randomA: Generate random interaction matrix for GLV model

View source: R/randomA.R

randomAR Documentation

Generate random interaction matrix for GLV model


Generates a random interaction matrix for Generalized Lotka-Volterra (GLV) model.


  names_species = NULL,
  diagonal = -0.5,
  connectance = 0.2,
  scale_off_diagonal = 0.1,
  mutualism = 1,
  commensalism = 1,
  parasitism = 1,
  amensalism = 1,
  competition = 1,
  interactions = NULL,
  symmetric = FALSE,
  list_A = NULL



Integer: number of species


Character: names of species. If NULL, paste0("sp", seq_len(n_species)) is used. (default: names_species = NULL)


Values defining the strength of self-interactions. Input can be a number (will be applied to all species) or a vector of length n_species. Positive self-interaction values lead to exponential growth. (default: diagonal = -0.5)


Numeric frequency of inter-species interactions. i.e. proportion of non-zero off-diagonal terms. Should be in the interval 0 <= connectance <= 1. (default: connectance = 0.2)


Numeric: scale of the off-diagonal elements compared to the diagonal. (default: scale_off_diagonal = 0.1)


Numeric: relative proportion of interactions terms consistent with mutualism (positive <-> positive) (default: mutualism = 1)


Numeric: relative proportion of interactions terms consistent with commensalism (positive <-> neutral) (default: commensalism = 1)


Numeric: relative proportion of interactions terms consistent with parasitism (positive <-> negative) (default: parasitism = 1)


Numeric: relative proportion of interactions terms consistent with amensalism (neutral <-> negative) (default: amensalism = 1)


Numeric: relative proportion of interactions terms consistent with competition (negative <-> negative) (default: competition = 1)


Numeric: values of the n_species^2 pairwise interaction strengths. Diagonal terms will be replaced by the 'diagonal' parameter If NULL, interactions are drawn from runif(n_species^2, min=0, max=abs(diagonal)). Negative values are first converted to positive then the signs are defined by the relative weights of the biological interactions (i.e. mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, amensalism, competition) (default: interactions = NULL)


Logical: whether the strength of mutualistic and competitive interactions are symmetric. This is implemented by overwrite a half of the matrix, so the proportions of interactions might deviate from expectations. (default: symmetric=FALSE)


List: a list of matrices generated by randomA. Used to support different groups of interactions. If NULL (by default), no group is considered. Otherwise the given list of matrices will overwrite values around the diagonal. (default: list_A = NULL)


randomA returns a matrix A with dimensions (n_species x n_species)


dense_A <- randomA(
    n_species = 10,
    scale_off_diagonal = 1,
    diagonal = -1.0,
    connectance = 0.9

sparse_A <- randomA(
    n_species = 10,
    diagonal = -1.0,
    connectance = 0.09

user_interactions <- rbeta(n = 10^2, .5, .5)
user_A <- randomA(n_species = 10, interactions = user_interactions)

competitive_A <- randomA(
    n_species = 10,
    mutualism = 0,
    commensalism = 0,
    parasitism = 0,
    amensalism = 0,
    competition = 1,
    connectance = 1,
    scale_off_diagonal = 1

parasitism_A <- randomA(
    n_species = 10,
    mutualism = 0,
    commensalism = 0,
    parasitism = 1,
    amensalism = 0,
    competition = 0,
    connectance = 1,
    scale_off_diagonal = 1,
    symmetric = TRUE

list_A <- list(dense_A, sparse_A, competitive_A, parasitism_A)
groupA <- randomA(n_species = 40, list_A = list_A)

microbiome/miaSim documentation built on July 22, 2024, 4:58 p.m.