
summaryinterpolationdata<-function(object, var, fun=mean, freq=NULL, dates = NULL, months = NULL, ...) {
  if(!inherits(object,"MeteorologyInterpolationData")) stop("'object' has to be of class 'MeteorologyInterpolationData'.")
  VARS = c("MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
           "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
           "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET")
  var = match.arg(var, VARS)
  codes = rownames(object@coords)
  if(is.null(codes)) codes = row.names(object@Precipitation)
  if(is.null(codes)) codes = 1:nrow(object@coords)
  points = SpatialPoints(object@coords, proj4string = object@proj4string, bbox = object@bbox)
  npoints = length(codes)
  cat(paste("  Summarizing ", var, " in ", npoints," weather stations...\n", sep=""))
  if(is.null(dates)) dates = object@dates
  obsdata = slot(object, var) # Get variable data
  dfvec = vector("list",npoints)
  pb = txtProgressBar(0, npoints, 0, style = 3)
  for(i in 1:npoints) {
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if(!is.null(months)) {
      m = as.numeric(format(dates,"%m"))
      dates = dates[m %in% months]
    if(is.null(freq)) {
      dfvec[[i]] =  do.call(fun, args=list(obsdata[i,as.character(dates)],...))
    } else {
      date.factor = cut(dates, breaks=freq)
      dfvec[[i]] = tapply(obsdata[i,as.character(dates)],INDEX=date.factor, FUN=fun,...)
  noutvars = length(dfvec[[1]])
  dfout = data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=npoints, ncol=noutvars))
  rownames(dfout) = codes
  outvarnames = names(dfvec[[1]])
  if(!is.null(outvarnames)) names(dfout) = outvarnames
  cat(paste("  Arranging output...\n", sep=""))
  pb = txtProgressBar(0, npoints, 0, style = 3)
  for(i in 1:npoints) {
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    dfout[i,] = as.numeric(dfvec[[i]])
miquelcaceres/meteoland documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:57 p.m.