simulateGLV: Generalized Lotka-Volterra (gLV) simulation

View source: R/simulateGLV.R

simulateGLVR Documentation

Generalized Lotka-Volterra (gLV) simulation


Simulates time series with the generalized Lotka-Volterra model.


  names_species = NULL,
  A = NULL,
  x0 = NULL,
  growth_rates = NULL,
  sigma_drift = 0.001,
  sigma_epoch = 0.1,
  sigma_external = 0.3,
  sigma_migration = 0.01,
  epoch_p = 0.001,
  t_external_events = NULL,
  t_external_durations = NULL,
  stochastic = TRUE,
  migration_p = 0.01,
  metacommunity_probability = NULL,
  error_variance = 0,
  norm = FALSE,
  t_end = 1000,



Integer: number of species


Character: names of species. If NULL, paste0("sp", seq_len(n_species)) is used. (default: names_species = NULL)


matrix: interaction matrix defining the positive and negative interactions between n_species. If NULL, randomA(n_species) is used. (default: A = NULL)


Numeric: initial abundances of simulated species. If NULL, runif(n = n_species, min = 0, max = 1) is used. (default: x0 = NULL)


Numeric: growth rates of simulated species. If NULL, runif(n = n_species, min = 0, max = 1) is used. (default: growth_rates = NULL)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed noise applied in each time step (t_step) (default: sigma_drift = 0.001)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed noise applied to random periods of the community composition with frequency defined by the epoch_p parameter (default: sigma_epoch = 0.1)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed noise applied to user-defined external events/disturbances (default: sigma_external = 0.3)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed variable that defines the intensity of migration at each time step (t_step) (default: sigma_migration = 0.01)


Numeric: the probability/frequency of random periodic changes introduced to the community composition (default: epoch_p = 0.001)


Numeric: the starting time points of defined external events that introduce random changes to the community composition (default: t_external_events = NULL)


Numeric: respective duration of the external events that are defined in the 't_external_events' (times) and sigma_external (std). (default: t_external_durations = NULL)


Logical: whether to introduce noise in the simulation. If False, sigma_drift, sigma_epoch, and sigma_external are ignored. (default: stochastic = FALSE)


Numeric: the probability/frequency of migration from a metacommunity. (default: migration_p = 0.01)


Numeric: Normalized probability distribution of the likelihood that species from the metacommunity can enter the community during the simulation. If NULL, rdirichlet(1, alpha = rep(1,n_species)) is used. (default: metacommunity_probability = NULL)


Numeric: the variance of measurement error. By default it equals to 0, indicating that the result won't contain any measurement error. This value should be non-negative. (default: error_variance = 0)


Logical: whether the time series should be returned with the abundances as proportions (norm = TRUE) or the raw counts (default: norm = FALSE) (default: norm = FALSE)


Numeric: the end time of the simulationTimes, defining the modeled time length of the community. (default: t_end = 1000)


additional parameters, see utils to know more.


Simulates a community time series using the generalized Lotka-Volterra model, defined as dx/dt = x(b+Ax), where x is the vector of species abundances, diag(x) is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal values set to x. A is the interaction matrix and b is the vector of growth rates.


simulateGLV returns a TreeSummarizedExperiment class object


# generate a random interaction matrix
ExampleA <- randomA(n_species = 4, diagonal = -1)

# run the model with default values (only stochastic migration considered)
tse <- simulateGLV(n_species = 4, A = ExampleA)

# run the model with two external disturbances at time points 240 and 480
# with durations equal to 1 (10 time steps when t_step by default is 0.1).
ExampleGLV <- simulateGLV(
    n_species = 4, A = ExampleA,
    t_external_events = c(0, 240, 480), t_external_durations = c(0, 1, 1)

# run the model with no perturbation nor migration
tse1 <- simulateGLV(
    n_species = 4, A = ExampleA, stochastic = FALSE,
    sigma_migration = 0

# run the model with no perturbation nor migration but with measurement error
tse2 <- simulateGLV(
    n_species = 4, A = ExampleA, stochastic = FALSE,
    error_variance = 0.001, sigma_migration = 0

microbiome/miaSim documentation built on July 2, 2024, 5:02 a.m.