#' k-nearest neighbours for IFN plots
#' Builds a weighted neighbouring object containing the k-nearest neighbours as well as the distances to them,
#' from a matrix of longitude/latitude coordinates.
#' @param coords Matrix of plot coordinates in longitude and latitude, with plot IDs as row names.
#' @param k Number of neighbours to determine.
#' @param verbose Boolean flag to turn on console output informing of the calculation process.
#' @return An object of class \code{list} with elements 'neighbours' and 'distances'. Plot IDs are stored in attribute 'IDs'
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load example plot coordinates
#' data(examplePlotCoords)
#' examplePlotCoords
#' # Build neighbour object (only one neighbour)
#' nb = IFNknn(examplePlotCoords, k = 1)
#' nb
IFNknn<-function(coords, k = 57, verbose = TRUE) {
# K-nearest neighbours
if(verbose) cat(paste0("(a) Determining ",k,"-nearest neighbours - "))
kn <- knearneigh(coords, k = k)
#Transform to nb object
if(verbose) cat(paste0("(b) Building 'nb' object - "))
nb<-knn2nb(kn, row.names = rownames(coords))
#Estimates distances from
if(verbose) cat(paste0("(c) Calculating distances - "))
nbd <- nbdists(nb, coords, longlat = TRUE)
ids <- attr(nb, "region.id")
nb_w = list(neighbours = nb, distances = nbd)
attr(nb_w, "ID") = ids
if(verbose) cat(paste0("done."))
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