
Defines functions plot_PCcor_heatmap

Documented in plot_PCcor_heatmap

#' Plot a heatmap of correlations between PCs and other sample variables
#' This is a wrapper for \code{ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap}, designed to make plotting of PC correlations more
#' automated. It also provides a nicer default color palette than the \code{ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap} default.
#' @param PCcor_result a numeric matrix or data.frame, generally the result of \code{calc_PCcors}. Should have annotation variables as columns and PCs as rows.
#' @param filename a character string. If provided, the function outputs a pdf of the plot, named "{filename}.pdf". If not provided, the function prints to a plotting window.
#' @param plotdims a numeric vector, the size (in inches) of the plotting object (if outputting to a file)
#' @param my_heatmap_cols a vector of color names, typically the result of a call to \code{colorRampPalette}. Default is a blue (low) to white (middle) to red (high) palette.
#' @param center_colors_zero logical, whether to center the color scale on 0. Ignored if \code{my_heatmap_cols} is specified. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param PC_dendro,var_dendro logical, whether to include the row and/or columns dendrogram(s). Both default to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param orientation character, either "horizontal" or "vertical", specifying the direction to plot the correlations. If "horizontal" (the default), PCs are rows and other variables are columns. If "vertical", PCs are columns and other variables are rows. Partial matches are allowed.
#' @param remove_all_NA_cols logical, whether to remove variables where all the correlation values are NA. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... (optional) additional arguments passed to \code{ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap}.
#' @export
plot_PCcor_heatmap <-
  function(PCcor_result, filename=NULL, plotdims=c(9,9),
           my_heatmap_cols, center_colors_zero=TRUE,
           PC_dendro=FALSE, var_dendro=FALSE,
           ...) {
    PCcor_result <- as.matrix(PCcor_result)
    orientation <-
      match.arg(orientation, choices=c("horizontal", "vertical"))
    if (remove_all_NA_cols)
      PCcor_result <- miscHelpers::remove_all_NA_rowcols(PCcor_result, rows=FALSE)
    if (missing(my_heatmap_cols)) {
      if (center_colors_zero) {
        val_max_abs <- max(abs(range(PCcor_result, na.rm=TRUE)))
        my_heatmap_cols <-
            breaks=c(-val_max_abs, 0, val_max_abs),
            colors=c("blue", "white", "red"))
      } else {
        my_heatmap_cols <-
            breaks=range(PCcor_result, na.rm=TRUE),
            colors=c("blue", "white", "red"))
    # open plotting device
    if (!is.null(filename)) {
      pdf(file=filename, w=plotdims[1], h=plotdims[2])
      on.exit(dev.off()) # close plotting device on exit
    if (orientation == "horizontal") {
      row_dendro <- PC_dendro; col_dendro <- var_dendro
    } else if (orientation == "vertical") {
      col_dendro <- PC_dendro; row_dendro <- var_dendro
      PCcor_result <- t(PCcor_result)
    # generate heatmap
    heatmap_result <-
mjdufort/RNAseQC documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 12:28 p.m.