simulateConsumerResource: Consumer-resource model simulation

View source: R/simulateConsumerResource.R

simulateConsumerResourceR Documentation

Consumer-resource model simulation


Simulates time series with the consumer-resource model.


  names_species = NULL,
  names_resources = NULL,
  E = NULL,
  x0 = NULL,
  resources = NULL,
  resources_dilution = NULL,
  growth_rates = NULL,
  monod_constant = NULL,
  sigma_drift = 0.001,
  sigma_epoch = 0.1,
  sigma_external = 0.3,
  sigma_migration = 0.01,
  epoch_p = 0.001,
  t_external_events = NULL,
  t_external_durations = NULL,
  stochastic = FALSE,
  migration_p = 0.01,
  metacommunity_probability = NULL,
  error_variance = 0,
  norm = FALSE,
  t_end = 1000,
  trophic_priority = NULL,
  inflow_rate = 0,
  outflow_rate = 0,
  volume = 1000,



Integer: number of species


Integer: number of resources


Character: names of species. If NULL, paste0("sp", seq_len(n_species)) is used. (default: names_species = NULL)


Character: names of resources. If NULL, paste0("res", seq_len(n_resources)) is used.


matrix: matrix of efficiency. A matrix defining the efficiency of resource-to-biomass conversion (positive values) and the relative conversion of metabolic by-products (negative values). If NULL, randomE(n_species, n_resources) is used. (default: E = NULL)


Numeric: initial abundances of simulated species. If NULL, runif(n = n_species, min = 0.1, max = 10) is used. (default: x0 = NULL)


Numeric: initial concentrations of resources. If NULL, runif(n = n_resources, min = 1, max = 100) is used. (default: resources = NULL)


Numeric: concentrations of resources in the continuous inflow (applicable when inflow_rate > 0). If NULL, resources is used. (default: resources_dilution = NULL)


Numeric: vector of maximum growth rates(mu) of species. If NULL, rep(1, n_species) is used. (default: growth_rates = NULL)


matrix: the constant of additive monod growth of n_species consuming n_resources. If NULL, matrix(rgamma(n = n_species*n_resources, shape = 50*max(resources), rate = 1), nrow = n_species) is used. (default: monod_constant = NULL)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed noise applied in each time step (t_step) (default: sigma_drift = 0.001)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed noise applied to random periods of the community composition with frequency defined by the epoch_p parameter (default: sigma_epoch = 0.1)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed noise applied to user-defined external events/disturbances (default: sigma_external = 0.3)


Numeric: standard deviation of a normally distributed variable that defines the intensity of migration at each time step (t_step) (default: sigma_migration = 0.01)


Numeric: the probability/frequency of random periodic changes introduced to the community composition (default: epoch_p = 0.001)


Numeric: the starting time points of defined external events that introduce random changes to the community composition (default: t_external_events = NULL)


Numeric: respective duration of the external events that are defined in the 't_external_events' (times) and sigma_external (std). (default: t_external_durations = NULL)


Logical: whether to introduce noise in the simulation. If False, sigma_drift, sigma_epoch, and sigma_external are ignored. (default: stochastic = FALSE)


Numeric: the probability/frequency of migration from a metacommunity. (default: migration_p = 0.01)


Numeric: Normalized probability distribution of the likelihood that species from the metacommunity can enter the community during the simulation. If NULL, rdirichlet(1, alpha = rep(1,n_species)) is used. (default: metacommunity_probability = NULL)


Numeric: the variance of measurement error. By default it equals to 0, indicating that the result won't contain any measurement error. This value should be non-negative. (default: error_variance = 0)


Logical: whether the time series should be returned with the abundances as proportions (norm = TRUE) or the raw counts (default: norm = FALSE) (default: norm = FALSE)


Numeric: the end time of the simulationTimes, defining the modeled time length of the community. (default: t_end = 1000)


Matrix: a matrix defining the orders of resources to be consumed by each species. If NULL, by default, this feature won't be turned on, and species will consume all resources simultaneously to grow. The dimension should be identical to matrix E. (default: trophic_priority = NULL)

inflow_rate, outflow_rate

Numeric: the inflow and outflow rate of a culture process. By default, inflow_rate and outflow_rate are 0, indicating a batch culture process. By setting them equally larger than 0, we can simulate a continuous culture(e.g. chemostat).


Numeric: the volume of the continuous cultivation. This parameter is important for simulations where inflow_rate or outflow_rate are not 0. (default: volume = 1000)


additional parameters, see utils to know more.


an TreeSummarizedExperiment class object


n_species <- 2
n_resources <- 4
tse <- simulateConsumerResource(
    n_species = n_species,
    n_resources = n_resources

## Not run: 
# example with user-defined values (names_species, names_resources, E, x0,
# resources, growth_rates, error_variance, t_end, t_step)

ExampleE <- randomE(
    n_species = n_species, n_resources = n_resources,
    mean_consumption = 3, mean_production = 1, maintenance = 0.4
ExampleResources <- rep(100, n_resources)
tse1 <- simulateConsumerResource(
    n_species = n_species,
    n_resources = n_resources, names_species = letters[seq_len(n_species)],
    names_resources = paste0("res", LETTERS[seq_len(n_resources)]), E = ExampleE,
    x0 = rep(0.001, n_species), resources = ExampleResources,
    growth_rates = runif(n_species),
    error_variance = 0.01,
    t_end = 5000,
    t_step = 1

# example with trophic levels
n_species <- 10
n_resources <- 15
ExampleEfficiencyMatrix <- randomE(
    n_species = 10, n_resources = 15,
    trophic_levels = c(6, 3, 1),
    trophic_preferences = list(
        c(rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5), rep(0, 5)),
        c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5), rep(-1, 5)),
        c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 5))

ExampleResources <- c(rep(500, 5), rep(200, 5), rep(50, 5))
tse2 <- simulateConsumerResource(
    n_species = n_species,
    n_resources = n_resources,
    names_species = letters[1:n_species],
    names_resources = paste0(
        "res", LETTERS[1:n_resources]
    E = ExampleEfficiencyMatrix,
    x0 = rep(0.001, n_species),
    resources = ExampleResources,
    growth_rates = rep(1, n_species),
    # error_variance = 0.001,
    t_end = 5000, t_step = 1

# example with trophic priority
n_species <- 4
n_resources <- 6
ExampleE <- randomE(
    n_species = n_species,
    n_resources = n_resources,
    mean_consumption = n_resources,
    mean_production = 0
ExampleTrophicPriority <- t(apply(
    matrix(sample(n_species * n_resources),
        nrow = n_species
    1, order
# make sure that for non-consumables resources for each species,
# the priority is 0 (smaller than any given priority)
ExampleTrophicPriority <- (ExampleE > 0) * ExampleTrophicPriority
tse3 <- simulateConsumerResource(
    n_species = n_species,
    n_resources = n_resources,
    E = ExampleE,
    trophic_priority = ExampleTrophicPriority,
    t_end = 2000

## End(Not run)

microbiome/miaSim documentation built on July 2, 2024, 5:02 a.m.