as.numeric(names(frequency_distribution))
y = as.numeric(frequency_distribution)
plot(x, y, log = "x", pch = 20)
abline(v = median(totals), col = "red")

# Figure 4
plot_timeseries(composed_py, gazetteer = gaz, places = c("england","rome"), normalize = T, compose_places = F)

# Figure 5
plot_timeseries(composed_py, gazetteer = gaz, places = c("egypt","israel"), normalize = T, compose_places = T)

# Figure 6
y = apply(composed_py, 2, function(x) length(x[x > 0]))
x = 1:200
fit = lm(y ~ x)
plot(vec, pch = 20, main = fit$coefficients[2])
abline(a = fit$coefficients[1], b = fit$coefficients[2], col = "red")

# Figure 7
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
lon = coords$LON
lat = coords$LAT
lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
names(lon) = coords$NAME
names(lat) = coords$NAME

plot(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "gray")
places = rownames(composed_py[which(composed_py[,"1500"] > 0),])
places = intersect(places, names(lon))
points(lon[places], lat[places], pch = 20, col = "red")

plot(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "gray")
places = rownames(composed_py[which(composed_py[,"1549"] > 0),])
places = intersect(places, names(lon))
points(lon[places], lat[places], pch = 20, col = "red")

plot(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "gray")
places = rownames(composed_py[which(composed_py[,"1599"] > 0),])
places = intersect(places, names(lon))
points(lon[places], lat[places], pch = 20, col = "red")

# Figure 8
continents = c("africa","america","asia","europe")
                gazetteer = gaz, 
                places = continents, 
                normalize = T, 
                compose_places = T)

# Figure 9
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
totals = rowSums(composed_pk)
vec = totals
coords = ch1$coordinates
vec = vec[names(vec) %in% coords[, "NAME"]]
hits = which(coords[, "NAME"] %in% names(vec))
vec = vec[coords[hits, "NAME"]]
lon = coords[hits, "LON"]
lon[lon >= 180] = lon[lon >= 180] - 360
lat = coords[hits, "LAT"]
mean_lon = sum(lon * vec) / sum(vec)
mean_lat = sum(lat * vec) / sum(vec)
unweighted_mean_lon = mean(lon)
unweighted_mean_lat = mean(lat)
lon = coords[,"LON"]
lat = coords[,"LAT"]
ord = which(lon < 60 & lat > 30)
plot(lon[ord], lat[ord], pch = 20, col = "gray")
points(unweighted_mean_lon, unweighted_mean_lat, pch = 18, col = "black", cex = 2)
points(mean_lon, mean_lat, pch = 18, col = "black", cex = 2)

# Figure 10
d = c()
for (i in 1:nrow(footprints)) {
  lon = footprints[i,"lon"]
  lat = footprints[i,"lat"]
  distance = great_circle_distance(lon1 = lon, lat1 = lat, lon2 = mean_lon, lat2 = mean_lat)
  d = c(d, distance)
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
x = d
y = footprints[,"freq"]
plot(x, y, pch = 20, col = "blue", main = "distance from centroid")

x = footprints[,"radius"]
y = footprints[,"freq"]
plot(x, y, pch = 20, col = "blue", main = "radius by frequency")

x = footprints[,"stdev"]
y = footprints[,"freq"]
plot(x, y, pch = 20, col = "blue", main = "stdev by frequency")

# Figure 11
lon = footprints[,"lon"]
lat = footprints[,"lat"]
fit = lm(lat ~ lon)
estimated_x = seq(min(lon),max(lon), length.out = length(lon))
estimated_y = fit$coefficients[2] * estimated_x + fit$coefficients[1]
estimated_mat = matrix(c(estimated_x, estimated_y), 7507, 2)

euclidean_distance = function(vec1, vec2) {
  return(sqrt(sum((vec1 - vec2)^2)))
lgd = matrix(0, 7507, 2)
rownames(lgd) = rownames(footprints)
for (i in 1:nrow(footprints)) {
  lati = lat[i]
  loni = lon[i]
  veci = c(loni, lati)
  results = apply(estimated_mat, 1, euclidean_distance, veci)
  hit = which(results == min(results))
  lgd[i,] = estimated_mat[hit,]

# Map world
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
all_lat = lonlat$LAT
all_lon = lonlat$LON
all_lon[all_lon > 180] = all_lon[all_lon > 180] - 360
ord = which(all_lat > 20 & all_lon < 80 & all_lon > 0)
plot(all_lon[ord], all_lat[ord], pch= 20, col = "gray")
points(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "black")
points(mean_lon, mean_lat, pch = 20, col = "red")
lines(lgd[,1], lgd[,2], lwd=1, col="red")

# Figure 12
x = lgd[,1]
y = footprints[,"radius"]
fit = lm(y ~ x)
plot(x, y, pch = 20, main = paste("x = line-of-fit, y = radius", fit$coefficients[2]))
#text(x, y, labels = names(y))
abline(h = mean(y), col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(v = mean(x), col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(a = fit$coefficients[1], b = fit$coefficients[2], col="red")

# Figure 13
x = lgd[,1]
y = footprints[,"stdev"]
est_y = -2.905 * x + 1100
fit = lm(y ~ x)
plot(x, y, pch = 20, main = paste("x = line-of-fit, y = stdev", round(fit$coefficients[2], digits = 3)))
#text(x, y, labels = names(y))
abline(h = mean(y), col = "red", lwd = 2)
abline(v = mean(x), col = "red", lwd = 2)
lines(x, est_y, lwd=2, col="red")

# Figure 14
vec = y - est_y
ord = which(vec < 0)
spatial_terms = names(x[ord])
plot(x[spatial_terms], vec[spatial_terms], cex = 0, main = "x = line-of-fit, y = est_y")
text(x[spatial_terms], vec[spatial_terms], labels = spatial_terms)

# Now subsets of Figure 14
# England and France
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x < x["holland"] & y > y["valence"] & y < y["morice"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "england and france")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])

# Spain, Portugal, and America
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x < x["victoria"] & x > x["monts"] & y < y["victoria"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "spain and portugal")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])

# Europe
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x > x["ut"] & x < x["fire"] & y < y["ut"] & y > y["fire"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "europe")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])

# Geomorphology
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x > x["dios"] & x < x["christ"] & y < y["kind"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "europe")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])

# Christ, embodied
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x > x["described"] & x < x["cor"] & y < y["non"] & y > y["vs"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "christ")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])

# Domesticity
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x > x["ki"] & x < x["serpents"] & y > y["serpents"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "domesticity")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])

# Biblical geography
x = lgd[spatial_terms,1]
y = vec[spatial_terms]
ord = which(x > x["serpents"] & y > y["china"])
plot(x[ord], y[ord], cex = 0, main = "domesticity")
text(x[ord], y[ord], labels = spatial_terms[ord])
michaelgavin/geosemantics documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:35 p.m.