randomE: Generate random efficiency matrix

View source: R/randomE.R

randomER Documentation

Generate random efficiency matrix


Generate random efficiency matrix for consumer resource model from Dirichlet distribution, where positive efficiencies indicate the consumption of resources, whilst negatives indicate that the species would produce the resource.


  names_species = NULL,
  names_resources = NULL,
  mean_consumption = n_resources/4,
  mean_production = n_resources/6,
  maintenance = 0.5,
  trophic_levels = NULL,
  trophic_preferences = NULL,
  exact = FALSE



Integer: number of species


Integer: number of resources


Character: names of species. If NULL, paste0("sp", seq_len(n_species)) is used. (default: names_species = NULL)


Character: names of resources. If NULL, paste0("res", seq_len(n_resources)) is used.


Numeric: mean number of resources consumed by each species drawn from a poisson distribution (default: mean_consumption = n_resources/4)


Numeric: mean number of resources produced by each species drawn from a poisson distribution (default: mean_production = n_resources/6)


Numeric: proportion of resources that cannot be converted into products between 0~1 the proportion of resources used to maintain the living of microorganisms. 0 means all the resources will be used for the reproduction of microorganisms, and 1 means all the resources would be used to maintain the living of organisms and no resources would be left for their growth(reproduction). (default: maintenance = 0.5)


Integer: number of species in microbial trophic levels. If NULL, by default, microbial trophic levels would not be considered. (default: trophic_levels = NULL)


List: preferred resources and productions of each trophic level. Positive values indicate the consumption of resources, whilst negatives indicate that the species would produce the resource.


Logical: whether to set the number of consumption/production to be exact as mean_consumption/mean_production or to set them using a Poisson distribution. (default: exact = FALSE) If length(trophic_preferences) is smaller than length(trophic_levels), then NULL values would be appended to lower trophic levels. If NULL, by default, the consumption preference will be defined randomly. (default: trophic_preferences = NULL)


randomE returns a matrix E with dimensions (n_species x n_resources), and each row represents a species.


# example with minimum parameters
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(n_species = 5, n_resources = 12)

# examples with specific parameters
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 3, n_resources = 6,
    names_species = letters[1:3],
    names_resources = paste0("res", LETTERS[1:6]),
    mean_consumption = 3, mean_production = 1
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 3, n_resources = 6,
    maintenance = 0.4
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 3, n_resources = 6,
    mean_consumption = 3, mean_production = 1, maintenance = 0.4

# examples with microbial trophic levels
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
    trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1),
    trophic_preferences = list(
        c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 5)),
        c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5)),
        c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 5))
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
    trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1),
    trophic_preferences = list(c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 5)), NULL, NULL)
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
    trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1)

microbiome/miaSim documentation built on July 22, 2024, 4:58 p.m.