
Defines functions mimsy

Documented in mimsy

#' \code{mimsy} Calculate MIMS dissolved gas concentrations
#' Return dissolved gas concentrations in units of micromole and milligram from membrane inlet mass spectrometer (MIMS) signal data
#' @param data the dataframe of MIMS data
#' @param baromet.press the ambient barometric pressure while samples processed on the MIMS. Can be a vector, if more than one reading was taken.
#' @param units the units of barometric pressure. Must be one of "atm", "hPa", "psi", "bar", or "Torr".
#' @param bg.correct If `FALSE` (default), no background correction is applied. If `TRUE`, background correction is applied.
#' @param salinity the salinity of standards, in units of per mille. Defaults to 0.
#' @param tz a character string that specifies which time zone to parse the date with. Defaults to the user's current time zone setting. The string must be a time zone that is recognized by the user's OS.
#' @return a list, containing 5 dataframes:
#' `$results` displays a summarized output, containing just identification columns (such as the user's input of `Label` or `Project`) and calculated concentration values (ex. `N2_uMol` and `N2_mg` for the concentration of dissolved dinitrogen gas, in microMoles and milligrams, respectively). `$results` only contains sample results, but see `$results.full` below for results from both samples and standards.
#' `$solubility.Concentrations` displays the calculated concentrations (microMole / kg) of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon gas in water at specific temperature, pressure, and salinity. Row names correspond to `std.temps`. See Garcia and Gordon (1992, Eqn. 8) for further information on oxygen saturation concentration calculations and the equations used herein. See Hamme and Emerson (2004, Table 4, and Eq. 1, 2) for the expansion of Garcia and Gordon's methods for use with calculating nitrogen and argon saturation concentrations.
#' `$calibration.Factors` are computed by taking the solubility concentrations at standard temperature divided by the average MIMS signal reading of each `Group` at said temperature. These values will then be used internally to calculate the calibration curve, and are made available to the user for transparency.
#' `$calibration.DriftCorrection` is a data frame containing the slopes and intercepts of the calibration curve for each dissolved gas (ex. `calslope_28` for the slope of the dinitrogen calibration curve), and the drift corrected slope and intercept values (ex. `DRIFT.calslope_28`) which take into account the machine drift due to time that occurs in-between standard readings. These drift values are computed by taking the slope between successive calibration (slope or intercept) values. These values are used internally, and are made available to the user for transparency.
#' `$results.full` is a data frame that contains the entire output from `mimsy()`, including results from both standards and samples, the initial MIMS signal data and signal ratios, the calibration curve correction factors for each reading (ex. `INTERPOLATED.calfactor_28`), and the final concentration values.
#' @references
#' Garcia, H., and L. Gordon (1992), \emph{Oxygen solubility in seawater:
#' Better fitting equations}, Limnology and Oceanography, 37(6).
#' Benson, B. B. & Krause, D. (1984). \emph{The concentration and isotopic
#' fractionation of oxygen dissolved in freshwater and seawater in equilibrium
#' with the atmosphere.} Limnology and Oceanography, 29(3), 620-632.
#' doi:10.4319/lo.1984.29.3.0620
#' Stull, D. R. (1947). \emph{Vapor Pressure of Pure Substances. Organic and
#' Inorganic Compounds.} Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 39(4), 517-540.
#' doi: 10.1021/ie50448a022
#' Hamme, R. C. & Emerson, S. R. (2004). \emph{The solubility of neon,
#' nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater}, Deep-Sea Research I,
#' 51(11), 1517-1528.
#' @examples
#' data <-
#'   read.csv(file = system.file("extdata", "data.csv", package = "mimsy"),
#'            header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' results <- mimsy(data, baromet.press = 981.2, units = 'hPa')
#' @importFrom lubridate "mdy_hms"
#' @importFrom dplyr "group_by"
#' @importFrom dplyr "bind_rows"
#' @importFrom dplyr "filter"
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom utils "read.csv"
#' @export

mimsy <- function(data, baromet.press, units, bg.correct = FALSE,
                  tz = Sys.timezone(), salinity = 0) {
  Type <- data$Type
  Group <- data$Group

  # Check if "Type" is the first column ----------------------------------------

  if (which(names(data) == "Type") != 1){
    # move "Type" to first column position
    data <- dplyr::select(data, Type, dplyr::everything())

  # UPDATEFLAG: check csv has correct column names, check baromet.press has
  # acceptable units

  # Returns index of rows in standard
  StdIndex <- which(data$Group == 1 & data$Type == "Standard")

  # Get standard temperatures --------------------------------------------------
  if (length(unique(data[StdIndex, "CollectionTemp"])) == 1 | 2){
    # Set std.temps equal to the unique temperatures in this column
    #std.temps <- unique(data[StdIndex, "CollectionTemp"])
    std.temps <- unique(data[StdIndex, ]$CollectionTemp) # Hotfix: Check up on this subsetting issue - perhaps discrepancy between Mac & Windows?
  # Check if there are more than two standard temperatures
  if (length(std.temps) > 2){
    stop("Detecting more than two unique temperature values in the first block of standards. \nPlease check that standard temperatures have been entered correctly.")

  # Format time column -------------------------------------------------------

  data$Time <- lubridate::mdy_hms(paste(data$RunDate, data$Time),
                                  tz = tz)
  data$RunDate <- NULL

  # 2. Background corrections ------------------------------------------------

  if (bg.correct == FALSE) {
    # set background correction value to zero
    bg.correct <- 0
  if (bg.correct != FALSE) {
    message("Background correction is not yet supported. Please send an email to mckelly1@mtu.edu if you would like this update to take priority!")

  # Barometric pressure conversion -------------------------------------------

  if (units == "atm") {
    baromet.press.atm <- mean(baromet.press)
  # hPa to atm
  if (units == "hPa") {
    baromet.press.atm <- mean(baromet.press) * 0.00098692316931427
  # Torr to atm
  if (units == "Torr") {
    baromet.press.atm <- mean(baromet.press) / 760
  # psi to atm
  if (units == "psi") {
    baromet.press.atm <- mean(baromet.press) * 14.6959487755142
  # bar to atm
  if (units == "bar") {
    baromet.press.atm <- mean(baromet.press) * 1.01325
  # stop message for non-sanctioned units
  if (!(units %in% c("atm", "hPa", "Torr", "psi", "bar"))) {
    stop("Please report barometric pressure in units of `atm`, `hPa`, `psi`,
            `bar`, or `Torr`.")

  # 3. Calculate solubilites of dissolved gas --------------------------------

  # initialize vector to store concentration values NOTE will need to adapt this for single temp vs dual temp

  solubility.conc <- data.frame(O2.conc_uMol.kg = numeric(length = length(std.temps)),
                                N2.conc_uMol.kg = numeric(length = length(std.temps)),
                                Ar.conc_uMol.kg = numeric(length = length(std.temps)),
                                row.names = paste(std.temps, "deg C"))

  # O2 saturation calculation ------------------------------------------------
  o2Sat <- function(t){

    # Vapor pressure correction use the Antoine equation to calculate vapor
    # pressure of water [bar] See NIST Chemistry WebBook for general tables,
    # these parameters valid for temperatures between -18 to 100C (Stull 1947)
    vapor.press <- exp(4.6543 - (1435.264/((t + 273.15) + -64.848)))
    vapor.press <- vapor.press * 0.98692  # conversion from [bar] to [atm]

    # pressure correction [atm] = (current pressure - vapor pressure) /
    # (standard pressure [atm] - vapor pressure)
    press.corr <- (baromet.press.atm - vapor.press)/(1 - vapor.press)

    # O2 saturation calculation Combined fit coefficients [umol/kg]
    # (Garcia and Gordon 1992, Table 1)
    A0 <- 5.80818
    A1 <- 3.20684
    A2 <- 4.1189
    A3 <- 4.93845
    A4 <- 1.01567
    A5 <- 1.41575
    B0 <- -7.01211 * 10^-3
    B1 <- -7.25958 * 10^-3
    B2 <- -7.93334 * 10^-3
    B3 <- -5.54491 * 10^-3
    C0 <- -1.32412 * 10^-7
    # Scaled temperature (Garcia and Gordon 1992, eqn. 8)
    TS <- log((298.15 - t)/(273.15 + t))  # log() == natural log (ln)
    # Salinity [per mille]
    S <- salinity

    # Calculate O2 saturation concentration at temperature and salinity
    # (Garcia and Gordon 1992, eqn. 8)
    lnO2.sat <- A0 + A1 * TS + A2 * TS^2 + A3 * TS^2 + A3 * TS^3 + A4 *
      TS^4 + A5 * TS^5 + S * (B0 + B1 * TS + B2 * TS^2 + B3 * TS^3) + C0 * S^2
    O2.sat <- exp(lnO2.sat)
    # Correct O2 saturation with pressure correction, solubility.conc units
    # [umol/kg]
    result <- O2.sat * press.corr

  # N2 saturation calculation ------------------------------------------------
  n2Sat <- function(t){
    # Vapor pressure correction use the Antoine equation to calculate vapor
    # pressure of water [bar] See NIST Chemistry WebBook for general tables,
    # these parameters valid for temperatures between -18 to 100C (Stull 1947)

    vapor.press <- exp(4.6543 - (1435.264/((t + 273.15) + -64.848)))
    vapor.press <- vapor.press * 0.98692  # conversion from [bar] to [atm]

    # pressure correction [atm] = (current pressure - vapor pressure) /
    # (standard pressure [atm] - vapor pressure)
    press.corr <- (baromet.press.atm - vapor.press)/(1 - vapor.press)

    # N2 saturation calculation Coefficients [umol/kg]
    # (Hamme and Emerson 2004, Table 4)
    A0 <- 6.42931
    A1 <- 2.92704
    A2 <- 4.32531
    A3 <- 4.69149
    B0 <- -7.44129 * 10^-3
    B1 <- -8.02566 * 10^-3
    B2 <- -1.46775 * 10^-2
    # Scaled temperature (Hamme and Emerson 2004, eqn. 2, but identical to
    # Garcia and Gordon 1992, eqn. 8)
    TS <- log((298.15 - t)/(273.15 + t))

    # Salinity [per mille]
    S <- salinity

    # Calculate saturation concentration at temperature and salinity
    # (Hamme and emerson 2004, eqn. 1)
    lnN2.sat <-
      A0 + A1 * TS + A2 * TS^2 + A3 * TS^3 + S * (B0 + B1 * TS + B2 * TS^2)
    N2.sat <- exp(lnN2.sat)
    # Correct saturation with pressure correction, solubility.conc units are
    # [umol/kg]
    result <- N2.sat * press.corr

  # Ar saturation calculation ------------------------------------------------

  # Define custom function, as this calculation will be repeated on all samples
  arSat <- function(t){
    # Vapor pressure correction use the Antoine equation to calculate vapor
    # pressure of water [bar] See NIST Chemistry WebBook for general tables,
    # these parameters valid for temperatures between -18 to 100C (Stull 1947)
    vapor.press <- exp(4.6543 - (1435.264/((t + 273.15) + -64.848)))
    vapor.press <- vapor.press * 0.98692  # conversion from [bar] to [atm]

    # pressure correction [atm] = (current pressure - vapor pressure) /
    # (standard pressure [atm] - vapor pressure)
    press.corr <- (baromet.press.atm - vapor.press)/(1 - vapor.press)

    # Ar saturation calculation Coefficients [umol/kg]
    # (Hamme and Emerson 2004, Table 4)
    A0 <- 2.7915
    A1 <- 3.17609
    A2 <- 4.13116
    A3 <- 4.90379
    B0 <- -6.96233 * 10^-3
    B1 <- -7.9997 * 10^-3
    B2 <- -1.16888 * 10^-2
    # Scaled temperature (Hamme and Emerson 2004, eqn. 2,
    # but identical to Garcia and Gordon 1992, eqn. 8)
    TS <- log((298.15 - t)/(273.15 + t))

    # Salinity [per mille]
    S <- salinity

    # Calculate saturation concentration at temperature and salinity
    # (Hamme and emerson 2004, eqn. 1)
    lnAr.sat <-
      A0 + A1 * TS + A2 * TS^2 + A3 * TS^3 + S * (B0 + B1 * TS + B2 * TS^2)
    Ar.sat <- exp(lnAr.sat)
    # Correct saturation with pressure correction, solubility.conc units
    # are [umol/kg]
    result <- Ar.sat * press.corr

  # Run functions for standards
  for (i in seq_along(std.temps)) {
    t <- std.temps[i]
    # Run functions
    solubility.conc$N2.conc_uMol.kg[i] <- n2Sat(t)
    solubility.conc$O2.conc_uMol.kg[i] <- o2Sat(t)
    solubility.conc$Ar.conc_uMol.kg[i] <- arSat(t)

  # Group data by Type (`Standard` or `Sample`) and Group (numeric, 1:n)
  data <- dplyr::group_by(data, data$Type, data$Group)

  # Calculate N2, O2, and Ar saturation at temperature and pressure for all samples
  data$arSat.conc_uMol.kg <- arSat(data$CollectionTemp)
  data$n2Sat.conc_uMol.kg <- n2Sat(data$CollectionTemp)
  data$o2Sat.conc_uMol.kg <- o2Sat(data$CollectionTemp)

  ######### Single-point calibration #########
  if (nrow(unique(data[StdIndex, "CollectionTemp"])) == 1) {

    message("Calculated dissolved concentrations based on a single-point temperature standard.")
    message(paste0("Standard: ", std.temps, " C"))

    # 4. Calculate calibration factors -----------------------------------------

    # assemble empty data frame for calibration factors
    calfactor <-
      data.frame(calfactor_28 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calfactor_32 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calfactor_40 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calfactor_N2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calfactor_O2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 row.names = paste0(std.temps, "degC_", "Group_",

    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # individually extract each group of standards
      cal.block <- data %>% filter(Type == "Standard" & Group == groupNo)

      # calculate calibration factor calfactor = solubility concentration
      # at std temp / avg(MIMS readings at std temp)

      # Mass28 (N2)
      calfactor$calfactor_28[groupNo] <-

      # Mass32 (O2)
      calfactor$calfactor_32[groupNo] <-

      # Mass40 (Ar)
      calfactor$calfactor_40[groupNo] <-

      # Calculate N2:Ar calibration factor
      #     = ([N2]saturation / [Ar]saturation) / Raw N2:Ar signal data
      calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[groupNo] <-

      # Calculate O2:Ar calibration factors
      #     = ([O2]saturation / [Ar]saturation) / Raw O2:Ar signal data
      calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[groupNo] <-


    # 5. Calculate slope and intercepts of calibration curve -----------------
    # Use a linear model to calculate the slope and intercept of the calibration factor and time

    calslope <-
      data.frame(calslope_28 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_32 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_40 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_N2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_O2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 row.names = paste0("Group", 1:max(data$Group)))

    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # using a linear model to find slope and intercept of calibration
      # line linear model: y ~ x

      # for the last group, use calibration slope from previous group
      if (is.na(calfactor$calfactor_28[groupNo+1])) {
        # Mass28
        calslope$calslope_28[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calslope_28[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calslope_32[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calslope_32[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calslope_40[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calslope_40[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo - 1]
      else {
        # Mass28
        lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_28[groupNo],
                   calfactor$calfactor_28[groupNo+1]) ~
                   c(as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == groupNo+1][1]),
                     as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1])))
        calslope$calslope_28[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
        calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

        # Mass32
        lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_32[groupNo],
                   calfactor$calfactor_32[groupNo+1]) ~
                   c(as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1]),
                     as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1])))
        calslope$calslope_32[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
        calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

        # Mass40
        lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_40[groupNo],
                   calfactor$calfactor_40[groupNo+1]) ~
                   c(as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1]),
                     as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1])))
        calslope$calslope_40[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
        calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

        # N2:Ar
        lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[groupNo],
                   calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[groupNo+1]) ~
                   c(as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1]),
                     as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1])))
        calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
        calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

        # O2:Ar
        lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[groupNo],
                   calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[groupNo+1]) ~
                   c(as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1]),
                     as.numeric(data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1])))
        calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
        calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

    # 6. Interpolate calibration slopes -------------------------------------

    # add columns to data
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_28 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_32 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_40 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_N2Ar <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_O2Ar <- NA

    # create list to fill with interpolated values
    datalist = list()

    # interpolate values based on calibration slope + (drift calslope *
    # (start sample group time - sample time))

    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # cut data into groups of samples
      group.block <- data %>% filter(Group == groupNo)

      # take the slope between successive calibration (slope or intercept)
      # values
      for (i in 1:nrow(group.block)) {
        # Mass28
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_28[i] <-
          calfactor$calfactor_28[groupNo] +
          (calslope$calslope_28[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # Mass32
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_32[i] <-
          calfactor$calfactor_32[groupNo] +
          (calslope$calslope_32[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # Mass40
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_40[i] <-
          calfactor$calfactor_40[groupNo] +
          (calslope$calslope_40[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # N2:Ar
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_N2Ar[i] <-
          calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[groupNo] +
          (calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # O2:Ar
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_O2Ar[i] <-
          calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[groupNo] +
          (calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # Add group block data to datalist
        datalist[[groupNo]] <- group.block
    # convert datalist from list to dataframe this dataframe
    # will become the 'detailed' data output to the user
    data <- dplyr::bind_rows(datalist)
  }  #close single temp

  if (nrow(unique(data[StdIndex, "CollectionTemp"])) == 2) {
    ######### Two-point calibration #########

    message("Calculated dissolved concentrations based on a two-point temperature standard.")
    message(paste0("Standard 1: ", std.temps[1], " C, Standard 2: ",
                   std.temps[2], " C"))

    # 4. Calculate calibration factors -----------------------------------------

    # assemble empty data frame for calibration factors
    calfactor <-
      data.frame(calfactor_28 = numeric(length = max(data$Group) * 2),
                 calfactor_32 = numeric(length = max(data$Group) *2),
                 calfactor_40 = numeric(length = max(data$Group) * 2),
                 calfactor_N2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group) * 2),
                 calfactor_O2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group) * 2),
                 row.names = paste0(std.temps, "degC_", "Group_",
                                    rep(1:max(data$Group), each = 2)))
    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # individually extract each group of standards
      cal.block <- data %>% filter(Type == "Standard" & Group == groupNo)

      # calculate calibration factor calfactor = solubility concentration
      # at std temp / avg(MIMS readings at std temp)

      # Mass28 (N2) Standard temp 1
      calfactor$calfactor_28[2 * groupNo - 1] <-
        solubility.conc$N2.conc_uMol.kg[1] /
        mean(cal.block$X28[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[1]])
      # standard temp 2
      calfactor$calfactor_28[2 * groupNo] <-
        solubility.conc$N2.conc_uMol.kg[2] /
        mean(cal.block$X28[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[2]])

      # Mass32 (O2)
      calfactor$calfactor_32[2 * groupNo - 1] <-
        solubility.conc$O2.conc_uMol.kg[1] /
        mean(cal.block$X32[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[1]])
      calfactor$calfactor_32[2 * groupNo] <-
        solubility.conc$O2.conc_uMol.kg[2] /
        mean(cal.block$X32[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[2]])

      # Mass40 (Ar)
      calfactor$calfactor_40[2 * groupNo - 1] <-
        solubility.conc$Ar.conc_uMol.kg[1] /
        mean(cal.block$X40[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[1]])
      calfactor$calfactor_40[2 * groupNo] <-
        solubility.conc$Ar.conc_uMol.kg[2] /
        mean(cal.block$X40[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[2]])

      # Calculate N2:Ar calibration factors
      #     = ([N2]saturation / [Ar]saturation) / Raw N2:Ar signal data
      # Standard temp 1
      calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[2 * groupNo - 1] <-
        mean(cal.block$N2.Ar[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[1]])
      # Standard temp 2
      calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[2 * groupNo] <-
        mean(cal.block$N2.Ar[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[2]])

      # Calculate O2:Ar calibration factors
      #     = ([O2]saturation / [Ar]saturation) / Raw O2:Ar signal data
      # Standard temp 1
      calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[2 * groupNo - 1] <-
        mean(cal.block$O2.Ar[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[1]])
      # Standard temp 2
      calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[2 * groupNo] <-
        mean(cal.block$O2.Ar[cal.block$CollectionTemp == std.temps[2]])


    # 5. Calculate slope and intercepts of calibration curve -----------------
    # Use a linear model from the mean low and high temperature calibration
    # data to correct the calibration factor for a range of temperatures
    calslope <-
      data.frame(calslope_28 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calintercept_28 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_32 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calintercept_32 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_40 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calintercept_40 = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_N2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calintercept_N2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calslope_O2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 calintercept_O2Ar = numeric(length = max(data$Group)),
                 row.names = paste0("Group", 1:max(data$Group)))

    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # using a linear model to find slope and intercept of calibration
      # line linear model: y ~ x

      # Mass28
      lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_28[2 * groupNo - 1],
                 calfactor$calfactor_28[2 * groupNo]) ~ std.temps)
      calslope$calslope_28[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
      calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

      # Mass32
      lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_32[2 * groupNo - 1],
                 calfactor$calfactor_32[2 * groupNo]) ~ std.temps)
      calslope$calslope_32[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
      calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

      # Mass40
      lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_40[2 * groupNo - 1],
                 calfactor$calfactor_40[2 * groupNo]) ~ std.temps)
      calslope$calslope_40[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
      calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

      # N2:Ar
      lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[2 * groupNo - 1],
                 calfactor$calfactor_N2Ar[2 * groupNo]) ~ std.temps)
      calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
      calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

      # O2:Ar
      lm <- lm(c(calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[2 * groupNo - 1],
                 calfactor$calfactor_O2Ar[2 * groupNo]) ~ std.temps)
      calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[2]  # slope
      calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] <- lm$coefficients[1]  #intercept

    # 6. Perform drift correction for calibration slope and intercept ------

    # add columns to calslope
    calslope$DRIFT.calslope_28 <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_28 <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calslope_32 <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_32 <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calslope_40 <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_40 <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calslope_N2Ar <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_N2Ar <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calslope_O2Ar <- NA
    calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_O2Ar <- NA

    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # take the slope between successive calibration (slope or intercept)
      # values

      # Drift corrected Mass28 slope
      calslope$DRIFT.calslope_28[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calslope_28[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calslope_28[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))
      # intercept
      calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_28[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))

      # Drift corrected Mass32 slope
      calslope$DRIFT.calslope_32[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calslope_32[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calslope_32[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))
      # intercept
      calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_32[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))

      # Drift corrected Mass40 slope
      calslope$DRIFT.calslope_40[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calslope_40[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calslope_40[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))
      # intercept
      calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_40[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))

      # Drift corrected N2:Ar slope
      calslope$DRIFT.calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))
      # intercept
      calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))

      # Drift corrected O2:Ar slope
      calslope$DRIFT.calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))
      # intercept
      calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] <-
        (calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo + 1] -
           calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo]) /
        as.numeric(difftime(data$Time[data$Group == (groupNo + 1)][1],
                            data$Time[data$Group == groupNo][1],
                            units = "days"))

      # if there's no standard group at the tail (aka, run ends after a
      # sample) base the drift correction on the preceding block of
      # standards
      if (!is.element(groupNo + 1, unique(data$Group))) {
        # copy down drift correction from preceeding group this isn't
        # the best fix in the world, but better than NA for now
        calslope$DRIFT.calslope_28[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calslope_28[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_28[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_28[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calslope_32[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calslope_32[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_32[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_32[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calslope_40[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calslope_40[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_40[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_40[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calslope_N2Ar[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calslope_O2Ar[groupNo - 1]
        calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] <-
          calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo - 1]

    # 7. Interpolate calibration slopes ------------------------------------

    # add columns to data
    data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_28 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_28 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_32 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_32 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_40 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_40 <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_N2Ar <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_N2Ar <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_O2Ar <- NA
    data$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_O2Ar <- NA

    # create list to fill with interpolated values
    datalist = list()

    # interpolate values based on calibration slope + (drift calslope *
    # (start sample group time - sample time))
    for (groupNo in 1:max(data$Group)) {
      # cut data into groups of samples
      group.block <- data %>% filter(Group == groupNo)

      for (i in 1:nrow(group.block)) {
        # Mass28
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calslope_28[i] <-
          calslope$calslope_28[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calslope_28[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_28[i] <-
          calslope$calintercept_28[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_28[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # Mass32
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calslope_32[i] <-
          calslope$calslope_32[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calslope_32[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_32[i] <-
          calslope$calintercept_32[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_32[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # Mass40
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calslope_40[i] <-
          calslope$calslope_40[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calslope_40[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_40[i] <-
          calslope$calintercept_40[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_40[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # N2:Ar
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calslope_N2Ar[i] <-
          calslope$calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calslope_N2Ar[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_N2Ar[i] <-
          calslope$calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_N2Ar[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        # O2:Ar
        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calslope_O2Ar[i] <-
          calslope$calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calslope_O2Ar[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))

        group.block$INTERPOLATED.calintercept_O2Ar[i] <-
          calslope$calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] +
          (calslope$DRIFT.calintercept_O2Ar[groupNo] *
                                 group.block$Time[1], units = "days")))
      } # close internal row for loop

      # create list of sample blocks
      datalist[[groupNo]] <- group.block

    # convert datalist from list to dataframe this dataframe will become the
    # 'detailed' data output to the user
    data <- dplyr::bind_rows(datalist)

  # 8. Calculate drift and temperature corrected calibration factors -------

  # (interpolated calslope * temperature at collection) + interpolated calintercept Mass 28
  data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_28 <-
    (data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_28 * data$CollectionTemp) +

  # Mass 32
  data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_32 <-
    (data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_32 * data$CollectionTemp) +

  # Mass 40
  data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_40 <-
    (data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_40 * data$CollectionTemp) +

    # N2:Ar
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_N2Ar <-
      (data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_N2Ar * data$CollectionTemp) +

    # O2:Ar
    data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_O2Ar <-
      (data$INTERPOLATED.calslope_O2Ar * data$CollectionTemp) +
    } # Close two point calibration

  # 9. Calculate final concentrations -------------------------------------

  # Calculate concentrations by multiplying signal by interpolated calibration factors
  data$Ar_uMolL <- data$X40 * data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_28
  data$N2Ar <- data$N2.Ar * data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_N2Ar
  data$O2Ar <- data$O2.Ar * data$INTERPOLATED.calfactor_O2Ar

  # Transform N2Ar and O2Ar ratios into concentrations of N2 or O2, using
  # Ar saturation concentration at temperature
  data$N2_uMolL <- data$N2Ar * data$arSat.conc_uMol.kg
  data$O2_uMolL <- data$O2Ar * data$arSat.conc_uMol.kg

  # Unit conversion: Convert from microM to mg
  data$N2_mgL <- data$N2_uMolL * 10^(-6) * 28 * 10^3
  data$O2_mgL <- data$O2_uMolL * 10^(-6) * 32 * 10^3
  data$Ar_mgL <- data$Ar_uMolL * 10^(-6) * 40 * 10^3

  # 10. Output results to user -------------------------------------------

  # results A subset of `data` that contains only sample identifiers and
  # final concentration results.
  # This is a more user-friendly short-form

  # i'm subtracting out names rather than selecting for names, because
  # I want to preserve any other sample identity columns that the user
  # may have added to the orignal .csv
  results <-
    data[, -which(names(data) %in% c("Index", "Time", "X28", "X32", "X40",
                                     "X99", "N2.Ar", "O2.Ar",

  # grab only the sample results
  results <- results[results$Type == "Sample", ]
  results$Type <- NULL
  results$Group <- NULL
  results$`data$Type` <- NULL
  results$`data$Group` <- NULL
  data$`data$Type` <- NULL
  data$`data$Group` <- NULL

  outlist <- list(results = results,
                  solubility.Concentrations = solubility.conc,
                  calibration.Factors = calfactor,
                  calibration.DriftCorrection = calslope,
                  results.full = data)
michelleckelly/mimsy documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 10:15 a.m.