
Defines functions backHX_calculations

Documented in backHX_calculations

#' Summary of backexchange summary
#' Returns average and ranges of backexchange. Function calculates as: 1- (m100%-m0%)/N/Dfact.
#' m0% is the non-deuterated peptide centroid mass, m100% is the maximally labeled peptide centroid mass, N is
#' the theoretical number of backbone amides in the peptide and Dfrac is the fraction of D/H in the labeling buffer used.
#' Function requires undeuterated and Fully deuterated sets marked in Deut.time as 0s and FD respectively.
#' @param filepath filepath to the input file. Input file is All_results table from HDX_Examiner, where all the fields are marked for export.
#' @param Dfact is the fraction of D/H in the labeling buffer used. Default set up to 0.85
#' @return Returns summary table for backexchange.
#' @examples
#' file_nm<-system.file("extdata", "All_results_table.csv", package = "HDXBoxeR")
#' a<- backHX_calculations(filepath=file_nm, Dfact=0.85)
#' @export
backHX_calculations<- function(filepath, Dfact=0.85){
a<-read.csv(file=filepath,  header = FALSE, skip = 1)### load the file witout headers
nm<-read.csv(file=filepath, header = TRUE, row.names = NULL, nrows = 1)###load the header names
colnames(a)<-c(nm1) ##assign names to the columns
a<-a[,c(1:6,8,9, 17,18)]
if (all(a$Deut.Time == '0s')== FALSE & length(unique(a$Deut.Time == '0s'))==2){
  undeut<-a[which(a$Deut.Time == '0s'),]}
if (all(a$Deut.Time == 'FD')== FALSE & length(unique(a$Deut.Time == 'FD'))==2){
  FD<-a[which(a$Deut.Time == 'FD'),]}

tst<-merge(undeut, FD, by = c('Protein.State', 'Start','End', 'Sequence',
for (state in unique(a$Protein.State)){
  temp1<-tst[which(tst$Protein.State ==state),]

bck_levels<-c(bck_levels,round(c(mean(backHX), range(backHX)), digits=2))
#bck_levels<-c(bck_levels, paste(state, "state. Ave BackHX: ", round(mean(backHX), digits = 2), "% ; BackHX range: ",
#                  round(range(backHX)[1], digits = 2),"-", round(range(backHX)[2], digits = 2), "%"))
names(sum1)<- unique(a$Protein.State)
row.names(sum1)<-c("<BackHX>", "BackHX Range From", "To")
mkajano/HDXBoxeR documentation built on April 23, 2024, 12:28 a.m.