
Defines functions .theme_plotGraph .add_graph_labels .graph_plotter .incorporate_graph_vis .add_graph_data_or_warn .colnames_tbl_graph .add_graph_node_labels .get_graph_data .plot_row_column_graph .norm_layout_edge_type .check_graph_plot_switches

#' Plotting igraph objects with information from a \code{SummarizedExperiment}
#' \code{plotGraph} plots an \code{igraph} object with additional information
#' matched from a \code{SummarizedExperiment} object for the nodes only.
#' Information on the edges have to provided manually.
#' @param x,y a graph object and a
#'   \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#'   object or just a 
#'   \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#'   For the latter object a graph object must be stored in \code{metadata(x)$name}.
#' @param name \code{Character scalar}. If \code{x} is a 
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' the key for subsetting the \code{metadata(x)} to a graph object. (Default: \code{"graph"})
#' @param show.label \code{Logical scalar}, \code{integer vector} or \code{character vector}
#'   If a \code{logical} scalar is given, should tip labels be plotted
#'   or if a logical vector is provided, which labels should be shown? If an
#'   \code{integer} or \code{character} vector is provided, it will be converted
#'   to a logical vector. The \code{integer} values must be in the range of 1
#'   and number of nodes, whereas the values of a \code{character} vector must
#'   match values of a \code{label} or \code{name} column in the node data. In
#'   case of a \code{character} vector only values corresponding to actual
#'   labels will be plotted and if no labels are provided no labels will be
#'   shown. (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param show_label Deprecated. Use \code{show.label} instead.
#' @param add.legend \code{Logical scalar}. Should legends be plotted? 
#'   (Default: \code{TRUE})
#' @param add_legend Deprecated. Use \code{add.legend} instead.
#' @param layout \code{Character scalar}. Layout for the plotted graph. See 
#'   \code{\link[ggraph:ggraph]{ggraph}} for details. (Default: \code{"kk"})
#' @param edge.type \code{Character scalar}. Type of edge plotted on the graph. See 
#'   \code{\link[ggraph:geom_edge_fan]{geom_edge_fan}} for details and other 
#'   available geoms. (Default: \code{"fan"})
#' @param edge_type Deprecated. Use \code{edge.type} instead.
#' @param edge.colour.by \code{Character scalar}. Specification of an edge 
#'   metadata field to use for setting colours of the edges. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param edge_colour_by Deprecated. Use \code{edge.colour.by} instead.
#' @param edge.width.by \code{Character scalar}. Specification of an edge metadata 
#'   field to use for setting width of the edges. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param edge_width_by Deprecated. Use \code{edge.width.by} instead.
#' @param colour.by \code{Character scalar}. Specification of a column metadata 
#'   field or a feature to colour graph nodes by, see the by argument in 
#'   \code{\link[scater:retrieveCellInfo]{?retrieveCellInfo}} for possible 
#'   values. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param colour_by Deprecated. Use \code{colour.by} instead.
#' @param shape.by \code{Character scalar}. Specification of a column metadata 
#'   field or a feature to shape graph nodes by, see the by argument in 
#'   \code{\link[scater:retrieveCellInfo]{?retrieveCellInfo}} for possible 
#'   values. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param shape_by Deprecated. Use \code{shape.by} instead.
#' @param size.by \code{Character scalar}. Specification of a column metadata 
#'   field or a feature to size graph nodes by, see the by argument in 
#'   \code{\link[scater:retrieveCellInfo]{?retrieveCellInfo}} for possible 
#'   values. (Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param size_by Deprecated. Use \code{size.by} instead.
#' @param assay.type \code{Character scalar}. or \code{integer scalar}. Specifies 
#'   which assay to obtain expression values from, for use in point aesthetics - see the 
#'   \code{exprs_values} argument in \code{\link[scater:retrieveCellInfo]{?retrieveCellInfo}}.
#'   (Default: \code{"counts"})
#' @param by_exprs_values Deprecated. Use \code{assay.type} instead.
#' @param other.fields Additional fields to include in the node information
#'   without plotting them.
#' @param other_fields Deprecated. Use \code{other.fields} instead. 
#' @param ... additional arguments for plotting. See 
#'   \code{\link{mia-plot-args}} for more details i.e. call \code{help("mia-plot-args")}
#' @details
#' Internally \code{tidygraph} and \code{ggraph} are used. Therefore, all 
#' graph types which can be converted by \code{tidygraph::as_tbl_graph} can
#' be used.
#' @return a \code{\link{ggtree}} plot
#' @name plotGraph
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data setup
#' library(mia)
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' data(col_graph)
#' data(row_graph)
#' data(row_graph_order)
#' metadata(GlobalPatterns)$col_graph <- col_graph
#' genus <- agglomerateByRank(GlobalPatterns,"Genus",na.rm=TRUE)
#' metadata(genus)$row_graph <- row_graph
#' order <- agglomerateByRank(genus,"Order",na.rm=TRUE)
#' metadata(order)$row_graph <- row_graph_order
#' # plot a graph independently
#' plotColGraph(col_graph,
#'              genus,
#'              colour.by = "SampleType",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight",
#'              show.label = TRUE)
#' # plot the graph stored in the object
#' plotColGraph(genus,
#'              name = "col_graph",
#'              colour.by = "SampleType",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight")
#' # plot a graph independently
#' plotRowGraph(row_graph,
#'              genus,
#'              colour.by = "Kingdom",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight")
#' # plot the graph stored in the object
#' plotRowGraph(genus,
#'              name = "row_graph",
#'              colour.by = "Phylum",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight")
#' # plot a graph independently
#' plotRowGraph(row_graph_order,
#'              order,
#'              colour.by = "Kingdom",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight")
#' # plot the graph stored in the object and include some labels
#' plotRowGraph(order,
#'              name = "row_graph",
#'              colour.by = "Phylum",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight", 
#'              show.label = c("Sulfolobales","Spirochaetales",
#'                             "Verrucomicrobiales"))
#' # labels can also be included via selecting specific rownames of x/y
#' plotRowGraph(order,
#'              name = "row_graph",
#'              colour.by = "Phylum",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight", 
#'              show.label = c(1,10,50))
#' # labels can also be included via a logical vector, which has the same length
#' # as nodes are present
#' label_select <- rep(FALSE,nrow(order))
#' label_select[c(1,10,50)] <-  TRUE
#' plotRowGraph(order,
#'              name = "row_graph",
#'              colour.by = "Phylum",
#'              edge.colour.by = "weight",
#'              edge.width.by = "weight",
#'              show.label = label_select)
#' }

#' @rdname plotGraph
#' @export
setGeneric("plotColGraph", signature = c("x","y"),
           function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("plotColGraph"))

#' @rdname plotGraph
#' @export
setGeneric("plotRowGraph", signature = c("x","y"),
           function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("plotRowGraph"))

.check_graph_plot_switches <- function(show_label, add_legend){
        if( (!is.logical(show_label) && !is.character(show_label) && 
            !is.numeric(show_label)) ||
            stop("'show_label' must be either TRUE or FALSE or logical, ",
                 "integer or character ",
                 "vector. Character alues should match the label of the graph.",
                 call. = FALSE)
        stop("'add_legend' must be either TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)

.norm_layout_edge_type <- function(layout, edge_type){
    edge_type <- match.arg(edge_type[1L], c("fan","link","arc","parallel"))
    return(list(layout = layout,
                edge_type = edge_type))

#' @rdname plotGraph
#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tbl_graph
#' @export
    signature = c(x = "ANY",y = "SummarizedExperiment"),
    function(x, y,
             show.label = show_label,
             show_label = FALSE,
             add.legend = add_legend,
             add_legend = TRUE,
             layout = "kk",
             edge.type = edge_type,
             edge_type = c("fan","link","arc","parallel"),
             edge.colour.by = edge_colour_by,
             edge_colour_by = NULL,
             edge.width.by = edge_width_by,
             edge_width_by = NULL,
             colour.by = colour_by,
             colour_by = NULL,
             shape.by = shape_by,
             shape_by = NULL,
             size.by = size_by,
             size_by = NULL,
             assay.type = by_exprs_values,
             by_exprs_values = "counts",
             other.fields = other_fields,
             other_fields = list(),
        .plot_row_column_graph(x = x, y = y,
                              show_label = show.label,
                              add_legend = add.legend,
                              layout = layout,
                              edge_type = edge.type,
                              edge_colour_by = edge.colour.by,
                              edge_width_by = edge.width.by,
                              colour_by = colour.by,
                              shape_by = shape.by,
                              size_by = size.by,
                              by_exprs_values = assay.type,
                              other_fields = other.fields,
                              type = "column",

#' @rdname plotGraph
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @export
    signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment", y = "missing"),
    function(x, y, name = "graph", ...){
        graph <- metadata(x)[[name]]
            stop("No data found in metadata for key '",name,"'", call. = FALSE)
        plotColGraph(graph, x, ...)

#' @rdname plotGraph
#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tbl_graph
#' @export
    signature = c(x = "ANY",y = "SummarizedExperiment"),
    function(x, y,
             show.label = show_label,
             show_label = FALSE,
             add.legend = add_legend,
             add_legend = TRUE,
             layout = "kk",
             edge.type = edge_type,
             edge_type = c("fan","link","arc","parallel"),
             edge.colour.by = edge_colour_by,
             edge_colour_by = NULL,
             edge.width.by = edge_width_by,
             edge_width_by = NULL,
             colour.by = colour_by,
             colour_by = NULL,
             shape.by = shape_by,
             shape_by = NULL,
             size.by = NULL,
             assay.type = by_exprs_values,
             by_exprs_values = "counts",
             other.fields = other_fields,
             other_fields = list(),
        .plot_row_column_graph(x = x, y = y,
                               show_label = show.label,
                               add_legend = add.legend,
                               layout = layout,
                               edge_type = edge.type,
                               edge_colour_by = edge.colour.by,
                               edge_width_by = edge.width.by,
                               colour_by = colour.by,
                               shape_by = shape.by,
                               size_by = size.by,
                               by_exprs_values = assay.type,
                               other_fields = other.fields,
                               type = "row",

#' @rdname plotGraph
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @export
    signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment", y = "missing"),
    function(x, y, name = "graph",...){
        graph <- metadata(x)[[name]]
            stop("No data found in metadata for key '",name,"'", call. = FALSE)
        plotRowGraph(graph, x, ...)

.plot_row_column_graph <- function(x, y,
                                   show_label = FALSE,
                                   add_legend = TRUE,
                                   layout = "kk",
                                   edge_type = c("fan","link","arc","parallel"),
                                   edge_colour_by = NULL,
                                   edge_width_by = NULL,
                                   colour_by = NULL,
                                   shape_by = NULL,
                                   size_by = NULL,
                                   by_exprs_values = "counts",
                                   other_fields = list(),
                                   type = c("row","column"),
    type <- match.arg(type)
    # input check
    .check_graph_plot_switches(show_label = show_label,
                               add_legend = add_legend)
    norm_out <- .norm_layout_edge_type(layout, edge_type)
    layout <- norm_out$layout
    edge_type <- norm_out$edge_type
    graph_data <- .get_graph_data(x)
    label_out <- .add_graph_node_labels(graph_data, show_label)
    graph_data <- label_out$df
    show_label <- label_out$show_label
    vis_out <- .incorporate_graph_vis(graph_data,
                                      se = y,
                                      edge_colour_by = edge_colour_by,
                                      edge_width_by = edge_width_by,
                                      colour_by = colour_by,
                                      shape_by = shape_by,
                                      size_by = size_by,
                                      by_exprs_values = by_exprs_values,
                                      other_fields = other_fields,
                                      type = type)
    graph_data <- vis_out$df
    edge_colour_by <- vis_out$edge_colour_by
    edge_width_by <- vis_out$edge_width_by
    colour_by <- vis_out$colour_by
    shape_by <- vis_out$shape_by
    size_by <- vis_out$size_by
                   layout = layout,
                   edge_type = edge_type,
                   add_legend = add_legend,
                   show_label = show_label,
                   edge_colour_by = edge_colour_by,
                   edge_width_by = edge_width_by,
                   colour_by = colour_by,
                   shape_by = shape_by,
                   size_by = size_by,


#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tbl_graph
.get_graph_data <- function(graph){
    graph_data <- as_tbl_graph(graph)

#' @importFrom tidygraph activate
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
.add_graph_node_labels <- function(graph_data, show_label){
    if(!("label" %in% .colnames_tbl_graph(graph_data, "nodes")) &&
       ("name" %in% .colnames_tbl_graph(graph_data, "nodes"))){
        graph_data <- graph_data %>%
            activate("nodes") %>%
            mutate(label = .data$name)
    if(!is.logical(show_label) || length(show_label) > 1L) {
        data <- graph_data %>% 
            activate("nodes") %>%
        if(is.character(show_label) && 
                  length(show_label) == nrow(data)) {
            graph_data <- graph_data %>% 
                activate("nodes") %>%
                mutate(label = show_label)
            show_label <- TRUE
        } else if(!("label" %in% .colnames_tbl_graph(graph_data, "nodes"))){
            warning("If 'show_label' is a character vector with length != ",
                    "number of nodes in the graph or a logical/integer ",
                    "vector, a 'name' or 'label' column must exist in the ",
                    "graph data.",
                    call. = FALSE)
            show_label <- FALSE
        } else {
                if(any(show_label != as.integer(show_label)) ||
                       min(show_label) < 1 ||
                       max(show_label) > nrow(data)){
                    stop("If 'show_label' is numeric, values have to be whole ",
                         "numbers and must be between 1 and the number of nodes ",
                         "in the graph",
                         call. = FALSE)
                label <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
                label[show_label] <- TRUE
                show_label <- label
            } else if(is.character(show_label)) {
                show_label <- data$label %in% show_label
            if(is.logical(show_label) &&
               length(show_label) != nrow(data)){
                stop("If 'show_label' is logical, it must have the length as ",
                     "nodes are in the graph.",
                     call. = FALSE)
            graph_data <- graph_data %>% 
                activate("nodes") %>%
                mutate(label = ifelse(show_label, label, NA_character_))
            show_label <- TRUE
        if(all(is.na(graph_data %>% activate("nodes") %>% pull("label")))){
            show_label <- FALSE
            warning("No labels to plot.", call. = FALSE)
    return(list(df = graph_data,
                show_label = show_label))

#' @importFrom tidygraph activate as_tibble
.colnames_tbl_graph <- function(graph_data, type){
    graph_data %>% 
        activate(!!sym(type)) %>% 
        as_tibble() %>% 

#' @importFrom tidygraph activate
.add_graph_data_or_warn <- function(data, graph_data, type, name = data$name){
    names <- .colnames_tbl_graph(graph_data, type)
    if(name %in% names){
        warning("Data for '",name,"' already present in graph nodes.",
                "Data will not be added.",
                call. = FALSE)
    graph_data %>% 
        activate(!!sym(type)) %>%
        mutate(!!sym(data$name) := data$value)

#' @importFrom scater retrieveFeatureInfo retrieveCellInfo
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom tidygraph activate as_tibble
.incorporate_graph_vis <- function(graph_data,
                                   by_exprs_values = "counts",
                                   other_fields = list(),
                                   type = c("row","column")){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    type_FUN <- switch(type,
                       row = scater::retrieveFeatureInfo,
                       column = scater::retrieveCellInfo)
    variables <- c(colour_by = colour_by,
                   shape_by = shape_by,
                   size_by = size_by)
    colour_by <- NULL
    shape_by <- NULL
    size_by <- NULL
    # node data
        # remove any variables values, which are already available and
        # rename columns by their usage
        cn <- .colnames_tbl_graph(graph_data,"nodes")
        if(length(cn) > 0L){
            f <- variables %in% cn
                for(i in seq_along( variables[f])){
                    var_name <- names(variables[f])[i]
                    # mirror back variable name
                    assign(var_name, .get_new_var_name_value(get(var_name),
                    # rename columns by their usage
                    graph_data %>% 
                        activate("nodes") %>%
                        dplyr::rename(!!sym(var_name) := variables[f][i])
                variables <- variables[!f]
        if(length(variables) > 0L){
            dim_graph_nodes <- graph_data %>% 
                activate("nodes") %>%
                as_tibble() %>%
            dim_se <- switch(type,
                             row = nrow(se),
                             column = ncol(se))
            if(dim_graph_nodes[1] != dim_se){
                stop("The number of nodes in the graph and chosen dimension ",
                     "of the SummarizedExperiment must be equal.",
                     call. = FALSE)
            for(i in seq_along(variables)){
                # get data
                feature_info <- type_FUN(se, variables[i],
                                         exprs_values = by_exprs_values)
                feature_info_name <- feature_info$name
                # mirror back variable name, if a partial match was used
                var_name <- names(variables)[i]
                assign(var_name, .get_new_var_name_value(get(var_name),
                # rename columns by their usage
                feature_info$name <- var_name
                graph_data <- .add_graph_data_or_warn(feature_info, graph_data,
                                                      type = "nodes",
    if(length(other_fields) != 0L){
        for (o in other_fields) {
            other <- type_FUN(se, o, exprs_values = by_exprs_values)
            graph_data <- .add_graph_data_or_warn(other, graph_data, 
                                                  type = "nodes")
    # edge data
    variables <- c(edge_colour_by = edge_colour_by,
                   edge_width_by = edge_width_by)
    edge_colour_by <- NULL
    edge_width_by <- NULL
    cn <- .colnames_tbl_graph(graph_data,"edges")
    variables <- variables[variables %in% cn]
    if(length(variables)  != 0L){
        for(i in seq_along(variables)){
            var_name <- names(variables)[i]
            # mirror back variable name
            assign(var_name, .get_new_var_name_value(get(var_name),
            # rename columns by their usage
            graph_data <- graph_data %>% 
                activate("edges") %>%
                mutate(!!sym(var_name) := !!sym(unname(variables[i])))
    return(list(df = graph_data,
                edge_colour_by = edge_colour_by,
                edge_width_by = edge_width_by,
                colour_by = colour_by,
                shape_by = shape_by,
                size_by = size_by))

.graph_plotter <- function(
        algorithm = NULL,
        line_alpha = line.alpha,
        line.alpha = 1,
        line_width = line.width,
        line.width = NULL,
        line_width_range = line.width.range,
        line.width.range = c(0.5,3),
        point_alpha = point.alpha,
        point.alpha = 1,
        point_size = point.size,
        point.size = 2,
        point_size_range = point.size.range,
        point.size.range = c(1,4)){
    # assemble arg list
    point_out <- .get_point_args(colour_by,
                                 alpha = point_alpha,
                                 size = point_size)
    edge_out <- .get_graph_edge_args(edge_colour_by,
                                     alpha = line_alpha,
                                     size = line_width,
    edge_FUN <- match.fun(paste0("geom_edge_",edge_type))
    # begin plotting
        plot_out <- ggraph(object, layout = layout, algorithm = algorithm)
    } else {
        plot_out <- ggraph(object, layout = layout)
    plot_out <- plot_out +
        do.call(edge_FUN, edge_out$args) +
        do.call(geom_node_point, point_out$args)
    # add node labels
    plot_out <- .add_graph_labels(plot_out, show_label)
    # adjust edge colours
        plot_out <- .resolve_plot_colours(plot_out,
                                          object %>% 
                                              activate("edges") %>% 
                                          type = "edges",
                                          na.translate = FALSE,
                                          # Specify guide
                                          guide = "edge_colourbar"
    if (!is.null(edge_width_by)) {
        if(is.numeric(object %>% activate("edges") %>% pull("edge_width_by"))){
            SIZEFUN <- scale_edge_width_continuous
        } else {
            SIZEFUN <- scale_edge_width_discrete
        plot_out <- .add_extra_guide_graph(plot_out, edge_width_by) +
            SIZEFUN(range = line_width_range)
        if(is.numeric(object %>% activate("nodes") %>% pull("size_by"))){
            SIZEFUN <- scale_size_continuous
        } else {
            SIZEFUN <- scale_size_discrete
        plot_out <- plot_out +
            SIZEFUN(range = point_size_range)
    # adjust point colours
        plot_out <- .resolve_plot_colours(plot_out,
                                          object %>% 
                                              activate("nodes") %>% 
                                          fill = point_out$fill,
                                          na.translate = FALSE)
    # add additional guides
    plot_out <- .add_extra_guide(plot_out, shape_by, size_by)
    # add theme
    plot_out <- .theme_plotGraph(plot_out)
    # optionally hide legends
    if (!add_legend) {
        plot_out <- plot_out +
            theme(legend.position = "none")

#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
.add_graph_labels <- function(plot_out, show_label){
    label <- NULL # disable note: no global binding for variable
        label_data <- plot_out$data %>% drop_na(label)
        plot_out <- plot_out +
            geom_node_label(mapping = aes(label = .data[["label"]]), 
                            data = label_data,
                            repel = TRUE,
                            max.overlaps = 100)

.theme_plotGraph <- function(plot){
    plot + 
        theme_graph(base_family = "",
                    background = NA)
microbiome/miaViz documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 8:57 p.m.