
#' Print Linear Equation
#' Print the linear equation from a glm or lm object
#' @param model a glm or lm object
#' @param round rounding for parameters
#' @export

Misc.PrintLinearEquation = function(model, round = 3){
  eq = paste0(round(model$coefficients[1], round), " + ",
              paste0(round(model$coefficients[-1], round), all.vars(formula(model))[-1], collapse = " + ")
  return(gsub("\\+ -", "- ", eq))

#' Set current working directory to the one copied on clipboard
#' @export
Misc.setwdClipboard = function(){

#' Install commonly used packages
#' To get a newly installed R version ready
#' @export
Misc.InstallCommon = function(Packages = c("caret",
  Install = function(PackageName){
    if (!PackageName %in% installed.packages()[,1])
  for (Package in Packages){

#' Append to current RData file
#' @param ... objects
#' @param file RData file
#' @export
Misc.AppendRData <- function(..., list = character(), file) {
  previous  <- load(file)
  var.names <- c(list, as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1L])
  for (var in var.names) assign(var, get(var, envir = parent.frame()))
  save(list = unique(c(previous, var.names)), file = file)
minh2182000/MToolBox documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:14 a.m.