
Defines functions theta_uni

Documented in theta_uni

#' Extremal index estimation
#' @description
#' Uses the likelihood provided in Ferro and Segers (2003) in a Bayesian setting
#' to obtain posterior samples of the extremal index. Separates exceedances into
#' clusters.
#' @param y             Numeric, sequence of depedent random variables. May be a matrix.
#'                      See details.
#' @param u             Numeric, the threshold. Defaults to quantile(y, 0.90).
#' @param ord           Numeric, vector of length R = NCOL(y). Defaults to 1:R. See details.
#' @param prior         List.
#' @param likelihood    Character, either "ferro" or "suveges" (default).
#' @param method        Character, either "classical" or "bayesian" (default).
#' @param bsamp         Numeric, number of bootstrap samples for "classical" method.
#'                      Defaults to 10000.
#' @param ...           Additional arguments passed to mwBASE::mcmc_sampler.
#' @details
#' The data y is expected to be observed values along an evenly-spaced grid of width 1.
#' If y is an n x R matrix, then it will be collapsed to y = c(y[,ord]). This may be
#' the case when working with multiple realizations from the same process or with
#' specific seasons on a time-series.
#' The 'classical' option for method produces the estimates given by either Ferro and
#' Segers (2003) or Suveges (2007). When method == 'bayesian' the likelihoods given in
#' the aforementioned papers are used to produce posterior samples for theta.
#' @export
#' @example examples/ex_theta_uni.R

theta_uni = function(y, u, ord, prior, likelihood, method, bsamp = 10000, ...){

    n = NROW(y)
    R = NCOL(y)

    # ``ord'' is for re-ordering the columns when vec'ing
    # (Could result in different interexceedance times)
    if (missing(ord))
        ord = 1:R

    # Vec the matrix (if applicable)
    if (R > 1)
        y = c(y[,ord])

    # Default threshold to the 0.90 quantile
    if (missing(u))
        u = quantile(y, 0.90)

    if (missing(likelihood))
        likelihood = "suveges"

    if (!(likelihood %in% c("ferro", "suveges")))
        stop("likelihood must be either 'ferro' or 'suveges'.")

    if (missing(method))
        method = "classical"

    if (!(method %in% c("classical", "bayesian")))
        stop("method must be either 'classical' or 'bayesian'.")

    exceed = which(y > u)
    Tu = diff(exceed)
    N = length(exceed)
    m1 = sum(Tu == 1)
    emp.p = mean(y <= u)

    # If multiple realizations, adjust m1 for the possibility of truncating
    # clusters of extremes
#   if (R > 1)
#       m1 = m1 + (sum(which(x > u) %% n == 0) + sum(which(x > u) %% n == 1)) / 2

    if (method == "classical"){
        if (likelihood == "ferro"){
            classic_est = function(Tu){
                if (length(Tu) == 0)
                    return (1)
                if (max(Tu) <= 2){
                    out = min(1, 2*(sum(Tu))^2 / ( length(Tu) * sum(Tu^2) ) )
                } else {
                    out = min(1, 2*(sum(Tu - 1))^2 / (length(Tu)*sum((Tu-1)*(Tu-2))))
                return (out)
        } else {
            classic_est = function(Tu){
                ((1-emp.p)*sum(Tu - 1)+2*(N-1)-m1 -
                    sqrt(((1-emp.p)*sum(Tu - 1)+2*(N-1)-m1)^2 - 8*(N-1-m1)*(1-emp.p)*sum(Tu-1))) / 
        theta_hat = classic_est(Tu)
    } else {
        if (missing(prior)){
            if (likelihood == "ferro")
                prior = list("theta_a" = 1, "theta_b" = 1/2,
                    "p_a" = emp.p*100, "p_b" = (1-emp.p)*100)
            if (likelihood == "suveges")
                prior = list("theta_a" = 1, "theta_b" = 1/2)

        if (likelihood == "ferro"){
            calc.post = function(dat, param){
                theta = param[1]
                p = param[2]
                if (theta <= 0 || theta > 1)
                    return (-Inf)
                if (p <= 0 || p >= 1)
                    return (-Inf)

                # Likelihood (Ferro and Segers, Eq. 3)
                out = m1 * log(1 - theta*p^theta) + (N - 1 - m1)*(log(theta) + log(1-p^theta)) +
                    theta*log(p)*sum(dat - 1)

                # Priors
                out = out + dbeta(theta, prior$theta_a, prior$theta_b, log = TRUE)
                out = out + dbeta(p, prior$p_a, prior$p_b, log = TRUE)
                return (out)
        } else {
            calc.post = function(dat, param){
                theta = param[1]
                if (theta <= 0 || theta > 1)
                    return (-Inf)

                # Likelihood (Suveges, Eq. 1)
                out = m1 * log(1 - theta) + 2*(N - 1 - m1)*log(theta) - theta*(1-emp.p)*sum(dat - 1)

                # Priors
                out = out + dbeta(theta, prior$theta_a, prior$theta_b, log = TRUE)
                return (out)
        mcmc_out = mcmc_sampler(data = Tu, target = calc.post,
            nparam = ifelse(likelihood == "ferro", 2, 1), ...)
        mcmc_out$param = as.matrix(mcmc_out$param)

        theta_hat = mean(mcmc_out$param[,1])

    ### Decluster
    C = floor(theta_hat*N)+1
    C = min(C, N-1)
    tmp = sort(Tu, decreasing = TRUE)
    T_C = tmp[C]
    while (!(tmp[C-1] > T_C) && (C > 1)){
        C = C - 1
        T_C = tmp[C]

    # The set of independent intercluster times
    inter.Clust = Tu[Tu > T_C]

    i_j = which(Tu > T_C)
    i_j = c(0, i_j, N)
    ind.seq = rep(list(NULL), C)
    intra.Clust = rep(list(NULL), C)    # The interexceedance times within each cluster
    nice.S = rep(list(NULL), C)     # List of independent clusters, marking when exceedances occur
    nice.C = rep(list(NULL), C)     # The observed value at the exceedance times

    for (k in 2:(C+1)){
        ind.seq[[k-1]] = seq(i_j[k-1]+1, i_j[k]-1)
        if (i_j[k-1]+1 == i_j[k]){
    #       nice.T[[j-1]] = NULL
        } else {
            intra.Clust[[k-1]] = Tu[seq(i_j[k-1]+1, i_j[k]-1)]
        nice.S[[k-1]] = exceed[seq(i_j[k-1]+1, i_j[k])]
        nice.C[[k-1]] = y[nice.S[[k-1]]]

    ### Bootstrap (for classical method)
    if (method == "classical"){
        theta_vec = double(bsamp)
        for (i in 1:bsamp){

            samp.inter = sample(C-1, replace = TRUE)
            samp.intra = sample(C, replace = TRUE)

            tmp = c(inter.Clust[samp.inter], unlist(intra.Clust[samp.intra]))
            theta_vec[i] = classic_est(tmp)

    # Get the greatest value within each (independent) cluster
    ind.obs = sapply(nice.C, max)

    if (method == "classical"){
        return (list("y" = ind.obs, "N" = N, "T_C" = T_C, "theta" = theta_hat,
            "bootstrap" = theta_vec))
    } else {
        return (list("y" = ind.obs, "N" = N, "T_C" = T_C, "mcmc" = mcmc_out$param[,1]))
mickwar/mwEVT documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:56 p.m.