
Defines functions coda_table

Documented in coda_table

#' @title Create a summary table of an mcmc.list object
#' @description
#'      \code{coda_table} takes as input an mcmc.list object from the coda
#'      package and outputs a dataframe giving the mean, standard
#'      deviation, and median for each parameter estimate along with quantiles
#'      for 95\% and 80\% credibility intervals.
#' @param coda.object
#'      an mcmc.list object
#' @param parameters
#'      character vector of parameter names to include in table. If none are
#'      supplied all monitored parameters are included.
#' @param gelman.diag
#'      logical, should Rhat be computed for each parameter, if TRUE input
#'      `coda.object` should have more than one chain.
#' @param quantiles
#'      vector of probability quantiles to compute
#' @return
#'      A dataframe
#' @seealso \code{\link{coda_df}}
#' @export
#' @author Michael Malick
#' @examples
#' library(coda)
#' data(line)
#' coda_table(line)
#' coda_table(line, quantiles = c(0.05, 0.95))
#' coda_table(line, parameters = "alpha")
#' coda_table(line, parameters = c("alpha", "beta"))
#' coda_table(line, parameters = grep("sig", coda::varnames(line), value = TRUE))
#' coda_table(line, parameters = grep("a", coda::varnames(line), value = TRUE))
#' coda_table(line, parameters = c("alpha", grep("sig", coda::varnames(line),
#'            value = TRUE)))
coda_table <- function(coda.object,
                       parameters = NULL,
                       gelman.diag = TRUE,
                       quantiles = c(0.025, 0.1, 0.9, 0.975)) {

    sim.dat       <- coda_df(coda.object, parameters = parameters)
    sim.dat$chain <- NULL
    sim.dat$iter  <- NULL
    parms         <- names(sim.dat)
    n.parms       <- length(parms)

    ll <- list(mean   = apply(as.matrix(sim.dat), 2, mean),
               sd     = apply(as.matrix(sim.dat), 2, stats::sd),
               median = apply(as.matrix(sim.dat), 2, stats::median),
               p.conf = apply(as.matrix(sim.dat), 2, stats::quantile,
                              probs = quantiles),
               n.iter = rep(coda::nchain(coda.object) * coda::niter(coda.object),
               n.eff  = coda::effectiveSize(coda.object)[parms])

    if(gelman.diag) {
        ll$Rhat <- as.vector(coda::gelman.diag(coda.object)$psrf[,1][parms])
    out <- do.call("rbind", ll)
    out <- as.data.frame(t(round(out, 3)))

michaelmalick/r-codatools documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:51 p.m.