Man pages for microbiome/miaSim
Microbiome Data Simulation

dot-applyInterTypeGenerate pairs of interactions according to interaction types
dot-estimateAFromSimulationsGet the interspecies interaction matrix A using leave-one-out...
dot-getInteractionsGenerate interactions according to five types of interactions...
dot-isPosIntCheck whether a number is a positive integer
dot-replaceByZeroReplace one element with zero in a list
dot-simulationTimesGenerate simulation times and the indices of time points to...
powerlawAInteraction matrix with Power-Law network adjacency matrix
randomAGenerate random interaction matrix for GLV model
randomEGenerate random efficiency matrix
rdirichletGenerate dirichlet random deviates
simulateConsumerResourceConsumer-resource model simulation
simulateEventTimesGenerate a vector of event times
simulateGLVGeneralized Lotka-Volterra (gLV) simulation
simulateHubbellHubbell's neutral model simulation
simulateHubbellRatesHubbell's neutral model simulation applied to time series
simulateRickerGenerate time series with the Ricker model
simulateSOISelf-Organised Instability model (SOI) simulation
simulateStochasticLogisticStochastic Logistic simulation
microbiome/miaSim documentation built on July 22, 2024, 4:58 p.m.