.find <- function(x, vec, full) { full[tolower(vec) %in% tolower(x)] }
#' @title Get State of County Spatial Boundary
#' @details
#' \code{getFiat} returns a \code{SpatialPolygons} object
#' for a defiend state and/or county. Boundaries come from
#' the 2017 US Census TIGER Dataset and are projected to
#' \emph{EPSG:4269}.
#' @param country \code{character}. Full name, ISO 3166-1 2 or 3 digit code.
#' Not case senstive
#' @param state \code{character}. Full name or two character abbreviation.
#' Not case sensitive
#' @param county \code{character}. Provide county name(s).
#' Requires 'state' input.
#' @param bb \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} then the bounding geometry of
#' state/county is returned, default is \code{FALSE} and returns
#' fiat geometries
#' @return a \code{SpatialPolygons} object projected to \emph{EPSG:4269}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get Single State
#' getFiat(state = "CA")
#' # Get Multi-state
#' getFiat(state = c("CA", "Utah", "Nevada"))
#' # Get County
#' getFiat(state = "CA", county = "San Luis Obispo")
#' # Get Muli-county
#' getFiat(state = "CA", county = c("San Luis Obispo", "Santa Barbara", "Ventura"))
#' }
#' @importFrom rnaturalearth ne_countries
#' @importFrom fipio fips_metadata
getFiat <- function(country = NULL, state = NULL, county = NULL, fip = NULL) {
map0 <- map1 <- map2 <- map3 <- NULL
if (!is.null(country)) {
countries <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")
region1 <- tolower(country)
region2 <- gsub("south", "southern", region1)
region2 <- gsub("australia", "oceania", region1)
region2 <- gsub("north", "northern", region1)
region2 <- gsub("east", "eastern", region1)
region2 <- gsub("west", "western", region1)
region <- unique(unlist(c(
sapply(c(region1, region2), .find, vec = countries$subregion, full = countries$name),
sapply(c(region1, region2), .find, vec = countries$continent, full = countries$name),
sapply(c(region1, region2), .find, vec = countries$region_un, full = countries$name),
sapply(c(region1, region2), .find, vec = countries$region_wb, full = countries$name)
map0 <- countries[countries$name %in% region, ]
country <- unlist(c(
sapply(country, .find, vec = countries$name, full = countries$name),
sapply(country, .find, vec = countries$iso_a2, full = countries$name),
sapply(country, .find, vec = countries$iso_a3, full = countries$name),
sapply(country, .find, vec = countries$iso_n3, full = countries$name)
map1 <- countries[countries$name %in% country, ]
if (all(nrow(map0) == 0, nrow(map1) == 0)) {
stop("No country found.")
if (!is.null(state)) {
ret = fip_meta(state = state, county = county)
ret = ret[!sf::st_is_empty(ret),]
if(is.null(ret) | nrow(ret) == 0 ){
ret = list_states()
ret = ret[tolower(ret$region) %in% tolower(state),]
ret = merge(
fip_meta(state = ret$state_abbr, county = county),
all.x = TRUE)
ret = ret[!sf::st_is_empty(ret),]
if(nrow(ret) == 0 ){ stop('State, county pair(s) not found', call. = FALSE) }
map2 <- ret
if(!nchar(fip) %in% c(2,5)){
stop("FIP codes must be of length 2 or 5")
} else {
map3 <- st_as_sf(fipio::fips_metadata(fip, geometry = TRUE))
ll = list(map0, map1, map2, map3)
if(sum(unlist(lapply(ll, nrow)) > 0) > 1){
ll = lapply(1:length(ll), function(x){ ll[[x]][, c('name')]})
return(do.call(rbind, ll))
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